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AP Statistics Final Project - 2013
This year we created and conducted a school-wide Survey. Your final project will be to select some of the
questions and to do analysis of the results. This project is to be done individually unless special permission is
granted. The project is to be typed using a 12-point font and margins no larger than 1 inch all around.
Finalize your topic to study. This must be handed in by Friday, May 17st for final approval.
Hand in a short statement indicating what your topic is and which survey questions you
plan to use to address your topic.
Introduction to the questions you will study: (length: 1 paragraph - 1 page). You should explain
why this question is important to study. Why should your reader care about your results?
Why are you interested in the results? How will you attempt to answer your questions?
Literature Review: Has anyone done any work to study this sort of situation before? If so, who
did it and when? What were the findings? How do they connect to what you will do?
Find some studies and summarize the results. You can earn extra credit (up to 10
additional points) for an outstanding review of literature and discussion of findings.
(plus up to
10 points
Methodology: 1-2 pages on the study design and implementation. Thoroughly discuss how we
created the survey, selected our sample, collected our data etc. Why did we make the
choices that we made when we designed the study? Please be thorough. You may critique
the strengths & weaknesses of your study in this section or in the next section.
Data & Discussion: (Unlimited page length.) You must include at least one graph of data and at
least one statistical procedure (hypothesis test or confidence interval) to help you answer
your question(s) and present your results and work so others can read it. If that’s all you
do, you will not earn more than 50 points on this section. You need to do more than the
minimum in order to earn an A on this paper. Be sure to explain your graph(s)
completely. Show that conditions necessary to run your test(s) have been met. Be sure to
state your conclusions. Statistical procedures and graphs without supporting text are not
enough. Discuss your results. What did you learn about students who attend this school
from this project? Is what you learned reliable? If not, why not?
Bibliography (if any outside sources used)
if used
Once we have finished entering the survey data into Fathom, you will have a complete set of data on your
computer. You will have class time in the lab to do your analysis and write your paper using Fathom to draw
graphs and do tests. PLEASE BE SURE TO BACK UP YOUR WORK!!! You might want to keep your work on
your own flash/USB drive or e-mail the files to yourself. Any work that you do not have time to complete in
class must be done on your own at other times.
Due Dates
Seniors: Wednesday, May 29
Projects are due by the end of the school day (3:30 pm). You will lose one full grade if your project is late
even if you are not in school on the day this project is due. If you are absent, you must arrange for your
paper to be delivered to me by 3:30 pm. My grades are due on Monday, June 3, therefore, I cannot accept
projects after Friday, May 31 for any credit at all. I will be happy to accept papers early.
non-seniors: Wednesday, June 5.