Mrs. Landers’ Classroom Rules and Expectations Rules: 1) 2) 3) 4) Follow all rules as outlined in the SCMS handbook. No food or drinks allowed in the classroom unless granted permission. Use SCMS agenda/planner when leaving the room during class. Students will be allowed two passes each grading term. These are to be used for restroom/locker purposes. 5) Each student will keep this list in their Math folder at all times. 6) Mrs. Landers reserves the right to add and/or change these rules as she sees fit! Expectations: 1) Each student will come to class prepared. This includes having all necessary supplies, books, and assignments. 2) Each student will respect Mrs. Landers’ property and other students’ property. 3) Each student will use respectful language and actions towards Mrs. Landers and fellow students. Consequences: 1) 2) 3) 4) First Offense : Written warning Second Offense: Written warning Third Offense: Contact parents After the third offense, the student will be sent to the office for disciplinary action. Warnings: 1) 2) Parent Signature: Parent e-mail: