INFORMATION BOOKLET FOR PARENTS 2011 to 2012 WELCOME Dear Parent/Guardian Welcome to our school information brochure. I am sure you will find the enclosed information helpful as you and your family prepare for your child to join Boldon Specialist Sports College. The transition from primary to secondary school brings new opportunities and challenges. At Boldon School we offer opportunities for academic success combined with a range of activities to extend student horizons. We are a Specialist Sports School and as such, have many sporting activities where your child and yourself can take part. Your support and encouragement in partnership with the school will be essential at all times, and we trust we can rely on you to play your part as we work together to gain the very highest achievements for your child. This booklet will provide basic information as you prepare to come to Boldon School. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries. Yours sincerely Mrs E M Hayes Head Teacher GENERAL INFORMATION School Contacts Address: Boldon School New Road Boldon Colliery Tyne and Wear NE35 9DZ Telephone: (0191) 536 2176 Facsimile: (0191) 537 4073 E-Mail: Website: 2 STAFF LIST Mrs E M Hayes Mr C R Smith Head Teacher Deputy Head Teacher Mr L Elliott Mr D Fairclough Ms A Moore Mr I Noble Mr A Cresswell Mr D Nattrass Assistant Head Teacher Assistant Head Teacher Assistant Head Teacher Assistant Head Teacher / Director of Sport Associate Head Teacher / Head of Music Business Manager Mr J Love Mrs E Halsey Miss L Thompson Mr A Stobart Mr G Burn Director of Learning – Year 7 Director of Learning - Year 8 Director of Learning - Year 9 Director of Learning - Year 10 Director of Learning - Year 11 Mrs T Bell Mrs S Scott Head of Art Department Art / Asst. DOL - Year 11 Miss P Liddle Miss M Hollingworth Mrs P Mitchinson Miss L Thompson Mrs N Tate Mrs S Harvey-Allison Mrs J Wood Head of English Department Second I/C English Department English English / Director of Learning – Year 9 English KS3 English Coordinator English / Asst DOL - Yr 8 Miss S Ingram Mr A Smith Mrs Y Chidley Mr C Smith Mrs S Dixon Mrs A Jones Mr J Davey Head of History Department Head of Religious Education Department Head of Geography History / Lead teacher for Gifted and Talented Geography / Asst. DOL – Yr 10 RE History / Geography Miss A Armbrister Miss J Hood Mr D Lambton Miss S McGregor Mrs K Hartis Mr C Rutherford Mrs R Wall Miss G Marsden Head of Mathematics Department Second I/C Mathematics Department Mathematics / Aim Higher Co-ordinator Mathematics Mathematics KS3 Mathematics Co-ordinator Mathematics Mathematics 3 STAFF LIST (cont) Mrs A Sinton Miss A Tomlinson Miss C Dunn Mr R McKay Head of Modern Languages Modern Languages Modern Languages / Curriculum Coordinator 14-19 Modern Languages / Law Mr A Earle Music Mr S Huckle Mrs L Baty Mrs A Legg Mr M Dickenson Mrs M Brown Mr G Henderson Miss L Martin KS3 Co-ordinator P.E. KS4 Co-ordinator P.E. School Sports Co-ordinator / PE teacher PE PE / Asst. DOL - Year 9 Swimming Instructor Community Liaison Officer / PE teacher Miss M Brown Mr P Brundle Mrs S Clarke Mr K Leigh Mr D Minnis Mr G Dodds Mrs A Stokoe Miss S Woodrow Miss R Barnes Head of Science Science Second in Science (KS4 Co-ordinator) Science Science Science KS3 Science Co-ordinator Science Science Mrs L Beattie Mr D Smith Head of Learning Support Learning Support / Business Miss M Hawronskyj Mrs J Cole Mrs S Michejew Mrs A Armson Miss K Martin Mrs J Klitzke Head of Technology Department - CDT Technology Technology I/C Food Technology 1 to 1 Tuition Co-ordinator Food Technology Assistant Mr P Fenwick Mr N Burrell Mr I Wright Head of ICT Department ICT ICT Miss V Hanson Mr M Branch Mrs C Turnbull Mr A Johnson Senior Learning Mentor Learning Mentor Inclusion Centre Manager Inclusion Centre Assistant Governors Chair of Governors: Vice Chair of Governors: Mr Colin Berry Mr Steve Drummond 4 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE "Our aim is to encourage all students to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the school to attain their full potential in all areas of school life - the academic, the social, the physical and the personal - so that they are ready both to play a productive part in a democratic society, and to move forward to the next stage of education, training or career with confidence, as young people of responsibility and judgement" The Aims of the School 1. To help each student to develop and realise his or her potential as fully as possible. 2. To help students form and maintain a positive self-image. 3. To allow as much scope as possible for the students' own curiosity and enthusiasm to be the basis of learning. 4. To encourage an awareness and understanding of the society in which the students live. 5. To care for, and support, students as developing adolescents. 6. To encourage students to develop an interest in, and enjoyment of, leisure activities, and to be part of the community. 7. To prepare students for life after school. 8. To provide an environment with a positive atmosphere in which students can learn. 