Community Services Minutes 27th July 2009 - Weston-super

Community Services 27.07.09
Meeting Commenced: 7.00 p.m.
Meeting Concluded: 8.30 p.m.
Present: Councillors Webb (Chairman), Mrs. Priestman (Vice Chairman), Cleland, Judd, Hitchins
and Mrs. Willis.
In Attendance: Malcolm Nicholson (Town Clerk), Samantha Middlemiss (Committee Clerk) Sarah
Pearse (Responsible Financial Officer) and Paul Mc Erlean (Senior Groundsman).
Apologies for Absence
Received from Councillors Mrs. Parry, Canniford, Mrs. Warwick and Porter.
Declarations of Interest
Councillor Mrs. Willis declared a personal interest in relation to agenda item 5, as a
member and volunteer of North Somerset Crossroads.
Councillor Judd declared a personal interest in relation to agenda item 5 as a member of
the North Worle Local Action Team.
Minutes of the Community Services Committee Meeting held on the 8th June 2009
(previously circulated)
RESOLVED: That the Minutes be accepted and signed as a true record.
Notes of the Weston-super-Mare in Bloom Meetings:
 26th May 2009. (previously circulated)
RESOLVED: That the Notes be received.
Minutes of the Allotment Management Sub – Committee held on 26th February
2009 (previously circulated)
RESOLVED: That the Minutes be accepted and signed as a true record.
Grant Applications
The Finance Assistant’s report had been previously circulated with the agenda.
Outdoor Events UK LTD
Community Services 27.07.09
PROPOSED BY: Councillor Webb
SECONDED BY: Councillor Mrs. Priestman
RESOLVED: That this application be awarded the full amount of £500.00.
NSC Community Safety and Drug Action Team
PROPOSED BY: Councillor Mrs. Priestman
SECONDED BY: Councillor Judd
RESOLVED: The Committee requested that more information be sought on the
application, and then be referred to the Policy & Finance Committee.
North Somerset Crossroads
At this point of the meeting Councillor Mrs. Willis left the room, as she had declared a personal interest
on this item.
PROPOSED BY: Councillor Mrs. Priestman
SECONDED BY: Councillor Judd
RESOLVED: That this application be refused.
Councillor Mrs. Willis re joined the meeting.
Weston-super-Mare under 13’s Rugby Club
PROPOSED BY: Councillor Mrs. Priestman
SECONDED BY: Councillor Judd
RESOLVED: That this application be awarded the full amount of £1,000, subject to the
Youth Council’s Logo being incorporated somewhere on their kit.
North Worle Local Action Team
PROPOSED BY: Councillor Mrs. Priestman
SECONDED BY: Councillor Hitchins
RESOLVED: That this application be refused.
Councillor Howell joined the meeting at 7.15 p.m.
The Off Street Players
PROPOSED BY: Councillor Cleland
SECONDED BY: Councillor Mrs Willis
RESOLVED: That this application be awarded £150.00.
Community Services 27.07.09
The Town Clerk informed the Committee of Councillor Ley-Morgan’s comments.
PROPOSED BY: Councillor Mrs. Willis
SECONDED BY: Councillor Mrs. Priestman
RESOLVED: That this application be awarded the full amount of £500.00.
E W Johnson
The Town Clerk informed the Committee that he had investigated the application and
had found it not to be lawful organisation, which did not meet the Town Council’s grant
Councillor Judd suggested that the organisation be written to, and invited, to launch their
book at the Armed Forces Day Celebration.
RESOLVED: That this application be refused.
1ST Wick St Lawrence Cubs
The Town Clerk informed the Committee of Councillor Ley-Morgan’s comments.
RESOLVED: That this application be refused.
PROPOSED BY: Councillor Mrs. Priestman
SECONDED BY: Councillor Judd
RESOLVED: That the above resolutions be approved en bloc.
Community & Leisure
The Community and Leisure Officer’s report had been previously circulated.
The Big Fete and Family Fun Day
Councillor Mrs. Willis informed the Committee of her concerns over the proposed date
for this event. The Worle Traders Association were holding a Music Event the night
before and it would compromise the traders availability to attend the fete on that day.
