Playground Policy - Clarence Town Public School

Clarence Town Public School
Playground Policy and Procedures
 To provide clear guidelines for the organisation of playground duties for teachers.
 To provide a clear definition of what is required of teachers and children during rostered
periods of the day.
To provide a clear link with the discipline policy.
To ensure a playground that is a safe and happy environment for all.
To provide clear and consistent expectations for staff and students.
To make documentation available to all teachers required to carry out playground duty.
The following points will support a consistent and positive approach to playground duties.
Playground areas are defined to ensure that children remain in areas during the day where
they can be safely supervised.
Duties are designed to ensure that students have adequate time for both eating and
playing, and that the playground is shared equitably between all students.
Teachers will actively supervise their designated area.
Teachers will maintain consistency in terms of dealing with playground problems.
Teachers will reinforce playground rules, expectations and boundaries to assist in
providing a playground which is safe and secure for children, staff, parents and visitors.
Children should be in the defined playground areas, and not behind buildings, or
playing in or around toilet areas or office areas.
Playing beyond the red lines is deemed out of bounds.
Teachers will deal with unacceptable behaviour as per School Discipline Policy.
Duty Roster
The rostered duties at Clarence Town Public School are established to ensure adequate safe
supervision of children throughout the day. The duties are:
 Morning Duty - 8.30am and 9.00am – playground supervision as children arrive at school
( one teacher);
 Recess Duty –11.00am. to 11.25 am - playground supervision while children eat recess
then move to play activities as directed (two teachers);
 First Half Lunch Duty – 1.15.m to 1.35pm - playground supervision while children remain
seated then move to play activities as directed( two teachers);
 Second Half Lunch Duty –1.35pm to 1.55pm-playground supervision while children are
engaged in play activities ( two teachers);
 Crossing Duty – 3.00pm to 3.10 pm to assist with the safe departure of students from
the school grounds via the Queen Street gate exit ( one teacher); and
 Library –1.35pm – 1.55pm - supervised by librarian on Tuesday, Wednesday and
Rostered Periods
Before School – Children arriving before 8.30a.m are to remain seated near the special
purpose room until a teacher commences duty. Children then put bags outside
classrooms. They may then play under the COLA outside the hall, or on the netball court.
Ball games may be played at teacher discretion. Children do not wait for friends at gates or
fences. At the 8.55 am bell children line up in their classes under the COLA area.
Recess - All children eat under the COLA. Children are to remain seated until released by
teachers at approximately 11.15 a.m. At this time they put lunch boxes etc away,
purchase from the canteen and/or commence play. On canteen days (Monday,
Wednesday and Friday) children are only permitted to go to the canteen at 11 a.m to
collect class or individual recess orders. Other items can be purchased from 11.15a.m
onwards. At this time ‘Tawny Corner’ and the Fixed Equipment is only available to
Primary children (Yrs 3- 6).
Lunch – All children are to eat under the COLA. Children are to remain seated until
released by teachers at approximately 1.30p.m (teacher discretion). At this time they put
lunch boxes etc away, may go to the canteen and / or commence play. On canteen days
(Monday, Wednesday and Friday) children may only go to the canteen before this time to
obtain items listed on their lunch order but not included in their order. ‘Tawny Corner’ and
the Fixed Equipment are only available to Infants children (Yrs K – 2). The sports store
room will be opened and two senior students will supervise the borrowing of equipment for
a short period of time before locking the shed. The sports store room will reopen shortly
prior to the end of lunch bell for the return of borrowed equipment. Children borrowing
equipment are responsible for its return.
No Hat No Play - All children are to wear the school issue hat during play periods.
Children who do not have a hat are required to play under the COLA or covered verandah
areas outside in bounds classrooms.
After School - All children intending to use the crossing, including children who will be
crossing with parents, are to assemble outside the library. When the Crossing Duty
teacher arrives, they will then depart to school with the duty teacher. Children will not use
the crossing if the teacher is not stationed there. The teacher on duty will wear the safety
vest provided.
Playground Behaviour Folders- This folder is maintained to record student behaviour.
The folders are to be returned to the office at the end of each play period. Any recorded
incidents are noted on the RISC system. The folder is maintained by the Principal or
Assistant Principal Student Welfare. Incidents noted in the folders will be followed up with
a parent referral note. A teacher, parent and student interview/meeting may take place.
Children whose name appears for positive behaviour are given recognition in Weekly
Assemblies. Children whose names do not appear for negative behaviour each term are
rewarded with a certificate, and/or a special reward (e.g. DVD afternoon)
Time Out- The seats near the Special Purpose Room, or the steps leading to the office,
may be used by teachers as time-out spaces for children in response to situations
requiring a clear and immediate consequence.
Withdrawal from Playground- if a teacher deems that time out in the playground will not
be an appropriate or adequate response to ensure the safety of a child or children in the
playground, the child may be sent from the playground to the Principal.