9. To prepare students for external examinations. PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT We feel it is very important that we secure the full co-operation of parents in their children's education. The process can only be truly successful if there is a partnership of student, parent and school in obtaining the maximum benefit from the opportunities which the school offers. There are annual meetings at which parents are invited to meet the staff teaching their children to discuss work and progress. Regular reports are produced for all students; these are usually the starting point for discussions at parents' meetings. At other times the Directors of Learning are pleased to meet and talk to parents by arrangement. Other staff who work with your children are also available to meet with you. Please contact the school to make arrangements. SCHOOL UNIFORM AND EQUIPMENT The school is aware that parents welcome a standard dress for their children; this avoids the dictates of fashion and keeps down expense. The Governors know it is important that students should have a sense of belonging and common purpose, which is encouraged by a uniform and that social difference, should be avoided. Every student must adhere to this policy which has the total support of the Governing Body. Our uniform may be purchased at any outfitters, but school badges and ties can only be bought from Boldon School. Every student must wear the school uniform. Boys Black Blazer Badge * Tie * White Shirt Black Dress Trousers Black Shoes Girls Black Blazer Badge * Tie * White Shirt Black Dress Trousers or Black Skirt Black Shoes If your child wishes to wear a sweater it must be a plain, black V-necked sweater. * Can be obtained from the school office: School Badge £3 Clip on School Tie £4 PE Kit Boys – Royal/White Cap Rugby Shirt or Mercury Polo Shirt (or both if they wish) Milan Short Sports Socks Trainers Girls – Navy/White Pulse Fleece(optional) Mercury Polo Shirt Trinity Track Pant(optional) Response Short Sports Socks Trainers 6 PE kit order forms are enclosed and payment must be returned with completed forms to Boldon School by Friday 8 July 2011. PE kit can be collected from Boldon School on Monday 5 and Tuesday 6 September 2011, between 1.00pm and 3.00pm. All articles of clothing should be permanently and clearly marked with the owner's name. The school has no insurance cover for student's personal belongings. Therefore we strongly advise that you take out appropriate cover on your household insurance. Please Note: Trainers, leisure shoes and plimsolls are not acceptable footwear. This includes black trainers. Trainers should not be worn all day as this can cause medical problems. Students are required to wear sensible black shoes. Jeans, ski pants, leggings, culottes and tracksuit bottoms are not acceptable. Outdoor coats must be dark in colour – no tracksuit tops. The wearing of denim or leather over jackets is strictly forbidden. Hair should be of an acceptable length, any form of extreme hairstyle, colour or shaven head is not acceptable. This includes dying hair any colour which is not a natural hair colour. Red, blue, purple etc are not allowed. Mobile phones, I pods, mp3 players and any other equipment must be switched off and kept out of sight in lessons. As they are not required for school they should be left at home. Baseball caps or woollen hats are not to be worn in school. Mini skirts are not acceptable. Jewellery The only jewellery allowed is 1 pair of ear studs, 1 watch and 1 signet ring. The wearing of either chin/nose/lip/tongue rings or studs is strictly prohibited. All students must have: A suitable bag to carry books and equipment. Pen, pencil, ruler, eraser and a cheap set of geometrical instruments. A smock or an old shirt for art work. A scientific calculator. A Shorter Oxford English dictionary or any pocket English dictionary would also be useful. 7 THE ORGANISATION OF THE SCHOOL The School Day The school day starts at 8.30 a.m. and finishes at 2.35 p.m. There is a 15 minute morning break and a 30 minute lunch break. The details are as follows: 8.30 – 9.30 9.30 – 10.30 10.30 – 10.45 10.45 – 11.45 11.45 – 1.15 (SEE BELOW) 1.15 – 2.15 2.15 – 2.35 PERIOD 1 PERIOD 2 BREAK PERIOD 3 LUNCH TIME/PERIOD 4 LESSON 5 TUTOR/ASSEMBLIES LUNCH PERIODS YEAR 7 PERIOD 4 – Part 1 LUNCH PERIOD 4 – Part 2 11.45 – 12.15 12.15 – 12.45 12.45 – 1.15 YEARS 8 AND 9 11.45 – 12.15 12.15 – 1.15 LUNCH PERIOD 4 YEARS 10 AND 11 11.45 – 12.45 12.45 – 1.15 PERIOD 4 LUNCH 8 THE PASTORAL SYSTEM Students who join the school will be placed in a year group. Each year group has a Director of Learning, an Assistant Director of Learning and a team of tutors who are responsible for the welfare of the students. The Director and Assistant Director of Learning remain with their year group as they move through Year 7 to Year 11: this enables them to get to know all students and build up relationships with parents. The tutors move with the students from Year 7 to Year 11. Each year group has its own designated breakout area and own toilets. The pastoral system aims to help our students to gain the skills, attitudes, understanding and knowledge to: lead confident, healthy, independent lives become informed, active and responsible citizens The objectives are to enable students to: develop self esteem, confidence, independence