Ukulele Concert Friday, 12th February 2016

Singlewell School
Mackenzie Way Gravesend
Kent DA12 5TY
Telephone: (01474) 569859
Facsimile: (01474) 327466
Headteacher: Mrs Michelle Brown
Deputy Headteacher: Mrs Alison Nash
Dear Parents
18th January 2016
The children have all been working hard during the ukulele lessons with Mr Ball, learning a
variety of skills on the instrument, reading music, singing and playing together. Oh, and also
having fun!
Unfortunately, the final session is on Friday 12th February, and so, the children would like to
share their achievements with you, hence you are invited to attend an informal concert
featuring all of the Year 4 Class, the Year 5 Continuers Group and the Year 6 Continuers
Group. The concert will be held in the Hall commencing at 2.30pm.
Please can you return the form below as soon as possible, so that we can organise the seating.
Thanking you for your support.
Yours sincerely
Miss J Hillier
Child’s Name:………………………………………………………………………Class:………………………………….
I/We would like to attend the Ukulele Concert at 2.30pm on Friday 12th February 2016
Please can I/we have ………………….seats.
Signed (Parent/Guardian)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………