South Panola High School
Strategic Improvement Plan
Providing Opportunities for Educational Excellence
Making a Difference with Purpose, Passion, and Pride
South Panola School District
District Goal 1: Increase student achievement through rigorous, relevant, and differentiated learning experiences.
District Goal 2: Increase student achievement by providing a high quality staff at every level to meet the needs of all
District Goal 3: Increase student achievement through appropriate support services and initiatives.
South Panola High School’s Improvement Plan fully supports the South Panola School District’s performance goals
while addressing the identified needs unique to our school.
South Panola High School
Strategic Improvement Plan
Goal 1: Increase student achievement through rigorous, relevant, and differentiated learning
Implementation Strategies
Person(s) Responsible
Method of Evaluation
 Registration process to develop course of study for
 Dec.-Mar.
 Counselors/Administrators/
 Promotion data
individual students
 Provide incentives for student achievement, for
 Ongoing
 Teachers/Administrators
 21 Club membership, Honor Roll,
attendance, and for good citizenship
SATP proficient/advanced data of,
attendance and discipline data
 Provide flexible scheduling with classes offered
 Ongoing
 Counselors, Teachers
online and outside the normal school day
 Class enrollment
 Provide common planning time for pre-SATP and
 Ongoing
 Administration
 SATP assessment data
SATP teachers to develop common lesson plans
and administer common assessments
 Reduce class size for SATP and pre-SATP classes
 Ongoing
 Administration/Counselors
 Assessment data
 Establish 9th grade compensatory reading class for
 Ongoing
 Administration/Counselors
 Assessment data
students scoring minimal on 8th MCT reading
 Develop common assessments to diagnose student
 Ongoing
 Teachers
 EZ Test Tracker
 Use common tests and sample SATP assessments
 Ongoing
 Teachers/Administrators
 SATP assessment data
to recognize students for remediation and
 Ongoing
 Teachers
 Classroom observations, lesson
 Update curriculum using test data to strengthen
instruction, challenge students, and address
 Ongoing
 Teachers/Administrators
 Classroom observations, lesson
plans, student log-ins
 Use online tracking tools for test data to improve
instruction and online test preparation sites for
 Ongoing
 Teachers
 Lesson plans, student data
student remediation and classroom use
 Incorporate PSAT/ACT learning activities in
 Ongoing
 Teachers/Administrators
 Student participation
classroom practices
 Establish Mississippi Scholar Program to
encourage students to pursue more rigorous
The South Panola School District will not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities to the extent
academic courses
provided by law.
Goal 2: Increase student achievement by providing high quality staff to meet the needs of all learners
Implementation Strategies
 Provide professional development to review
research and model effective teaching strategies
 Use professional learning communities to
improve classroom management, teaching
decisions, interaction with students, motivation
of students, and conferencing
 Provide instructional videos, books, and
magazines in media center reference room
 Provide mentoring program for teacher with
less than three years experience
 Participation in High Performance Leadership
Institute at MSU for team of teachers,
administrators, and counselors to develop
strategies used in business community to
promote high achievement goals for
Person(s) Responsible
Method of Evaluation
 Summer
 Administration/Consultants
 Ongoing
 Teachers
 Classroom observations/lesson
 Book study logs, classroom
 Ongoing
 Media specialist
 Teacher logs, Book circulation
 Ongoing
 Lead teachers
 Teacher retention
 Two year
 School team
 Test data, program
The South Panola School District will not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities to the extent
provided by law.
Goal 3: Increase student achievement through appropriate support services and initiatives
Implementation Strategies
Person(s) Responsible
Method of Evaluation
 Faculty will implement SDE regulations and
involve parents in developing IEPs
 Allow hydration for learning
 Maintain support organizations (Band
Boosters, athletic support programs, parent
 Use community resource persons to share
expertise in the classroom
 Use newspaper, school signage, website,
calendars, and newsletters to inform about
school activities
 Use Active Parent, progress reports, parent
teacher conferences, and report cards to
inform parents of school attendance
 Provide student conduct code on website and
in student handbooks
 Enforce student conduct code with clearly
defined levels of consequences
 Increase awareness of scholarships and
financial aid opportunities
 Celebrate milestones(robing ceremony,
awards day, commencement)
 Promote parent involvement with open
houses, college night, family nights
 Provide before and after school remediation
and enrichment programs
 Provide summer school/correspondence
courses to allow students to complete
graduation requirements
 Ongoing
 Teachers/administrators
 Ongoing
 Ongoing
 Administration/students
 Teachers/coaches
 SPED coordinator will
monitor program
 Observation
 Membership
 Ongoing
 Teachers
 Visitor log, student journals
 Ongoing
 Administration/student
 Attendance at school
 Ongoing
 Administration/staff
 ADA data
 Yearly
 Administration
 Ongoing
 Administration/Teachers
 Return of parent/student
handbook form
 Discipline data
 Ongoing
 Administration/counselors
 Spring
 Administration/Faculty/Counselors
 Ongoing
 Administration/Faculty/Counselors
 Ongoing
 Teachers
 Ongoing
 Administrators/Faculty/Counselors
 Participation in scholarship
 Attendance at school
 Attendance at school
 Attendance and achievement
 Course registration
The South Panola School District will not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities to the extent
provided by law.
Committee Members
Tim Fowler…………………………………………………………….Principal
Kaye Smythe……………………………………………….Activities Director
Laura Boughton………………………………………………………..Teacher
Angie Griffin……………………………………………………………Teacher
Farrie Parker…………………………………………………………...Teacher
Frank West……………………………………………………………….Parent
Rotisha Pinson…………………………………………………………..Parent
The South Panola School District will not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities to the extent
provided by law.