2015-16 Academic Plan Adv Leadership

Advanced Principles of Leadership
Instructor: Johanna Phillips
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
-Mahatma Gandhi
Student leaders are the heart of Shorecrest! We work
hard to ensure that all Scots feel welcomed and included
while enjoying a rich high school experience. We are
servant leaders, serving our school while striving to
improve our character through practicing the Eight
Course Summary:
This semester long elective is designed to give students an opportunity to live up to their fullest potential and
become leaders in their school and community by learning and participating in various leadership experiences.
Students will have the opportunity to practice leadership skills gained in “Introduction to Principles of Leadership”
in both their school and in their community while building an inclusive and positive school climate.
As part of the Leadership class, students will also plan, participate in, and facilitate the greater activities program
found at Shorecrest.
This course does not have a specific textbook, however, students should expect to receive various outside reading
sources provided by the teacher to build skills and supplement topics of discussion. Additionally, much of the
servant leadership philosophy that will be the backbone of this course is based on the principles outlined in “The
Servant,” by James C. Hunter.
Students are responsible for having a three-ring notebook or specified section in a three-ring notebook for this
course. In addition, students must bring to class their student planner (or designated planner), lined notebook
paper, pens, and pencils.
Course Content:
Content: Students in this course will continue to practice and develop greater understanding in the areas of
communication skills, group dynamics, awareness, qualities of leaders, organizational and time-management
strategies, how to run effective meetings and discussions, how to effectively communicate ideas through public
speaking and publicity campaigns. The Servant Leadership model is the foundation of this course. Students will
help in building an inclusive and positive school climate.
Assignments in this class include planning and executing large-scale activities and projects as determined by the
Leadership Class and needs of the school community. These events can include Charitable Drives, Homecoming,
School-Wide Assemblies, Theme Weeks supporting school cultures, and other events that support ASB goals and
school mission. Participation at activities outside of the regular school day will be expected. Students in this course
are required to attend special all-school events.
Skills: Primarily, students will take turns chairing large events and projects, managing all aspects of the project
from planning and preparation to advertising, obtaining materials, working within a budget, and collaborating with
others. They will also execute the event and evaluate their work. Students in this course will exercise
communication skills, practice facilitation of groups, implement organizational and time-management strategies,
lead effective meetings and discussions, and improve their public speaking ability.
Class Expectations:
Summary of the Course – See above, “Course Content”
Assessment Strategies - Assignments in this class include in-class activities and projects as determined by the Leadership
Class and needs of the school community. Quizzes will be used to assess content knowledge. Written and oral
reflection will be used to assess student growth throughout the semester.
Procedures and Expectations Related to HomeworkTraditional homework will not be assigned on a regular basis in class. As part of the Leadership course, students
will be required to attend and/or provide assistance at Highlander Home, lunch and to some afternoon/evening
Late Work –
Because this course is responsible for the activities that happen at school, students must be responsible for getting
all plans, projects, and work in on time. If you require an accommodation please see the instructor at least two
days before the due date. Late work not associated with a project/event deadline can be turned in for 60% credit
Planner Expectations –
Students are responsible for being aware of responsibilities they have signed up for or been assigned and must be
recorded on your I-Cal or a personal calendar/planner. Extracurricular participation at activities will be
expected. Students in this course are required to attend certain all school events with advance notice given by
Other Course Expectations –
Students must sign and return the Student Leadership Code of Conduct on the last page to participate in this
course. Students who are reported in violation of the Code of Conduct or exhibiting inappropriate behavior at
school or school-sponsored activities/events will be dealt with on an individual level and could result in corrective
behavior/disciplinary action. Their grade in the course may be affected by this action if they are removed from the
Rationale: Students enrolled in this course are student leaders throughout the school day and during
school-sponsored activities and events. Given the visibility of this class, leadership students are expected
to set a positive example in all that they do. It is expected that leadership students follow all school
guidelines and constantly exhibit appropriate behavior including respect for themselves, fellow
classmates, faculty/staff, and the school. Leadership students should think often of how their actions can
make Shorecrest a more welcoming environment in which students can learn and grow.
