Learning and Living under one Roof

Learning and Living under
one Roof
What makes KGS Hambergen different from the traditional 3-way division of the school system?
The „Gesamtschule am Wällenberg” is a cooperative comprehensive school with a high degree of
integrated teaching. There are 3 school levels which are taught at school: elementary (Hauptschule), intermediate
(Realschule) and advanced level (Gymnasium).
Our school concept for years 5 to 10:
At the end of year 4, primary schools hand out certificates and school career references. According to
parents´ and the children´s request s/he enrolls at desired level. Our school has the same respect for
parents´ wish as all other type of schools.
However the way forms are composed is a result of primary schools´ leaving agreements in
consideration of friendship groups and former class bonds, not according to the levels (Hauptschule,
Realschule, Gymnasium)
At the moment we have six forms in year 5 (about 25 children each). These classes are taught together
in all subjects. From year 6 on the classes with pupils from different levels are taught together in the
following subjects: Music, Arts, Sports, History and Geography. The 3 levels differentiate and overlap.
Form teachers have quite a high number of lessons in the classes in order to let the pupils feel they are
in good hands.
The subjects German, Mathematics, English and French are taught in courses which are made up of
pupils from different classes. The elementary, intermediate and advanced level courses are set up
according to academic achievement using appropriate criteria.
The way forms are composed (5-10) stays the same. In the years 9 and 10 Science lessons are taught
at the 3 levels (Hauptschule, Realschule, Gymnasium).
Every pupil receives the certificate of the level at which s/he has enrolled and finished the courses
successfully (GCSE).
In school years 2006/2007 we offer an opportunity of setting up forms with the main emphasis on music.
At the moment we run a test phase for 2 so-called “Music form” in year 5. Pupils get 4 Music lessons per
week. Pupils in those classes have more than the normal number of lessons and extra engagement is
expected. On the other hand a previous knowledge of music is not a part of entrance requirements.
How does the principle of interchangeability of 3 levels work?
Our school reality shows that there are many pupils who have strong points in various main subjects. As
a result of these conditions the principle of interchangeability of 3 levels developed. For example a pupil
enrolled at intermediate level can attend English lesson at advanced level. In this way the school can
support and encourage the pupils more effectively.
A school survey showed that the number of pupils enrolled for lessons at advanced level has clearly
increased over the years. Within a time span of several years a pupil from intermediate level who attends
courses at advanced level, proceeds so that s/he receives the leaving certificate of advanced level and
even move on to higher secondary education (Oberstufe).
Our yearly surveys clearly show this trend:
If only 4 pupils at elementary level in year 7 take part in intermediate level courses, the number of
elementary level pupils who attend these courses will increase up to 24 in year 10. The participation of
pupils from intermediate level who take part in advanced level courses show similar trends (10 pupils
from intermediate level in year 7 up to 47 pupils in year 10).
Changing levels is decided by a teachers´ conference according to pupils´ marks and their personality.
Of course, changing levels does not mean you have to leave your classmates or school. All pupils who
are not able to reach higher level stay in the same class and so they do not have to leave the school,
their friends and school surroundings.
Under which conditions do children learn at KGS Hambergen?
Because we offer broad education at all levels for large number of pupils it is possible to keep track of
the way up to six forms per year are composed.
Our school activities follow the guidelines set by the Ministry of Education.
A fundamental priority of our work is learning together at all levels. In every year we offer projects,
practical training and, of course, the students´ company which enables pupils to prepare themselves for
the world of work. Moreover we emphasize conveying so-called „key qualifications”. In other words, we
try to teach „learning to learn” using methods such as independent learning, group learning, presentation
of work results.
What happens after year 10?
Because of the type of school (cooperative comprehensive school) we have, we are not affected by the
new regulation of grammar schools (school leaving certificate after year 12) and therefore we do not
have to compress subject matters or increase the numbers of lessons in years 7 up to 10 (about 34
lessons per week). Our school cooperates with IGS Osterholz-Scharmbeck (comprehensive school)
which offers higher education since August 2004. Leaving certificates there are handed out at the end of
year 13.
According to cooperative agreement between KGS and IGS, the pupils from KGS Hambergen have
admission to higher secondary education which means finishing the intermediate or advanced level
courses in year 10 successfully (Gymnasium and Realschule - GCSE). Besides there is opportunity to
enroll for vocational secondary schools.
Pupils at elementary and intermediate level obtain General Certificate of Secondary Education which are
of the same value as certificates from schools which are not comprehensive schools.
Who can enroll at KGS Hambergen?
KGS Hambergen is open to all pupils from the whole regional district of Hambergen.
Pupils from the administrative district Osterholz-Scharmbeck or other administrative districts can enroll at
our school within the bounds of our capacity. The capacity depends on the enrolment at the 3 different
levels (Hauptschule, Realschule, Gymnasium). As one might expect, our school attaches special
importance to a balanced relationship among the 3 different levels.
However if pupils are from a different administrative district, transport to school has to be organized by
parents. The administrative districts pay the travelling expenses if requested (the administrative district
Cuxhaven pays only a part of travelling expenses, so parents have to pay about 23 € in addition).
Those pupils pay an acceptance fee of 5 € per month.
Gesamtschule am Wällenberg
Cooperative Comprehensive School
Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced Level
(Hauptschule, Realschule, Gymnasium)
Schulstraße 4
277729 Hambergen
Lower Saxony
Phone: +49 4793 95230
Fax: +49 4793 8775
E-mail: gesamtschule.hambergen@t-online.de
Internet: www.gesamtschule-hambergen.de
Office hours:
Mondays to Fridays 08:00 - 13:00 am (phone)
Mondays to Fridays 07:30 - 12:55 am
From 09:00 am (visitors)
Wednesdays and Thursdays to 03:00 pm
Morning break 09:05 – 09:25 am
Second break 11:00 – 11:20 am
Lunch break 12:55 – 01:25 pm
Account No. for borrowing school books: 44 99 18 KSK Osterholz-Scharmbeck
That´s us
Head teachers:
Mrs. Nickelsen
Mr. Baltrusch
Mr. Muelich
Mrs. Schoene
About 660 pupils
52 teachers
2 Computer rooms
school cafeteria
Enviromental school since 2001
Mr. Meyer
Students´ and teachers´ exchange programs with
European schools
Mrs. Schnakenberg
Mrs. Schaefer
Bus guide project (older pupils organize bus rides)
Mediation project
Mr. Prigge
Mr. Graetsch
Cooperation with the regional organization NABU
(association for the reservation of nature)
Participation in Comenius project
School Assistant:
Mr. Kaeter