Teacher: Mr. Ball - Homer Community School

Social Studies
Teacher: Mr. Ball
E-mail: ballje@homerschools.net
The objective of Seventh Grade Social Studies is to engage students using primary (real
documents) and secondary sources focusing on analyzing world historical and geographical
concepts. In this class, we will learn how different cultures have grown and spread throughout
history, primarily in the Eastern Hemisphere, utilizing a diverse group of learning activities
and tools.
Welcome to your social studies class. I am your instructor, Mr. Ball (see above). In this
class we focus on respect, a higher level of thinking, and furthering your knowledge as
a learner.
In this class, just as you expect respect from me, I expect the same from you. Keep
reading this syllabus, and find out exactly what is expected from you in this class.
Student Expectations:
This is a unique class. You will find this out in numerous ways. Participate in everything
as much as possible. It is your job as students to help make this class interesting in an
appropriate way.
Students are to:
-Treat everyone with respect and care
-Turn in assignments on time
-Be attentive in class
-Study when needed
-Be cooperative and not disruptive
Teacher Expectations:
Just as students are expected to do things, educators are as well. As a teacher I will:
-Be respectful to students
-Create meaningful lessons that challenge students
-Provide an orderly classroom
-Provide proper discipline
Classroom Rules and Expectations:
1. Be respectful to everyone and everything in the classroom at all
2. Be in your seat when the bell rings, prepared and ready for class to
3. Be on task in class at all times.
4. Follow directions.
The Beginning of Class:
At the beginning of class, please be in your seat when the bell rings. Look and see if
there is an assignment for you on the board at the beginning of class (there will be).
Please quietly complete the assignment and wait for the discussion to start.
Current events are something that are very important to the world and I like to discuss
them everyday. Please watch the news at night, read the paper, or listen to the radio to
find out current events. You can then share these current events with the class.
Participation points will be given accordingly.
The End of Class:
The classroom must be left in the same shape as you found it in. Markers, paper, trash,
etc. are to all be picked up before you leave. You must remain in your seat until I
dismiss you. No waiting by the door until the bell rings.
-All questions concerning grades must wait until after class.
-No late assignments will be taken without permission. That means you must talk to me
about anything that is to be turned in late.
-Tests/projects will make up 50% of your grades, quizzes will make up 25%, and
homework will make up the other 25%.
-The best way to solve a problem about a grade is to see me. Not complain to others,
Cell Phones:
Cell phones will not be allowed to be used inside the classroom, unless specified for an
assignment. Students who violate this rule will have phones taken for the remainder of
the school day. Multiple offenses will require communication with the office and home
with more serious consequences. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Grading Scale:
59% and below
Semester Grade:
Two marking period grades and one semester exam will determine the semester grade.
Each marking period is worth 20% and the final exam is 20% of the overall semester
Plagiarism and Cheating:
Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated in any way. If you are caught plagiarizing
or cheating you will be given an automatic zero for the assignment and given the
punishment deemed necessary by the student handbook.