School Improvement Plan - South Panola School District

Pope School
Strategic Improvement Plan
Providing Opportunities for Educational Excellence
Making a Difference with Purpose, Passion, and Pride
South Panola School District
District Goal 1: Increase student achievement through rigorous, relevant, and differentiated learning experiences.
District Goal 2: Increase student achievement by providing a high quality staff at every level to meet the needs of all
District Goal 3: Increase student achievement through appropriate support services and initiatives.
Pope School’s Improvement Plan fully supports the South Panola School District’s performance goals
while addressing the identified needs unique to our school.
Pope School
Strategic Improvement Plan
Goal 1: To provide high quality curriculum and instruction to improve student achievement
Objective 1.1 Equip classroom teachers with effective instructional/intervention strategies and materials to
meet the needs of every student.
Implementation Strategies
Person(s) Responsible
Method of Evaluation
 Provide staff development in language arts
 Administration
 Classroom observations, student assessment
 Provide staff development in Everyday Math
 Administration
 Utilize Mississippi Curriculum and Common
Core Curriculum
 Teachers, Teacher’s Assistants,
Interventionist, Administration
 Classroom observations, student achievement
per grade in grades K—6, weekly assessment
 Provide SMARTBoards in every classroom
Administration, Technology Department
 Lesson plans, classroom observations
 Classroom observations, SMARTBoard training
The South Panola School District will not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities to the extent
provided by law.
Objective 1.2 Utilize student data to guide curriculum and instruction.
Implementation Strategies
Person(s) Responsible
Method of Evaluation
 Utilize student data to guide enrichment,
remediation, and grade-level instruction
 Teachers, Administration
 Lesson plans, Classroom observations, Data reports
 Set student achievement goals
 Students, Teacher
 Report cards, Data collections, MCT2 Scores
 Grade level and horizontal grade level
 Grade level teachers, Administration
 Sign in sheets, Minutes, Classroom observations
 Tracking major assessments
 Teachers, Administration
 EZ Progress Monitoring
 Provide SMARTBoards in every classroom
 Administration, Technology
 Classroom observation, SMARTBoard training
Objective 1.3 Provide a learning environment that is safe, drug-free, and conducive to learning
 Utilizing Stamping for Success
 Teachers, administration
 Student journals
 Provide D.A.R.E. classes
 Resource officer, administration
 D.A.R.E. Graduation, teacher lesson plans
 Implement Pope Pride Expectations
 Teachers, administration
 Discipline referrals
 Provide students and parents with district
conduct code which includes consequences
for violations
 Administration, teachers
 Documents signed by parent
 Provide services of a certified school
resource officer
 Panola County Sheriff’s Department,
district/school administration
 School schedule
The South Panola School District will not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities to the extent
provided by law.
Goal: 2 Promote and increase parental and community involvement
Objective 2.1 Involve parents in the activities of the school
Implementation Strategies
Person(s) Responsible
Method of Evaluation
 Initiate parent nights
 Grade level teachers,
 Sign in sheets, parent surveys
 Solicit Book Fair volunteers
 Librarian
 Sign in sheets
 Invite grandparents for Grandparent’s Day
 Teachers, librarian,
administration, cafeteria
 Sign in sheets
 Solicit volunteers for field days
 Teachers, administration,
booster club
 Sign in sheets
 Nominate and honor Parent of the Year
 Teachers, administration,
district office
 Sign in sheets
 Invite veterans for the Veterans’ Day Parade
 Eighth grade social studies
teacher, administration
 Newspaper articles, sign in sheets
The South Panola School District will not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities to the extent
provided by law.
Objective 2.2 Ensure parents are aware of “Right to Know” Information.
Implementation Strategies
Person(s) Responsible
Method of Evaluation
 Utilize the web-based SPSD Events Calendar
 Teachers, administration,
 Calendar observations
 Include schedule for open house
 Teachers, administration
 SPSD School Calendar, Sign in sheets
 Report card dispersal at open house
 Teacher
 Sign in sheets
 Send progress reports
 Teachers, administration
 SPSD School Calendar
 Provide phone calls home
 Teachers
 Checklist, SPSD School Calendar
 Scheduling parent/teacher conferences
 Teachers, administration
 Parent contact logs
Committee Members
Susan Vance…………………………………………………………..Principal
Lela Stennett…………………………………………………………...Teacher
Ashley Fonte……………………………………………………………Teacher
Lacey Gentry……………………………………………………………..Parent
Mary Walls……………………………………………………………….Parent
Tommy Cox……………………………………………...Community Member
Dewayne Lloyd………………………………………….Community Member
The South Panola School District will not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities to the extent
provided by law.