K-5th Elementary Music Information

K-5 Music Grading System
Because I have had several questions concerning the students first quarter grades in music class, I wanted to share with
you the grading procedure used for music at Junction Hill. Music has a very unique classroom environment. In many
ways it is less structured than a regular classroom. There are no desks and we often are up out of our chairs and
sometimes moving around the room. There is very little written work in class and virtually no homework. Therefore
their grade is based on classroom cooperation and participation.
In an effort to create more of a distinction in a student’s music grade, I am trying a new system this school year. In
music class, students in K-5 grade earn a minus (-), a slash (/) or a plus (+). In order for each class to have the same
number of points , I will strive to put symbols into the grade book 10 times each quarter. The goal is to always get a
plus; 100 points possible for class behavior and participation per quarter. A plus means you are trying your best, using
good behavior and participating by doing all requested music activities. These may include, but are not limited to:
clapping rhythms, singing, playing instruments, doing body movement, paying attention, class participation, etc.
A plus (+) means a student has participated in all requested activities for the duration of the music class. They have had
great behavior and are striving to do everything to the very best of their ability. A plus is worth “10” points.
A slash (/) means a student has participated in some of the class period, but not all. A student earns a slash by picking
and choosing what they will and will not do. They may sing some, or clap rhythms some, but not participate in all
requested class activities. A student may also earn a slash by being moderately disruptive in class (not raising their hand
to speak, getting up out of their seat, intentionally making mistakes, etc.) A slash is worth “5” points.
A minus (-) means a student has not participated in the class period or has been extremely disruptive. A student earns a
minus by just sitting there for the duration of the class period or having extremely disruptive behavior (which includes
excessive talking). A minus is worth “0” points.
Keep in mind, I try not to call students out by name unless it is really necessary. To avoid embarrassment, I make
blanket statements to encourage everyone to fully participate. ie. “I need everyone to clap the rhythm with me.” “We
all need to be singing, let’s try that again.” “I like the way the first row is sitting up nice and tall, can we all sit up nice
and tall?” Occasionally I may walk over to student and speak directly to them to encourage their participation.
Students get a star (*) for participating in performances. A star is worth 40 points. A student earns a star by showing up
and participating in the duration of the concert performance. If a student is unable to attend the concert for whatever
reason, he or she may choose to sing the concert music to me in person or make a written report. Each written page or
song sung will be worth 10 points. A report cannot be used as extra credit, only if one misses the concert performance.
Quarters with a performance (usually second and fourth quarters) will have 140 points possible.
No one gets an “A” just for showing up. I have set high goals for Junction Hill’s music program and in order to achieve
those goals, we need every student giving 100% every time they come to class. Parents can help by encouraging their
kids to have a good time in music, behave and try their very best. Music also has the added bonus of developing
pathways in the brain that can carry over into other areas of learning. Research has shown that the same areas of the
brain that are used in listening to and performing music are also used in doing math and learning to read. Music
requires self-discipline and teamwork in the classroom and with the parents, as we work toward creating a dynamite
music program!
November 12, 2007
Parents of K – 5 grade students
Heather Schneider, JH Music Teacher
Up-coming concert, grading system
K-2 Grade
3-5 Grade
95% to 100% A
The Junction Hill Christmas Concert will be held in the school gym at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, December 13th. Because
your child’s voice is so critical to the quality of our performance, I need everyone to stay in their assigned position for
the duration of the concert. I tend to worry about kids when I expect to see them and they don’t show-up. I especially
worry when I know certain kids have practiced a very special part in the program, making their presence that much
more important! If your child is unable to participate, please send a note to me so I know in advance not to expect them
(and not to assign them a special part). If your child is unexpectedly sick the night of the concert, please send a note
with them when they return to school. The concert will not last more than one hour.
This year we are going to have a “Junction Hill Family Christmas”. To help us with that we need pictures of you! We are
gathering pictures of you and your family to use in a slideshow for the concert performance. We would like for the
photos to somehow portray the holiday season. Specific examples might be pictures of your child/children decorating
the Christmas Tree, everyone sitting down to a family dinner, opening gifts, a scenic view of fresh snow, raking or playing
in leaves, sledding or playing in the snow, a trip in the car, etc. Please put your child’s first and last name on the back of
the picture and we will return it to you after it is scanned. You may also send photos via e-mail to
Each time we have a concert I have several parents ask me what their child should wear for the performance. It is not
necessary for you to purchase a new or special outfit for the program. I would like for your child to look their best.
Having two little ones of my own, I know how challenging that can be at times! Encourage them as best you can
(without losing your patience). The kids and I are so excited about the concert we have planned for you!
Above is the grading scale I am using for K-5 grade students. On the reverse side of this sheet is a detailed explanation
of how I figure music grades. I have discussed the grading system with the students on numerous occasions and remind
them regularly that their goal when they come to music is to get a “plus” for the day. I encourage you to talk with your
child/children to make sure they fully understand how their actions and participation when in music class affect their
quarter grade.
I encourage you to contact me if you have any comments, questions or concerns about your child or anything having to
do with the JH music program. My school e-mail is hschneider@junctionhill.k12.mo.us. The school phone number is
(417)256-4265. The best time to reach me at school is between 9:30 and 10:15 a.m., the noon hour or 1:40 to 2:30 p.m.