and responsibility and make the most of their abilities play an active role as future citizens and members of society develop a healthy lifestyle and keep themselves and others safe develop effective and fulfilling relationships and learn to respect the differences between people We make an important contribution to achieving the 5 national outcomes for children: being healthy staying safe enjoying and achieving making a positive contribution achieving economic well being We strive to provide a happy working environment in which every student is valued as an individual. We aim to give the care, support and help which will enable every child to make the most of his or her academic potential. Monitoring students' progress across the curriculum is therefore part of pastoral work. 9 Personal achievement in all areas of life is stressed and identified. Tutors help students with self-assessment, recording achievement, reviewing progress and setting targets. Parents are kept closely involved in any developments concerning their child and may feel free to contact pastoral staff at any time regarding their son or daughter. The pastoral system recognises the importance of parents and teachers working closely together so that each child can derive maximum benefit from his or her time at Boldon School. Teaching Groups The children entering Year 7 will be placed in teaching groups. These groups will be split into 2 bands A & B for timetabling purposes. They will be taught in these classes for all subjects except for Mathematics, where each band will be set according to their attainment at Key Stage 2 SAT’s. Appropriate support for English and Mathematics will be available for those with identified learning difficulties. School Meals Our cafeteria, Boldon Bistro, currently managed by Chartwells, provides students and staff with an interesting and varied menu. The food is cooked on the premises and students are able to select exactly what they require. All items are clearly priced and payment is made through a cashless card system. Packed lunches may also be purchased and eaten in school. All students stay on the school site throughout the school day. Parents wishing to make application for free school meals should obtain the necessary forms from South Shields Town Hall. 10 Sickness and Accidents On the enrolment of new students an admission questionnaire is completed which, amongst other things, asks parents how they can be contacted during the school day. Although the school has a treatment room it is not staffed, so, in the event of sickness, arrangements have to be made for students to go home. If a more serious accident occurs parents are contacted straight away, as the medical authorities usually require the presence of a parent. Attendance Attendance at school is critical to success. All students are expected to have full attendance. Mrs Bev Winn is the School Attendance Officer. She is always available to help with student attendance at school. Parents are asked to notify the school by telephone at the earliest possible opportunity of absences due to sickness and to provide a note explaining the absence when the student returns to school. A note is also requested when a child has to attend a medical or dental appointment in school time or when a child needs to be excused from physical exercise. The school operates a 'first day of absence' calling system in which we will endeavour to make contact with those families whose child in absent and for whom we have no explanation for the absence. A limited scheme, designed to support student's medication, is operated through the schools administration. Complaints If parents have a complaint about the school it should be taken up initially with the Head Teacher. If the parents are not satisfied that the complaint has been dealt with adequately, the matter can then be referred to the Chair of Governors. There is a formal complaints procedure. A copy of the schools complaints procedure is available from the school. Exclusions In the matter of exclusions by the Head Teacher, an appeal may be made to the Governors through the Chair of Governors, as indicated in the exclusion letter from the Head Teacher. 11 THE CURRICULUM The National Curriculum is taught throughout the school for 25 hours per week. At Key Stage 3, the subjects in Year 7 are: English Mathematics Science Geography History French or German Technology ICT Art Music R.E. P.E. PLTS(Personalised Learning and Thinking Skills) 4 periods 4 periods 3 periods 2 periods 1 period 2 periods 2 periods 1 period 1 period 1 period 1 period 2 periods 1 period We have 25 periods every week, each of one hours duration. Religious Education Religious Education is compulsory for all students throughout the school, within the framework of the Local Authorities agreed syllabus, unless parents wish their child to be withdrawn from the course. This is done by writing to the Director of Learning for the year group, who will arrange for a child to be withdrawn from religious education and acts of worship at the beginning of the day. Year group assemblies take place on a weekly basis. Science Education on Reproduction Within Science education in Year 7, students study animal and plant reproduction systems. In Years 9, 10 and 11 the pastoral programme looks at the moral aspects of sexual relationships as well as health-related issues such as AIDS. At appropriate times groups also receive advice on personal hygiene. