Curriculum Information for Parents / Carers Autumn Term 2014 Lower Key Stage 2 SEAL topic Curriculum PE times Reading Homework Our SEAL topic for this half term is: Relationships We will be working in class looking at different relationships that we have and how we can build good relationships with our peers. Our topic for the first half of term is: Rainforests We will be covering this through the subject areas below; Literacy Texts – The Vanishing Rainforest by Richard Platt Maths - Place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, shape, time, money and fractions. Science – Animals and Food Chains RE – Parables ICT – Databases Geography – Climate DT – Embroidery PE indoor & outdoor –Gymnastics, Fitness skills, Swimming (Redwood class) Music – Ukulele, Singing Our topic for the second half of term is: Romans We will be covering this through the subject areas below; Literacy Texts – The Rotten Romans and The Ruthless Romans Maths - Place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, shape, time, money and fractions. Science – Light RE – Sukkot and Christmas gifts ICT – Brochures using Microsoft Word and Publisher History- The Romans Art- Mosaics PE indoor & outdoor –Dance, Fitness skills, Swimming (Redwood class) Music – Ukulele, Singing Please ensure that your child has the correct PE kit on the following days: Class Indoor Outdoor Swimming Chestnut Monday Tuesday Larch Friday Wednesday Redwood Wednesday Thursday Indoor kit – black shorts and white t-shirt Outdoor kit – black shorts or tracksuit bottoms, white t-shirt, sweatshirt (for colder weather) and trainers At St Paul’s we would like you to listen and talk to your child about the book that they bring home from school every evening. Each child has a Reading Record for you to make comment on when you have heard your child read. These need to be brought into school everyday. Homework will be given once a week on a Friday. It is due in on a Thursday. Please discuss the homework that your child has each week as this relates to their learning in school