Extracurricular participation and/or attendance at certain activities will be expected. At least one-week advance
notice of these dates will be given, with every effort to give several weeks’ notice. Failure to attend may impact
course grade.
All students in this course should possess a current ASB card.
Criteria Used to Determine Grades:
Throughout the semester, students will be participating in activities that focus on building and developing their
own skills while also engaging in helping to promote a positive learning environment and active school community.
Class time will be used for both directed lessons around leadership and individual growth as well as for work time
on designated assignments and school-related events/activities. Ultimately the goal is for students to develop a
greater understanding of themselves and what leadership entails, while also facilitating the activities program here
at Shorecrest.
General Expectations and Grading Criteria:
o Active participation in all class activities/discussion
o Participation in Event committees in Leadership Class
o Support class/school fundraising and activities
o Participation in school-sponsored activities/events, some of which will be outside the regular school day
o Self-Evaluations and Reflections
o Other duties as assigned by Activities Coordinator
o Additionally, students holding ASB Office will also be evaluated on how well they are performing thd
duties of their office as outlined in the Shorecrest A.S.B. Constitution.
Grades will be determined through accumulated points by weighted categories:
Curriculum & Coursework: 25%
Team Projects and Duties: 25%
Self-Reflection: 25%
Individual Responsibilities and Participation: 25%
Letter grades in class are based on the following percentages:
A = 100 – 93%
B- = 82.9 – 80%
D+ = 69.9 – 67%
A- = 92.9 – 90%
C+ = 79.9 – 77%
D = 66.9 – 60%
B+ = 89.9 – 87%
C = 76.9 – 73%
F = Below 60%
B = 86.9 – 83%
C- = 72.9 – 70%
Semester grades will be the cumulative progress from the first day of the semester to the last.
On Line Grades:
Grades will be available for your review on-line for this course. To view your progress report, go to the following
link for Family Access and Data Dashboard
To view your grades, you will need access information mailed home by the registrar. Please contact Emily
Cedergreen if you do not have this information.
Grades will be updated according to the dates listed in the Student Handbook. Please keep all assignments to
ensure that the grade was recorded accurately – they are receipts of your work.
Attendance, Tardy, & Discipline Policies:
Attendance: Because this class requires high levels of participation, attendance is very important. If students are
not in class, they cannot participate. Assisting students in establishing lifelong habits of reliability and promptness
is one of the instructional objectives of this course. Progress toward this goal will be measured, in part, by tracking
student attendance. Therefore, a student’s grade or credit in this class may be adversely affected by reason of
tardiness or absence to the extent that is defined by the current Shorecrest attendance policy in the Student
Tardies: Student tardies will be tracked throughout the semester. Students who are not in class by the bell will be
considered tardy. Tardies beyond 10 minutes will be considered absences. Please note Shorecrest has a new
schoolwide tardy policy in effect and it is outlined in the Student Handbook.
Discipline: Actions requiring student discipline will be handled according to the Student Handbook. However, as
students in Leadership Class are student leaders throughout the school day and during school-sponsored activities
and events. Given the visibility of this class, leadership students are expected to set a positive example in all that
they do. It is expected that leadership students follow all school guidelines and constantly exhibit appropriate
behavior including respect for themselves, fellow classmates, faculty/staff, and the school. Leadership students
should think often of how their actions can make Shorecrest a more welcoming environment in which students can
learn and grow. Students must sign and return the Student Leadership Code of Conduct on the last page to
participate in this course. Students who are reported in violation of the Code of Conduct or exhibiting
inappropriate behavior at school or school-sponsored activities/events will be dealt with on an individual level and
could result in corrective behavior/disciplinary action. Their grade in the course may be affected by this action if
they are removed from the course.
Harassment Policy
Shorecrest High School is a place where all students are safe to learn without threat of violence or concern for
safety. Shorecrest adheres to a strict zero tolerance policy regarding harassment of any form between students,
faculty, and staff. Students and staff who experience or witness harassment of any form at Shorecrest should
report the incident to an SC adult that you trust, or if you prefer, our point person on harassment incidents, Lane
Loland, Dean of Students. You may also fill out a harassment incident report that is available in the security office,
online, main office, or with your counselor.
