Congratulations! You have been selected to the Student Assistance... job is: Morning Kiss-n-Ride

Congratulations! You have been selected to the Student Assistance Team. Your
job is:
Morning Kiss-n-Ride
In the morning, you should report to your post no later than 7:30 am. Please
spread out about a car length between students. Encourage cars to pull as far
up as possible in the car pool line. After the car comes to a complete stop, open
the door for the students getting out of the car and close the car door after they
have left the vehicle. When the bell rings, please report directly to your
Congratulations! You have been selected to the Student Assistance Team. Your
job is:
Morning Kiss-n-Ride
In the morning, you should report to your post no later than 7:30 am. Please
spread out about a car length between students. Encourage cars to pull as far
up as possible in the car pool line. After the car comes to a complete stop, open
the door for the students getting out of the car and close the car door after they
have left the vehicle. When the bell rings, please report directly to your