Greetings Families, The Faculty, Staff and Administration extend our most cordial welcome to all. It is our hope that we will continue working together to make this a wonderful school year for your child. We encourage you to be an active participant in your child’s education and to be actively involved in our school. We hope that many of your questions are answered within the pages of this handbook. The handbook has been written to provide you with useful information about our school’s operation. Please take time now to read the handbook thoroughly and discuss it with your child. Place it in a safe place so that you may refer to it throughout the school year, and please know that a digital copy can be found on our school’s website. You are also encouraged to review the Parent/Student Handbook, which is provided by the Wake County Public School System which can be found at: The contents of this handbook and our school expectations will be discussed with all students within the first ten days of school. We would like to encourage you to join our PTA and become actively involved in our volunteer program. Volunteers are requested to use a school’s designated computer to submit their volunteer registration on the WCPSS Intranet site or go to the WCPSS Customer Service Center at 110 Corning Road, Raleigh, NC and register on one of the designated computers for customers. You are welcome to volunteer at anytime that you have prearranged with a staff member; however, we ask that you remember to sign in at the front computer station in order to obtain a volunteer badge. We further encourage you to become involved in your child’s education. A strong relationship between home and school will be most beneficial for your child’s success! We look forward to a terrific school year, one in which your child achieves maximum success! Sincerely, Briana Pelton Principal Hunter GT / AIG Magnet Elementary School Do You Need A Question Answered? PRINCIPAL: Ms. Briana Pelton ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL: Mr. Jared Moore School COUNSELOR: Mr. Copeland Norcross LEAD SECRETARY: Mrs. Patrice Lewis NC WISE DATA MANAGER: Ms. Mary Hardy RECEPTIONIST: Ms. Cherise Batts MEDIA SPECIALIST: Ms. Evelyn Bussell CAFETERIA MANAGER: Ms. Maria Jones TRANSPORTATION Enloe Transportation Telephone: Fax: Cafeteria: Transportation: (919) 856-7676 (919) 856-7680 (919) 856-7684 (919) 856-7916 (Enloe) Mission Statement of Hunter Elementary To empower every student by identifying their gifts and talents through differentiation, electives, cultural arts, and positive behavior that establishes a foundation for successful life-long learners. 1 The Program At Hunter Elementary Students who attend Hunter will be involved in various program components: Basic Instruction AIG Basics-service model for state identified academically gifted students in grades 4 and 5 with differentiated instruction and enrichment at all grade levels. Other Disciplines Physical education, drama, dance, art, music, media, Spanish, and computer science as a part of a well balanced program. Electives/Specials (Electives Run Monday-Thursday Only) Kindergarten will have one special daily 1st quarter and one elective will be added 2nd quarter. During 3rd and 4th quarters, kindergarten will have 2 electives daily and 1 special per week. First grade will have one elective and one special daily 1st and 2nd quarters and two electives daily and 1 special per week during 3rd and 4th quarters. Grades 2nd – 5th will have two electives daily and 2 specials per week the entire year. School Hours OUR SCHOOL DAY BEGINS AT 9:15 am AND ENDS AT 3:45 pm. Arrival/Departure The school day starts at 9:15 and ends at 3:45. Students may go to their classrooms or breakfast at 8:45. Students arriving before 8:45 must be enrolled in the early arrival program. Please do not leave your child(ren) to wait in front of the school or inside of the front entrance prior to 8:45 as they are unsupervised and unsafe. Bus Riders In the afternoon, students who ride the buses are called over the intercom to walk to their bus. Walkers Walkers are dismissed to central locations and then exit the building at 3:45. Only student residing within our school’s “Walk Zone” will be permitted to be walkers. All other students must utilize bus or carpool transportation. Carpool Students who carpool are dismissed at 3:45 to go wait in the media center for their number to be called. Please stay in your vehicle and wait for your student in the carpool line. We ask this for the safety and security of all our students. Carpool tags must be visible in the front window of your vehicle. Parents can register for a carpool number in the front office. Students will be called by number to meet his/her vehicle in the carpool spaces. Students will NOT be released to vehicles without carpool numbers. Carpool riders need to be picked up by 4:05 pm. Students who are not picked up in carpool must be checked out through the front office. 