Newletter 12th February 2015

12.2. 15
The Friends Of Hade Edge group and our School
Council have organized our family games night to
take place on Thursday 26th February, 6-7.30pm.
Tickets are now on sale from the FOHE people who
will be out and about in the playground. The night
will comprise of a picture quiz, bingo and
refreshments and tickets will cost £2 per adult, £1 per
child and will include refreshments. We do hope you
can join us!
During our Wizarding theme week you may have noticed
that staff were using the blog features on our new website
daily. We hope this has encouraged pupils to engage with
the website and to use the kids space facilities there too.
Mrs Stead has taken the leap and given homework tasks via
the bog which is something we intend to do more of. So, if
you don’t yet use it, please check in on us to see what we are
up to and do make comments and give feedback!
KEY DATES. Please see our school website for all dates and events
Fri 13th February. Staff Training Day. School closed to pupils.
Mon 23rd February. School reopens after half term break.
Mon 23rd February. Friends of Hade Edge meeting. 7pm, in school
Thurs 26th February. Family Games Night. 6-7.30pm
Mon 2nd March. High Five practice at HHS. 4pm
Weds 4th March. High Five practice at HHS. 4pm
Thurs 5th March. World Book Day
Fri 6th March. Non uniform / Easter egg donation day
Fri 13th March. Red Nose Day. Its another pyjama day!
Weds 18th - 20th March. Excellent Eagles to Robinwood Activity Centre
Weds 18th March. KS1 movie night. 3.15 – 5pm.
Sat 28th March. Spring Fair. 10-12.
Photographic and Video Images of Children
The catering staff, (Jacky and
Sarah) are pleased to announce
that over the past few weeks they
have been monitored and have
maintained their five hat (100%)
status for catering and their five
star rating from the Food Standards
Agency. Well done both of you!
Can I remind all parents and Carers that whilst all parents
have agreed to allow parents to take photographs or use
video recordings of school events these are personal
recordings and must not be used and shared on social media.
I am very pleased that we can allow personal photography of
our activities and events but we must acknowledge e-safety
procedures that the school follows to safeguard our pupils.
World Book Day
We are celebrating World Book Day
(Thurs 5th March) by asking children to
come to school dressed as a book character.
We would also like to invite parents in to
school from 9-9.30am to read with a small
group of children. If you would like to join
us just turn up on the day.
Chocolate Tombola
We are starting to think about the Spring Fair and
particularly the ever popular chocolate tombola. Children
are invited to come to school on Friday 6th March in non
uniform but to also bring an easter egg to donate to the
tombola. This year’s Spring Fair will be slightly different
as each of the enterprise groups will also have a stall but I
am sure the first stall that all children will want to visit is
the chocolate tombola so all donations will be very