Curriculum Information for Parents / Carers - Spring Term Lower Key Stage Two Curriculum SEAL topic PE times Our SEAL topic for this term is: Communication Through the work in class the children will be thinking about positive ways to communicate and how we can communicate effectively. Our topic for the first half of term is: Our topic for the second half of this term is: Adventurers and Explorers Hopes and Dreams We will be covering this through the subject areas below; We will be covering this through the subject areas below; Literacy Texts – Ice Trap, Avoid Joining Shackleton's Polar Literacy Texts – African poetry, Farther Expedition, African poetry and creation stories Maths - The number system, calculating, problem solving and Maths - The number system, calculating, problem solving and measures measures Science – Circuits and Conductors Science – Separating solids and liquids RE – Passover and Easter (Events) RE – St. Paul ICT – Animation ICT – Blogging History – Historical figures History – Historical skills linked to Shackleton the explorer Geography – Comparing different places Geography – Map work, Using sources Sustainability – Getting away from it all Sustainability – Getting away from it all Art – Marbelling DT – Shelter building DT – Tudor houses PE indoor & outdoor – Invasion Games, Fitness skills, Swimming PE indoor & outdoor – Gymnastics, Fitness skills, Swimming (Chestnut (Chestnut class) class) Music – Ukulele, Singing Music – Ukulele, Singing During February we will be having African History Month. This will be covered in the curriculum with African poetry and creations tories, looking at Famous historical figures, and African Art. We plan to have some celebration days! Please ensure that your child has the correct PE kit on the following days: Class Indoor Outdoor Swimming Chestnut Tuesday Thursday Larch Monday Wednesday (finished) Redwood Monday Thursday (Summer Term) Indoor kit – black shorts and white t-shirt Outdoor kit – black shorts or tracksuit bottoms, white t-shirt, sweatshirt (for colder weather) and trainers Reading At St Paul’s we would like you to listen and talk to your child about the book that they bring home from school every evening. Each child has a Reading Record for you to make comment on when you have heard your child read. These need to be brought into school every day. Homework Homework will be given once a week on a Friday. It is due in on a Thursday. Please discuss the homework that your child has each week as this relates to their learning in school