4th Grade Independent Reading Choices for 2015-2016 * Tentative Schedule for 4th Grade Independent Reading Book Projects 1. You will choose a book that you have not read from the selected monthly genre. 2. Make sure your teacher approves this book before reading it. 3. You will read your book at home 4. You will finish the monthly project at turn it in by the due date. Due Date Wednesday, September 3oth Wednesday, Oct.28th Wednesday , Nov. 18th Wednesday, December 16th Wednesday, January 27th Wednesday, February 24th Wednesday, March 23rd Wednesday, April 27th Wednesday, May 25th Selected Genre Award Winning Mystery/ Ghost Animal ( nonfiction) Historical/ Realistic Fiction Science Topic (nonfiction) Biography Poetry Historical/ Realistic Fiction Your Choice Project Type Book Jacket Brochure Mobile magazine Cube Timeline Windsock storyboard Come Dressed as a Character Choose from the following options: 1. Do assigned book projects for regular credit. Possible points will be 25/25. Rubrics will be given every month. OR 2. Do assigned book project and take an AR test. Earn a possible 25/25 for the project and earn bonus points ranging from 7 to 10 points depending on your AR test score. To earn credit, you must turn-in the printed TOPS Report to your homeroom teacher. To find out if your book has an AR test, go to the 4th grade website, and under Links, click on AR Quiz List to input titles and get ideas! *Please note: printed TOPS report from the test will be required for credit.