Leadership I: What’s In a Name? GRADE 8 LESSON 33 Time Required: 30-45 minutes Content Standards: AA.S.1 AA.S.3 Students will acquire attitudes, knowledge, and skills that contribute to effective learning in school and across the lifespan. Students will understand the relationship of academics to the world of work and to life at home and in the community. Students will understand the relationship of academics to the world of work and to life at home and in the community. Indicators: AA.A.8.1.09 AA.A.8.3.12 Exhibit leadership skills when working collaboratively with others. Understand how reputation and integrity affects leadership ability. GOAL: Students will recognize how personal reputation and integrity affects leadership. Activity Statements: Students will recognize the importance of reputation and integrity through activities which allow them to consider not only how they view themselves but also how others view them. They will explore leadership traits and how important it is for leaders to maintain a good reputation. Materials: Construction paper Markers or crayons Art supplies (optional) Paper, pencils for recording key points Handout 1 – Leadership Traits (cut in sections for jigsaw activity) Teacher Resource 1 – Jigsaw Procedure Leadership I: What’s In a Name? GRADE 8 LESSON 33 Procedures: 1. Each student will make an individualized name plate. Using folded construction paper as the base, each student will write his/her first name in large letters. 2. For each letter, the student will write words starting with each of the letters that describe the student. (For example, for Jonny, the J might include jovial, jumps high, jokester, July, Judo, javelin, etc.) The student may also add drawings or other artistic touches to complete the individualized name plate. 3. Permit students to share their work giving examples of words that identify them. 4. Next, read this quote from an anonymous source: “Your name will go a lot further than you do.” Ask students to explain the meaning of the quote. 5. Discuss reputation and integrity. Ask students to read definitions of the words and compare meanings. 6. Ask students to consider silently what words come to mind when others think of them. 7. Ask if they can think of any (appropriate) celebrity examples, such as celebrities, athletes, historic figures who are known to have integrity, good reputations, etc. Discuss leadership traits and the importance of specific qualities such as integrity and a good reputation. 8. Using Teacher Resource 1 – Jigsaw Procedure, explain the “jigsaw” process that will be used for today’s reading assignment (Handout 1 – Leadership Traits). 9. Complete the jigsaw reading activity and follow up with discussion. Discussion: What does it mean to have a “good name”? Do the words reputation, integrity, and having a good name have similar meanings? Is it important to have a good name? How can you make sure you have a good name? How are integrity and reputation important to a good name? What did the author of the article in Handout 1 have to say about reputation and integrity? What are other key points we learned from the jigsaw reading activity? Have you learned more about leadership traits? How do integrity and reputation play a role in leadership? Leadership I: What’s In a Name? GRADE 8 LESSON 33 Additional Resources: Integrity Quotes - http://www.quotegarden.com/integrity.html Leadership - http://www.smallbusinessnotes.com/operating/leadership/leadership.html Developing Knowledge of Self and Others http://www.doe.virginia.gov/VDOE/Instruction/leadership/main/activities/912/act01.html Recognizing Leadership Qualities in Yourself http://www.doe.virginia.gov/VDOE/Instruction/leadership/main/activities/912/act03.html Leadership Library Resource List - http://www.casaaleadership.ca/res-pub-thumb.html Defining Leadership http://www.doe.virginia.gov/VDOE/Instruction/leadership/appendixa/appa2.html Leadership Qualities Questionnaire – http://webpages.shepherd.edu/adevito/Recr%20450%20Internship/..%5CRecr%2045 0%20Internship%5CLEADERSHIP%20QUALITIES%20QUESTIONNAIRE%20Student.doc Leadership Curriculum Ideas http://www.asbdirector.com/leadership/leadershipcurriculum.html Communication Leadership Activities http://www.asbdirector.com/leadership/communication.html Goal Setting Leadership Activity http://www.asbdirector.com/leadership/goalsetting.html Extension Activities: Display name plates for a period of time, possibly for Parent Night, etc. Students may create more extensive name plates as art projects. Many additional resources are available online. Students may continue study on qualities of an effective leader. The teacher may use the terms from the jigsaw activity as part of a vocabulary lesson. Investigate the importance and benefits of a strong vocabulary. This could be used as a team activity in a middle school setting. Other activities as assigned by advisor. Developed by: Dr. Penny Fisher, Director, Putnam County Schools (2009)