2 Change in Mode of Transportation If a student who normally rides a bus is to go home in a different manner, a note MUST be sent to school notifying the teacher that the mode of transportation has changed. If a student does NOT bring a note notifying the teacher of the change, than they will be sent home in the usual manner. Students who carpool or walk and are going home with someone else should bring a note, signed by a parent, to the teacher and/or office stating with whom they are riding. Please note, students are NOT permitted to ride a bus home that they are not assigned to. (For example, students are not permitted to ride a bus home with a friend, unless they are officially assigned to that bus.) Attendance Policies and Procedures To ensure that your child receives a whole day of instruction, it is important that he/she gets to school on time each day. The instructional school day begins at 9:15 am and ends at 3:45 pm. Board Policy states “A student shall be in his/her assigned area at the beginning of the school day and the beginning of each class or be recorded as tardy”. Therefore, it is imperative that all students be in their assigned locations promptly at 9:15 am. Absences Any student arriving later than 12:30 pm or leaving earlier than 12:30 pm will be considered absent for the day. If your child should leave school during the day for routine matters i.e. medical appointments, a note should be sent to the teacher in advance. Valid conditions for excused absences include: Illness or injuries that make the student physically unable to attend school. Isolation ordered by the State Board of Health or the Wake County Health Department. Death in the immediate family. Medical or Dental appointment. Participation as a party under subpoena as witness in a court proceeding. Observance of an event required or suggested by the religion of the student or the students parents. Wake County has an automated system to notify parents at the home phone number when a student is marked absent. Each day a student is out, the system will call home after 4:00 p.m. even if the parent has contacted the office. Be sure to provide alternate phone numbers if necessary. Request for Excused Absence for Educational Reasons In order to follow Board Policy and remain an excused absence, “the intent of the experience should have been educational from the outset and comparable to that which the student would have experienced in school. Family trips and vacations that were not designed, initially, to be educational will not be excused”. Furthermore, “Policy 6000 requires advanced permission for excused absences for educational purposes. The principal should deny the request if the cumulative effect of such absences would substantially interfere with the education of the student”. Five days prior approval is required from the principal. A parent should complete a Request for Excused Absence for Educational Reasons (form 1710) and return to the classroom teacher. 3 Absences not classified as excused will be coded as unexcused. According to board policy the student is responsible for submitting a note signed by the parent or physician within 2 days of the students return to school. Failure to comply with the above will result in the absence being unexcused. Absent with Advance Notice: Parents should send a note or email to the teacher providing at least 48 hours notice. Teacher will provide work to maintain skills. The work will be given to the child the day prior to the absence. Additional work will be available upon return to cover new material. Requesting Make-Up Work Absent One Day: Child will receive make-up work from the teacher on the day following the absence, if applicable. Absent More than One Day: Parent should call and leave a message through the office or email the teacher to have the teacher contact you to request work. The work will be gathered by the teacher and placed in the front office for the parent to pick up. Please allow 24 hours notice. Tardy Policies and Procedures If your child arrives after 9:15 am, you MUST bring him/her and sign in at the front computer station. The student must have a pass from the computer printout to enter class. Excessive absences or tardies are grounds for terminating magnet or transfer status. Homework Policy The Board of Education believes that homework is an important part of the educational program for students in the Wake County Public School System and should be assigned on a regular basis. The purpose of homework is to: 1. Reinforce and extend skills learned (taught) in class. 2. Supplement and support the school experience through related home activities. 3. Keep parents informed with the school program and involve them with the learning process of their child. 4. Encourage the student to be responsible and independent as well as to increase motivation. 4 Classroom Interruptions Policy In an effort to make the most of instructional time, Hunter Elementary will implement Wake County’s Board of Education policy on classroom interruptions. Students can learn best when instructional time is not interrupted by P.A. announcements, unexpected visitors, or messages from the school’s main office. Therefore, we request your assistance in helping us to protect your child’s instructional time. Please contact your child’s teacher to discuss volunteer opportunities, schedule a conference, or to pick up your child early. In order to protect instructional time, students MUST remain in the classroom until parents physically arrive in the school office to sign them out. In order to maintain a safe and sound instructional environment, we ask that you respect the following guidelines. All parents should feel free to bring their child into the building on their child’s first day of school. Board policy states “any visitor on campus must sign in at the main office”. For your child’s safety, we expect all visitors to wear a visitor’s badge while on campus. We will begin enforcing this policy on the first day