The Committee were in favour of the event, but shared the concerns of the proposed
PROPOSED BY: Councillor Mrs. Priestman
SECONDED BY: Councillor Mrs. Willis
RESOLVED: To delegate the project to the Town Clerk and the Chairman of the
Community Services Committee
Community Services 27.07.09
Bus Shelters
Councillor Howell reported to the Committee that he had spoken to Preanes Green
Resource centre, and they would be happy to paint the Bus Shelter, and the Town
Council would supply the paint.
Councillor Mrs. Willis informed the Committee that she had spoken to Linda Sharp, and
that the probation service would organise workers to touch up the painting of the bus
shelters, with the Town Council initially painting them first.
Hutton Moor Graffiti Project
RESOLVED: Members agreed the project.
To receive feedback from the Community Show
Discussions ensued amongst the Committee.
The show was very well attended, better than forecasted by the Town Council. The
overall feedback from parishioners and traders of the town was very good.
Next year’s show needs to concentrate on making a profit, and delegation between staff
and Councillors needs to be improved.
It was thought that the emphasis on what the show represented was not clearly indicated
to the public, and people didn’t even know that the Town Council were hosting the
Councillor Mrs. Willis suggested that a trader’s feedback form be used at next year’s
show; from experience this process is very beneficial.
It was evident that the presentations should not have taken place on the stage as it was to
far away from the busy trade stalls where the public were, and nobody witnessed the
Members had previously requested a breakdown of the show’s costs, which had not been
available. Members requested that a breakdown of the figures be available to them.
Councillor Mrs. Willis informed the Committee that she had a contact for a company
who could produce banners, which could be changed e.g. the date, to save money for
future years.
Councillor Judd requested that the date for next year’s show be incorporated in the
Town Council’s newsletter.
Ellenborough Park Notice Board
The Town Clerk informed the Committee that he and the Community and Leisure
Community Services 27.07.09
Officer carried out an informal public consultation at Ellenborough Park with the local
RESOLVED: That the notice board at Ellenborough Park would be situated to the left
hand side of the Ellenborough Crescent entrance.
Armed Forces Day
Councillor Judd gave a verbal report of the Armed Forces Day Working Party Meeting
held on Wednesday 22nd July 2009. Notes of this meeting were available to Members if
they wished to view them.
Concerns over the amalgamation of the two events was raised, it was thought that the
profile of the Community show may get lost with the combination of the Armed Forces
The Committee were informed that it would be two separate events ran on the same
weekend and the same location, and that there was no need for concerns over the
amalgamation of the two events.
The hope that the profiles of the two events would grow so large that in future years the
two events could be run separately again.
The Town Clerk raised concerns over the hire fee of the staging equipment and toilet
facilities, as it was the same weekend as Glastonbury Festival.
Members requested the Town Clerk to investigate the possibility of offering the Freedom
of the Town to the Somerset Regiment.
The next meeting of the Armed Forces Day Working Party would take place on the 10 th
September 2009, 7.00 p.m. at Grove House.
The Responsible Financial Officer requested Councillor Judd to submit an estimated
figure for the event in September, for the budget setting.
RESOLVED: That the date for the linked Community Show and Armed Forces Day
Celebration take place on the weekend of 26th and 27th June 2010.
Christmas Lights
The Town Clerk reported that he had met with the Town Centre Partnership and the
Leader of the Council to discuss the scheme, and informed the Committee that the
Town Council needed to approve and submit a scheme by 31st July 2009.
Various Trading Associations had been contacted on the plans for the scheme, and
North Somerset Council had been approached regarding power supply on the Boulevard
and had quoted £114.00 per lamp.
The Town Clerk reported that the scheme should come in on budget.
Community Services 27.07.09
Life Trail
The Town Clerk requested Members instruction on the project.
Postage costs for public consultation were estimated at £800.00 and an A4 window in the
Weston Mercury quoted at £700.00.
Members requested that the consultation be included within the next Town Council’s
Members requested if they could take part in the public consultations in various parks.
A public consultation form would be created for staff and Councillors to carry out public
consultations as soon as possible.
RESOLVED: That Councillors Mrs. Willis, Mrs. Priestman and Cleland, and Town
Council staffs carry out public consultations at Ellenborough Park East, Clarence Park
and Grove Park before 17th August 2009.
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.30 p.m.
Signed: ...............................................................
Dated: ......................................