Annual Assessment Report BSN

Division of Academic Affairs
Annual Assessment Report AY 11-12
For Undergraduate & Graduate Degree Programs
Program Information
Name of Program:
Prepared By:
BSN in Nursing
Denise Boren/Director and
(Department Chair/Program Coordinator)
Pam Kohlbry/Associate Director
September 14, 2012
Email Address:
PART A: Annual Assessment Report AY 11-12
Due by May 24, 2012
A. the program student learning outcomes you focused on for assessment this year.
B. the assessment activities you used to measure student learning in these areas.
C. the results of your assessment(s).
D. the significance of your results.
A. Apply the nursing process through critical thinking and professional nursing judgment to provide and evaluate
nursing care needed to sustain life, to recover from disease and injury, and cope with their effects in acute and
long term care institutional and community settings.
B. Assessment Activities:
 Develop a rubric template for assessing Nursing Care Plans
 Review a sampling of Nursing Care Plans in NURS 221, 223, and 323
 Review midterm and final students clinical evaluations by medical-surgical faculty
 Medical-surgical nursing ATI scores on nursing process content
C. The Medical-Surgical team met, developed a rubric and reviewed the syllabi, assignments, care plans, and
evaluation criteria for standardization and consistency. The Medical-Surgical team reviews ATI performance to
improve areas of pedagogy and content. An ATI Taskforce will review the ATI performance for all areas of the
curriculum this academic year.
D. The Medical-Surgical team found discrepancies in grading, teaching rubric differences between courses, and
the clinical evaluations were not as comprehensive and specialized as they wanted.
2) As a result of your assessment findings, what changes at either the course- or program-level are being made and/or
proposed in order to improve student learning? Please articulate how your assessment findings suggest the need for
any proposed changes.
Across all medical-surgical courses, in order to keep grading and content consistent, nursing care plans rubrics
were created to guide students in care plan preparation and faculty in grading in a more objective way.
The Medical-Surgical team evaluated the clinical evaluation tools and determined they did not capture or measure
all the SLO’s. In response to this finding, the team developed a more specific, extensive tool for clinical evaluation. It
was piloted and approved for use in all medical-surgical clinical courses.
ATI performance scores are reviewed by the Medical-Surgical team and areas of low performance are stressed in
course content the following time courses are taught. The ATI Taskforce is refining the process this academic year.
3) If you used the resources that were given to you as stated in your plan, please check here.
If you used them differently, please provide specifics.