Oxnard High School-Classroom Expectations Biology Miss Heidenrich lindah@ouhsd.k12.ca.us Course Description: This course covers all areas of general biology; however the functional aspects of biology are covered in a greater degree than theory and classification. Some topics to be covered include cell structure and function, biological molecules, evolution, ecology, human biology, diseases, and heredity Mutual Expectations T= Timely. Be on time to class. Complete assignments in a timely fashion. A=Attitude. Have a contagious attitude worth catching. P= Pride. Have pride in your work. Complete assignments legibly and do your best. E= Effort. Provide the class with your best effort by coming prepared, completing work, participating productively and focusing on your work. R= Respect the classroom. EVERYONE and EVERYTHING in this classroom is valuable and should be treated as such. Do not use language or actions inappropriate to a classroom. Refrain from eating, drinking or chewing gum. Materials/Resources Text Interactive Notebook Pencils/Pens Attendance/Tardy Policy Students will be held accountable to all aspects of the stated Oxnard High School Attendance/Tardy Policy. YOU as the student have the responsibility of completing work due to a tardy or absence. Major Units/Concepts Investigation and Experimentation Ecology-interactions in an environment Organic Chemistry-cellular molecules Cell Structure-cell parts Cell Energy Cell Reproduction-mitosis/meiosis Genetics Biotechnology Evolution-natural selection, genetic drift Human Immunity Human Physiology-body systems Reading/Writing Components Grading Policy Students will read a variety of written material that includes textbooks, scientific journals, newspapers, Internet pages and other information. Students will be required to express their ideas clearly in a written manner through lab reports, journals, research papers, and essays. This class is based on a point system. The following is an approximation of percentages of points for each category and the breakdown of percentages: Tests and quizzes: 35% Labs, activities, projects: 30% 90% and up = A 80% - 89% = B Interactive Notebook: 35% (includes classwork and HW) Testing Policy Other 70% - 79% = C 60% - 69% = D * below 60% is not passing I will provide a class grade sheet approximately every two weeks. It is your responsibility to keep all assignments in case of a grade discrepancy. Work throughout the semester is worth 80% and the final exam accounts for the remaining 20%. Tests will cover material in lecture, reading, labs, and class work. They may consist of any combination of multiple choice, matching, fill-in, short answer and essay. Please make every effort to be here on test days and the review day before the test. You have the amount of time equal to your absence to make up a test before school or at lunch. No major extra credit projects will be offered during the semester. It is in your best interest to turn in all assignments on time. I am always willing to help outside of class time. I am usually available before school in P-12, and at lunch/after school in E210 if you have questions or concerns. I have read and understand the class procedures and expectations distributed by Miss Heidenrich. ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ Student Name Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature __________ Date