Contacting Mrs. Phillips:
I look forward to working with you this upcoming year. Please do not hesitate to contact me
throughout the year.
I can be reached by e-mail: johanna.phillips@shorelineschools.org, or by calling the Activities Office at
206-393-4302. Students may also visit the Activities Office for questions during their free time.
You will be able to access class documents, announcements and other important information from the
ASB website: http://learn.shorelineschools.org/shorecrest/sasb/index.php (the ASB link under the
Activities tab on the SCHS website).
I am an advocate for strong communication between families and the school so please be sure to include your
e-mail and phone number on page 6 of this Academic Plan and contact me with any questions you may have.
Johanna Phillips
University of Washington B.A. History, magna cum laude 2001
The George Washington University M.Ed. Secondary Social Studies 2003
And mother to Edison (1st grade, Ridgecrest), Charlotte (kindergarten, LFP Elementary) and Reed (Toddler, LFP Montessori)
Approved by:
Heather Hiatt
Shorecrest Assistant Principal
Character is built by the thousands of choices we make daily.
Become a leader of positive influence by building your character
muscle through the
Eight Essentials of Servant Leadership:
- ADVANCED PRINCIPLES OF LEADERSHIP Please review this Academic Plan and Student Leadership Code of Conduct with your family and return
this page signed to me for credit by: ______________. Keep the rest of the Academic Plan in a safe
place for your records.
We have read and understand this Academic Plan for Leadership and reviewed and signed the
Student Leadership Code of Conduct.
Print Student Name (print)
Parent/Guardian Name (print)
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
In the event that I need to reach you for any reason, I am asking that you fill out the following information.
Thank you for your time. I look forward to working with you this semester. Please do not hesitate to
contact me at any time.
Parent/Guardian E-mail (Print Carefully):
Phone/ Best time to contact:
Student Email Address (very important!!!): __________________________________________________
Additional comments that will help me be successful with your student:
As a student leader, I have the responsibility to show positive leadership and act as a role model. I
understand and agree to abide by the standards of conduct outlined below:
I agree to abide by all state, federal and local laws. I will inform the school administration if I am convicted
of, plead guilty to, or am placed on a probation of any kind as a result of a violation of law other than a noncriminal traffic violation. If I fail to abide by all laws, I understand that I may be removed from the leadership
class and lose my ASB elected or appointed position.
2. I agree to abide by all rules of conduct as may be adopted by the District in Administrative Policy 3300 and
published in the Statement of Responsibilities and Rights of Students handbook. I also agree to abide by
any additional school rules that may be published in building-level handbooks.
3. I agree to remove myself immediately from any situation where illegal activities are occurring, or where
other persons are engaging in conduct that violates school or District rules. While in attendance at school or
school-sponsored events, students must remove themselves immediately from any situation where such
activities are occurring. Students understand that the community encourages them to report any situation
which poses a danger to the health or safety of themselves and fellow students or which represents a
violation of state laws, district policy, and the code to which school leaders are committed.
I have received and reviewed Shoreline School District Policy 3316 and I understand that my failure to abide
by the standards of conduct above may result in the forfeiture of my leadership position under the terms of
that Administrative Procedure.
Policy 3316
Discipline of School Student Officers/Leaders
Students elected by their peers to hold positions representing their class, their school building, or other school
groups usually become a role model to other students and have an opportunity to further the educational climate
of their school building and the school district by acting in a responsible manner. On the other hand, a class officer
or student leader who engages in misconduct, particularly with respect to the educational process and/or
extracurricular activities, is likely to encourage breaches of discipline by other students. Hence, a student
representative should expect more severe disciplinary measures, usually loss of his/her office or leadership
position for flagrant and /or frequent acts of misconduct.
As “office” as used in this policy is a position to which a student is selected, elected, or appointed by staff or other
students attending the Shoreline School District.
Student Signature
Student Printed Name
Parent/Guardian Signature