of school. This policy should assist in keeping traffic moving smoothly so that we can begin classroom instruction promptly at 9:15 am. Please note that all parents are expected to exit the classrooms by this time so that teachers can begin teaching. In addition, we will continue to strategically place Hunter faculty and staff throughout the building to assist students during arrival and dismissal each day. Check-Out Procedures Students may only be released to parents and to those individuals who have been approved by the parents, which can be found on the student data sheet. If there is no court order or separation agreement concerning custody of the child, either parents (or legal guardian) has the same right to see the child at school or have the child released to him/her at the end of the school day. Please be aware that if you need to check-out a student before dismissal, you will need to arrive in the office no later than (3:15 pm). This allows us to clear the way for carpool to begin promptly at dismissal. No students will be checked out from 3:15 until 4:05 as parents should utilize carpool during this time. To protect instructional time we maintain data to monitor the amount of instructions students miss due to early check-out and late arrival. If someone other than a parent is to pick up a child use the following procedures: The parent MUST send a signed note or fax (856-7680) to the school in advance authorizing the school to release the child to the person assigned to get your child Photo ID must be provided Notification must be made prior to 2:30pm If your child’s transportation home in the afternoon changes, please let the teacher or the front office staff know no later than 2:30pm. For the safety of your child, bus and day care riders WILL NOT be dismissed to carpool without a note! 5 Buses-General Information The transportation operations manager is responsible for assigning students to specific buses. Students may not ride any bus other than the one to which they are assigned. Students are NOT allowed to ride a bus home with a friend as they would be riding a bus to which they were not assigned. Questions about bus stops and schedules should be directed to the operational manager listed with the bus route. Our transportation operations manager is with Enloe Transportation. The only bus stops that will be changed during the first month will be issues dealing with the safety or a “no” stop. All other changes will be made after the first month. To have a stop change a “Transportation Service Request” form must be completed and sent to the transportation office. For your child’s safety, please be aware that an adult MUST be present for a kindergarten student to exit the school bus at their designated location. If there are concerns about late buses in the mornings, please contact Enloe Transportation 856-7916. For the safety of all our bus riding students, we will label all students for the first days of school (20 days for Kindergarten). Your child will come home with a tag stating their name, address, bus stop, and phone number. In addition, the school’s name and number will also be included on the name tag. In the event that a student were to be found on the bus after the student’s stop or at the end of the run, than the child will be returned to the school or the district office and the parent will be notified. Bus Expectations Be prompt and ready to board the bus in an orderly manner at your designated stop (Bus drivers have been instructed not to wait for students who are not at the bus stop). Remain seated in assigned seat while the bus is in motion. No pushing, tripping, fighting, or using profanity. Except as permitted by board policy, no student shall use, display, transmit or have in the “on” position on school property any wireless communication device or personal entertainment device, including but not necessarily limited to, cell phones, pagers, two-way radios, CD/MP3 players, and electronic games, or any laser pointer or similar devices until after the conclusion of the instructional day. Keep head, arms, legs, and other body parts inside the bus. We have asked the students to keep their hands to themselves even if they are “just playing”, since this often results in feelings being hurt and consequently leads to fighting. We have asked the students to use the following procedures rather than take matters into their own hands; 1. Notify the driver of the problem 2. Notify a teacher of the problem 3. Notify the parent of the problem 4. Notify the principal/assistant principal of the problem No throwing items inside or outside of the bus. Talk quietly on the bus. Drivers have the authority to place students on silent bus when the bus becomes too loud. Enter the bus in an orderly and quiet manner. Sit in assigned seats without being reminded. Abide by the request of the driver and follow all school and county rules and regulations. Food and drink are not allowed on the bus at any time. Be respectful to the driver and other students at all times. 6 Hunter Bus Discipline The safe transportation of our students to and from school is very important. We are positive that you feel the same way. According to WCPSS Board Policy school transportation is a privilege, not a right. Therefore, the following conduct or violation of any other rule of the Code of Student Conduct while on the school bus or other school vehicle is specifically prohibited. 1. 2. 3. 