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from any or all aspects of sex education, other than those elements which are required by the National Curriculum Science Order. 12 Health Education Health Education and Environmental Education are delivered as part of the pastoral programme and/or parts of the programmes of study within individual subjects. Extra Curricular Extra curricular activities are those which are not specifically timetabled as part of the school's day; they are, nevertheless, a vital part of what the school offers to each child's development. As a sports school we offer a wide range of sporting activities with an opportunity for students to take part in non-competitive and recreational activities as well as representing school teams. These include Zumba, athletics, badminton, basketball, cricket, cross country, hockey, netball, rounders, rugby, soccer, squash and tennis. Other activities in the school vary from year to year, depending upon the availability of staff and the expressed interests of students. Indeed, students are encouraged to involve themselves in the launch and running of many of the activities. There are numerous activities in school including music groups; production group, sports practices, school newspaper, choir, bands, rock school, computer work, chess club. The school library is open for each year group in turn during the week. Learning Resource Centre We are fortunate to have a spacious and attractive library which provides a relaxed atmosphere in which all students can study or read for pleasure. We provide a relevant and stimulating resource of up to date, attractive books and other learning materials which reflects the interests of the students as well as the demands of the curriculum. We also have a suite of computers, with internet access. With the advice of subject teachers, books and other materials are chosen for students of all abilities, and stock is reviewed at regular intervals. Resources in the library reflect our equal opportunities policy and we provide non-sexist and multi-cultural material. In addition to books chosen by departments, the library has always responded to suggestions from students and parents, providing popular fiction and current affairs material. The library is open for use at lunchtime and a regular homework club and after school club is held there. Homework club users have access to the computers and the internet to help them with work. Material is always accessible to all students, even those who may find the library slightly daunting, and help is usually on hand. We are constantly striving to promote 13 the use of the library to ensure all students are confident users and have the necessary research skills to equip them for their educational challenges. We encourage reading and pleasure in books. Homework All students will be required to do homework. We feel it important that students should gain self-discipline in the process of dealing with homework tasks which will supplement and complement the work done in lessons. Student Planners are issued to students at the beginning of every term. These include a plan of the school, personal timetables, target setting, correspondence pages and a detailed 'Homework Diary' section where students record their subject/homework timetables and homework tasks/assignments. Should teachers or parents have cause to communicate there is a section for each 'Homework Diary' week on which they can comment. No more than three subjects of a minimum duration of twenty minutes each should be set per evening in the first three years, but this will be increased in Years 10 and 11. When students are reported to their Director of Learning for regularly avoiding homework, parents will be contacted. Parents and form tutors should sign the planner each week. Behaviour The school's approach to discipline is positive rather than punitive; our 'merit system' operates to encourage positive attitudes, with awards being regularly presented in order to promote academic progress and good citizenship. Students collect merits and cash them in for rewards at the end of each year. Directors and Assistant Directors of Learning have overall responsibility for the discipline within their year group; however subject teachers are responsible for maintaining a high standard of discipline in their classroom and if they encounter difficult situations they refer problems to their Head of Department. If this does not resolve the problem, it may be necessary to refer serious behavioural problems to the appropriate Director of Learning. Any major breach of the behaviour policy will be referred to the Senior Leadership Team and finally to the Head Teacher. Learning Mentors We have an outstanding team of Learning Mentors in school. They support students when they arrive at school and at any time when a young person has an issue. We hope this booklet provides a flavour of “Life at Boldon” and we look forward to welcoming you to our school. 14