The Big Lunch Schools Resources – KS2, Activity 1

The Big Lunch Schools Resources – Key Stage 2, Activity 1
Learning objectives – develop a sense of community and identify different types of
community gatherings and understand why they are important
Resources and preparation
 Powerpoint of groups of animals and cut-up sets of collective nouns (1 set per group)
 Large sheets of paper and coloured pens
Teacher splits pupils into groups and gives each group a set of Animal Collectives
(Task Sheet 1) – pupils are challenged to come up with the collective noun for each
group –do one as an example
Each group is given a set of collective nouns (Task Sheet 2) and asked to match the
correct picture with the correct term
What is the collective noun for a group of humans? Do a mind map on the board and
elicit: community, group, crowd, household, etc.
What are the key differences/similarities between all the words? Eg the difference
between a crowd and a community? A community work together, don’t just mix
Teacher writes a list of all the communities he/she is involved in - eg. yoga class, the
school, the place I live in, my family …
Pupils think of, write/share with a partner, at least 3 communities they are involved in
In their groups, pupils should write the names of their colleagues across a large sheet
of paper and begin to join the names up with colours linking to different communities;
for example, John belongs to Scouts – who else belongs to Scouts? Join them all
together with one colour. Make a key for each community. Pupils should move around
asking/answering questions to complete the Community Map (potential prize for first
finishers) – See Task Sheet 3 for example
Each group shows and talks through their connections
Pupils write up their findings about the class in a series of sentences
Could be used as material for a potential assembly on why communities are important
Why are community gatherings a good idea? What is the best one you have been to?
Encourage pupils to share their experience of a community gathering with a partner.
Collect pupil stories from around the class e.g. auntie’s wedding, carnival, village fete
etc. Ask pupils: Are there any gatherings that we are looking forward to this year?
What are they?
Extension – research other collective
nouns to describe other groups of
animals (10)
Homework – describe or write an account
of a gathering or group event you have
been to recently