4. Delaying the bus schedule Getting off at an unauthorized stop Failing to observe established safety rules and regulations Willfully trespassing upon a school bus Students who are suspended from the bus are not allowed to arrive to school before 8:45 am and must be picked up no later than 4:00 pm. NOTE: The above information highlights several of the WCPSS Code of Student Conduct Policies, which governs student behavior. In order to view the entire Code of Student Conduct, please refer to the WCPSS Student/Parent Handbook, or go to Discipline and Behavior Hunter Elementary has high expectations for all students, and we are a Positive Behavior for Intervention and Support (PBiS) School. Our code of conduct is based on S.T.A.R.S.; Safety, Teamwork, Attitude, Respect and Self Discipline. All Students will be expected to demonstrate these characteristics at all times in the classroom, halls, cafeteria and playground. It is the goal of the staff to create a climate that is conducive to learning by maintaining an orderly and positive environment at Hunter. If a student does not conduct themselves appropriately, the staff will contact parents for support and help. If the student continues to misbehave or receives a major behavior referral, a parent will be contacted and may be asked to come to school for a conference so that the home and school can work together to correct the disruptive behavior. The Hunter staff will make every effort to keep Hunter a safe and productive school for all students. The staff seeks the continuing support of all parents to help make Hunter the best school it can be 7 Dress Code Policy Students are expected to adhere to standards of dress and appearance that are compatible with an effective learning environment. Presenting a bodily appearance or wearing clothing which is disruptive, provocative, revealing, vulgar, profane, offensive or obscene or which endangers the health and safety of the student or others is prohibited. Examples of prohibited dress or appearance include, but are not limited to the following: exposed undergarments, sagging pants, bear midriff shirts, strapless shirts, spaghetti strap tops, attire with messages or illustrations that are lewd, indecent, or vulgar or that advertise any product or service not permitted by law to minors, head covering of any kind with the exception of religious considerations, see through clothing, attire that exposes cleavage, any adornment such as chains or spikes that reasonably can be perceived as or used as a weapon, any symbols styles or attire frequently associated with intimidation violence, or violent groups about which students at a particular school have been notified. Individual schools are free to specify additional examples of dress or appearance that are prohibited at the school under the terms of this policy. The principal or designee may require a student to change his/her appearance if it constitutes a threat to the health or safety of others, distracts the attention of other students or staff from their work or otherwise violates the dress code. A second or repeated violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action. Parent Concern Procedures Parental concerns should be expressed first to the teacher. Concerns that are more specific in nature should be made to the Administration after discussing them with the teacher. Parent-Teacher Conferences Conferences and / or parent student conferences will be scheduled with each student’s parent/guardian during the school year. To protect instructional time and allow for supervision of children, parents are not allowed to go to the classrooms to conference with teachers, unless an appointment has been scheduled ahead of time (prior to 8:45 am or after 4:15 pm). If you would like to schedule a conference, please send a note or email the teacher to have the teacher contact you. You should expect a call or a note within two school days to schedule a mutually agreed upon date and time. Drop-in appointments cannot be accommodated due to the interruption of instructional time. Early Release Days: 1:15 pm September 4, 2015 January 15, 2016 October 16, 2015 February 12, 2016 December 18, 2015 March 4, 2016 Pledge of Allegiance Each school shall include a daily recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. The school shall not compel any person to stand, salute the flag, or recite the Pledge of Allegiance, but each person shall maintain proper decorum while others participate. 8 Early Arrival Hunter Elementary will participate in the Early Arrival Program if 25 students or more enroll. Parents are encouraged to make plans for alternate arrangements in the event we do not reach our required enrollment. The Early Arrival Program provides a safe environment for students from 7:00 am until 8:45 am. If school opening is delayed due to inclement weather, the Early Arrival Program will be delayed for a period of time equivalent to the delay of the regular school day. Early Arrival Program Fee for 2015-2016 Registration fee: $15.00 Return Check fee is: $10.00 Late Check fee is: $10.00 Students will not be allowed to enter the Early Arrival Program once the 8:45 am bell has rung. Information regarding pricing and signing up can be found at: Persistent and/or severe misbehavior may result in the child being withdrawn from the program. Weather Related Closings and Delays In case of inclement weather, announcements concerning school closing will be made by the news media by 6:00 am. If inclement weather begins during the day