St Edward*s Year 5 Curriculum Mrs - st

St Edward’s Year 2 Curriculum Miss Mongan’s Class
Spring Term 1 - 2016
Dear Parents,
Please find below details of the areas of study your child will be covering this
spring half term.
The children will learn:
 To compose sentences orally before writing them.
 To use capital letters and full stops consistently in their writing.
 To use question marks, exclamation marks, commas and speech marks in
their writing.
 To use a range of sentence starters and connectives in their writing.
 To use a variety of adjectives and descriptive phrases in their writing.
The children will cover the following writing focuses:
 Healthy Me Booklet – non-fiction
 Whales and Dolphins – non-chronological report
 Sharks – non-chronological report
 Different stories by the same author – Julia Donaldson
- The Snail and the Whale – story
- The Smartest Giant in Town – letter
 The Big Bad Wolf – character description
Reading – Weekly guided reading focusing on different aspects of the book.
Phonics – blending and segmenting Phases 3/4/5 phonemes and begin Phase 6.
Handwriting – practice of lower case letters and capital letters and use of
cursive script.
Spellings – learn to spell all High Frequency words from Year 1/2 list.
Key learning
The children will learn:
 Times tables – X2 X5 X10 X3
Number and place value
 Read and write 2 and 3 digit numbers in numbers and words.
 Compare and order numbers using the greater than (>) and less than (<)
Addition and Subtraction
 Mental maths – addition/subtraction to 20.
Number pairs to 10/20 and related facts to 100.
Addition/Subtraction of 2 digit numbers. Recognise and use the
inverse relationship between addition and subtraction and use this to
check calculations and missing number problems.
Multiplication and division
 Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10
multiplication tables, including recognising odd and even numbers.
 Time – o’clock, half past, quarter to, quarter past, five past, ten past etc
 Choose and use appropriate standard units to estimate and measure mass
(kg/g) and capacity (litres/ml)
 Recognise the value of all coins and solve problems using money.
Families and Celebrations
The children will have the opportunity to reflect on what it means to be a
member of a family. They will think about what it means to be a member of the
school family. They will have the opportunity to understand what it means to
belong to the Church family. They will know that God is our Father in heaven and
think about why it is important. The children will have the opportunity to hear
how Jesus’ family took him to the Temple and think about why this was a special
celebration. They will know about some of the celebrations in the Church and
why we celebrate these occasions.
The children will use Interactive Communication Technology to research the
International Primary Curriculum Topics. They will use ICT to support their
learning in Literacy & Numeracy.
ICT Skills
Children will learn
 how to use ICT responsibly and safely
how to find reliable information from a range of sources including the
to communicate information using text – to type in text and use
different keys
how to create pictures using simple mark making tools
use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs
understand what algorithms are and how they are implemented as
Topic – Health and Growth
In Science the children will learn
 That animals, including humans grow and reproduce.
 About different ways to stay healthy including eating a balanced diet,
exercise and personal hygiene.
 About medicines and the associated dangers
IPC Topic
In Topic children will learn
 The names of the main external body parts.
 What the five human senses are.
 The names and characteristics of a range of animals.
 How the brain connects to other body parts.
In Art the children will:
 Create collage of healthy foods
 Use different media to create skeleton pictures.
P.E will be taught on Monday and Tuesday afternoons. P.E. kit is required.
Please ensure that all items are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
The children will create and perform dances using simple movement
They will use movement imaginatively, responding to stimuli.
Reading – Children will take home two reading books each Tuesday. Please could
the children return these the following Monday so they can be changed again for
the next day.
Spellings – Children will take home spellings to learn each half term and they will
be given a spelling quiz each Friday.
Homework – Children will take home a piece of Literacy or Numeracy homework
each Friday. Please could homework be completed and returned to school by the
following Tuesday.