Pie in your teacher’s face….. Or save your teacher…What??? We are doing a dollar drive for a pie in a teacher’s face!!! How it works: The teacher with the largest amount of money gets a pie in the face. If you want your teacher to get a pie in the face then put your $1, $5, $10, $50, $100 bills in your teacher’s jug. If you want to save your teacher and have another teacher get a pie in their face, put your money in the other teacher’s jug. This competition starts Monday, September 21st – Wednesday, October 7th. The teacher with the largest amount of $ in their jug will get a pie in the face at on Wednesday, October 7th @ 1:45pm. One teacher will win out of each competing category: K2 – K5 1st – 5th Jr. High – Mrs. White, Mrs. Carrico, Mrs. Soliz, Mr. Arthur High School – Mrs. Miller, Mr. Rankin, Mr. Guilliod, Mrs. Marrero Coaches – Mr. Trevino, Mr. Wachsmann, Coach Jonny Ready, set, pie in the face!!!