please keep your radio or television on and listen for announcements. In the event of an early closing that might apply only to our school, it is important that we have current working emergency numbers where you can be reached or some other means of contacting you. In addition, sometimes, events such as power failures, heating and air conditioning system breakdowns, water main breaks and so on, will force WCPSS to have to cancel classes, delay the opening of, or dismiss early a small number of schools. In the event of any of these occurrences, Hunter Elementary will follow the procedures as established by the Wake County Public Schools System. If the decision is made to cancel classes, open late or dismiss schools early, the following plan goes into effect: The Wake County Public Schools website ( will carry the announcement of the closing, delay or early dismissal. Depending on the number of schools affected, either the emergency phone system will contact all affected parents, or the Notification Service will be activated to inform subscribers of the situation. Media outlets will be notified of the situation. One of the quickest ways to get information when inclement weather strikes is by signing up online for WCPSS emergency e-mail notification service. When you sign up, you will receive timely e-mails concerning any urgent news or important events such as school closings, delays in opening, early dismissals, and other such events. If school is dismissed early due to inclement weather, ALL after school activities (CONCERT, Rehearsals or Practice, etc.) will be cancelled! 9 Student Illness If a child becomes sick at school, we will take his/her temperature. Wake County School’s policy requires that a child with a fever of 100.6 degrees or more must go home until fever free for twenty-four hours. If a child has vomited, is nauseated or has diarrhea the parent will automatically be called to pick up the child from school. The child should remain at home until free of symptoms for 12 hours. In addition, school personnel will notify parents and arrange for children to go home when they have the following symptoms: - Severe headache - Red, watery eyes with yellow drainage - Undiagnosed rash - Inability to attend to learning activities - Change in student’s usual medical status Principals will refer, immediately; any suspected cases of highly infectious reportable diseases to the Wake County Human Services Communicable Diseases Program. Medication School officials may administer medication to students if the “Parent Request and Physician Order for Medication” (Form 1702) is completed and in the possession of school officials. No medication will be given by a school official unless it is in a container dispensed by a pharmacy with the student’s name, name of medication, the date the prescription was filled, and directions clearly marked and the parent has completed Form 1702. At all school levels students may self-medicate with prescription medication if they have permission to do so documented on Form 1702. At the elementary level no other self-medication including over-the-counter medication is permitted. Parents are responsible for transporting all medications to school unless special arrangements are made with the principal or it is an emergency medicine that the child has permission to keep with him/her. Due to the increasing frequency and intensity of allergic reactions that impact students in the educational environment, parents of students with a life-threatening allergy MUST provide the school with specific details and medical documentation. For your child’s safety, please remember to provide commercially produced baked goods and/or treats ONLY! 10 Field Trips Your child’s teacher may arrange an educational field trip for your child’s class. Before your child can attend, we must have your written permission. Prior to the intended field trip date, the teacher will send information to you regarding field trip plans, costs, transportation, etc. When a field trip is arranged, please return permission forms readily. If you have questions at the time, contact your child’s teacher. If you wish for your child to not attend the planned field trip, an instructional plan will be provided for your child at school on that day. Children enrolled at Hunter Elementary School who attend a field trip other than with their assigned homeroom will be counted absent and coded unlawful, since this constitutes an unexcused absence. Students participating in a Wake County field trip and riding a Wake County school bus must ride the bus to and from their destination; otherwise, they too will be counted absent. Students riding a charter bus must ride the bus to the point of destination; however, parents may choose to check out their child with the classroom teacher and transport them in their private vehicle home. Please note if a parent chooses this option the school is released from all liability, (only legal guardians have this option, and students must be pre-signed out in the school office). On occasion, parents are invited on field trips to assist with supervision; however, parents cannot ride on a Wake County school bus. Parent volunteers must be cleared through the Wake County Public School Volunteer Program as a level 3 prior to participating in any field trips. Parents however may purchase a seat to ride a charter bus. Parents and volunteers are charged the same costs for field trips as students. Since field trips are unstructured events, Hunter must work diligently in trying to keep our children as safe as possible at all times. Therefore, please note that when parents volunteer to attend a field trip with the expectations that they will be assisting the teacher in the supervision of children, it is not appropriate to bring other children as they can distract from your role as a supervising adult. VOLUNTEER REGISTRATION WCPSS Board Policy states that “all volunteer applicants will complete an on-line application at a WCPSS school and must receive clearance from the Human Resources Department – Employee Relations before beginning work in a school as a volunteer.” Please be aware that prior to October 31st applications will be accepted Monday-Friday 8:00-4:00. After this date, the process will be limited to Mondays only! This application will allow you to serve in a volunteer capacity for the 2013-2014 school year. Volunteers who have previously registered must reactivate their status if they plan to participate again this year. Volunteers should make sure to sign in at the front computer station in order to obtain a volunteer badge. EMERGENCIES If your child is hurt at school, we will administer first aid and contact you concerning an injury more serious than a minor abrasion. If, in our judgment, an injury requires immediate medical attention, we will call 911 for emergency assistance and then will immediately try to contact a parent at home or work. If your child needs to be transported to a hospital, a staff member will accompany the student if a parent has not arrived. All address and telephone changes are required by the office of Student Assignment to be submitted to the school at the time they occur. In the event you should need to move during the school year, parents are required to: * Advise the office with a call or a note. * Return all Media Books, Textbooks, and all other school property. 11 Breakfast and Lunch: Each student will receive an application for free or reduced priced meals through the mail prior to the beginning of school. If you do not receive an application by mail you may obtain one from the school cafeteria or office (applications are available throughout the school year). Please complete the application and return it as soon as possible if you would like to apply. Students applying for Free/Reduced meals in 2013-2014 are eligible to eat at their same status as the previous year until October 9, 2014. Breakfast is available each morning from 8:45-9:15 am. Each class is assigned a lunch period. Parents are always welcome to join their child for breakfast or lunch, but must sign in at the front lobby computer station. Meal Breakfast Reduced Breakfast Lunch Reduced Lunch Prices Daily (Students) $ 1.00 $ .30 $ 2.00 $ .40 We encourage parents to prepay for lunch on Monday of each week. Please make sure that you indicate your child’s lunch number on the check or envelope. Parents have an option of paying for student meals in advance through the automatic payment system. For more information, please go to The breakfast and lunch program will begin on the first day of school and will operate every day. All lunches purchased at school or brought from home will be eaten in the cafeteria or in a supervised setting. Breakfast will be from 8:45 am to 9:15 am. Meals cannot be charged. Students without breakfast money will not be provided breakfast. Students without lunch money according to Wake County Cafeteria Policy will be provided fruits and vegetables with a cup of water. The office will not be able to provide funds for meals. If this should be a recurring problem then the policy dictates that the cafeteria manager take action through the guidance counselor or Principal. Please encourage your child to take advantage of the Child Nutrition Program. Hot meals, meeting the Federal Nutrition Requirements, are served each day. Parents should not package soft drinks or other beverages, which must be kept cold. Also, do not pack food that will spoil at room temperature. Student lunches cannot be refrigerated or microwaved. NO BOTTLE SOFT DRINKS ARE ALLOWED IN THE CAFETERIA. 12 Disclaimer All students are responsible for complying with and are expected to be familiar with the WCPSS Code of Student Conduct and school board policies governing student behavior and conduct. All Code of Student Conduct policies are contained in the WCPSS Student/Parent Handbook, which is distributed to all students and parents at the beginning of each school year or upon enrollment in the WCPSS. If there is a conflict between the rules expressed in this handbook/agenda/planner and the Code of Student Conduct policies, the WCPSS Code of Student Conduct policies shall take precedence. Todos los estudiantes son responsables por el cumplimiento y el conocimiento del Código de Conducta Estudiantil y de todas las políticas de la Junta Escolar que gobiernan el comportamiento y la conducta estudiantil. Todas las políticas del Código de Conducta Estudiantil se encuentran en el manual de WCPSS de Estudiantes/Padres, el cual se distribuye a todos los padres y estudiantes al principio de cada año escolar o al matricularse en el WCPSS. Si hay un conflicto entre las reglas expresadas en este manual de Estudiantes/Padres y el manual/agenda/planificador de la escuela de su hijo(a) las reglas expresadas en este manual deben tomar prioridad. Wake County Public Schools Student Parent Handbook (English) Escuelas Publicas Manual para estudiantes y padres (espanol) 13