School Letter for 2014-15 - New Philadelphia City Schools

Central Elementary School
145 Ray Avenue N.W.
New Philadelphia, Ohio 44663
August 4, 2014
Dear Parents/Guardians,
It’s amazing how quickly the summer has moved along! Shortly, we’ll begin a new
school year filled with excitement and anticipation. I, as well as our school faculty
and staff, am looking forward to a great year; one in which our students grow
physically, socially, emotionally, and cognitively. Please trust that we will always
accept this tremendous responsibility with a sense of professionalism, dedication,
and commitment.
On Wednesday evening, August 20 from 6:30 until 7:30, each of the elementary
schools will host a “Meet the Teacher Night.” This event provides our families the
opportunity to visit the classrooms and say hello to their child’s teacher. We
certainly hope you can attend!
The first day of school for our students in the first through fifth grades is Thursday,
August 21, 2014. The doors to Central Elementary School open at 8:30 a.m.
Breakfast is served from 8:30 a.m. until 8:45 a.m. Prior to September 5, students
arriving at school between 8:30 a.m. and 8:45 a.m. either report to the cafeteria for
breakfast or if the student is not eating breakfast at school, report to his/her
homeroom. Beginning September 5, all students arriving at school between 8:30 a.m.
and 8:45 a.m. should report directly to the gymnasium rather than going to their
classrooms. As of September 5, our classroom teachers will be taking part each
morning in Professional Learning Community grade-level meetings. Teachers will be
examining student data, planning instruction, and aligning assessment during these
morning meetings. Therefore, to maintain high levels of supervision and safety, all
students arriving at school prior to 8:45 a.m. must report to the gymnasium where two
teachers will be on duty. In all cases, the tardy bell rings at 8:45 a.m.
The lunch periods for 2014-15 remain the same as last year. Our students in the
Kindergarten through second grade begin their lunch at 11:40 a.m. followed by a
thirty minute recess. Our students in the third through fifth grades have their
recess first followed by lunch at 12:10 p.m. To assist with the efficiency of the lunch
process, each student has been or will be assigned a PIN number that must be
entered in order for the student to receive his/her breakfast or lunch. Please be sure
to practice the PIN entering process prior to the first day of school. The dismissal
bell rings at 3:45 p.m. and brings our day to a conclusion!
For our Kindergarten families, the year begins with a parent meeting on Thursday,
August 21, with the two-day phase in program being conducted on Friday, August
22 and Monday, August 25, 2014. The first day for all of our Kindergarten students
to be in attendance is Tuesday, August 26, 2014.
The New Philadelphia City Schools District participates in the federally-funded
National School Lunch Program. With that being said, we strongly encourage
families throughout the district to complete the application for free or reduced
lunches. The determination for eligibility to receive free or reduced lunches is based
on family income levels with that information being part of the application packet.
If you believe you are eligible to participate in the program, please complete the
application and return it to our school office as soon as possible. The applications
are then forwarded to our Director of Food Services, Mrs. Cindy Jones, who will
process the applications and provide the determination of eligibility. Please know
that these applications and all such information remain highly confidential. Should
you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school office at 330-3640700 or Mrs. Jones at 330-364-0600.
As a reminder, students are permitted to bring a lunch from home. Students are
not permitted to have fast food items or soft drink beverages brought to school for
lunch. Additional information regarding the lunch program may be found as part
of the district website at or by contacting the office.
Updated parent handbooks will be sent home the first week of school. Only minor
changes have taken place with the handbook. Until the newest versions are
distributed, please use your current handbook as a reference for district guidelines,
regulations, and rules.
As I have shared with you in the past, student safety is our highest priority. With
that being said, I do remind our parents/guardians to please utilize the following
guidelines for arrival and dismissal times:
* Please do not drop-off or pick-up students under the light or near the crosswalks
found at the intersection of Ray Avenue N.W. and Second Street N.W.
* I strongly encourage our families to use the First Drive N.W. drop-off and pick-up
lines. This process is safest for your child and the most efficient!
* Any and all students crossing streets are required to use the crosswalks. Also, as
students cross either Ray Avenue N.W. or Second Street N.W., they must wait for
directions from our school crossing guard.
* Please be sure to keep all Bus Zones open for our buses to arrive and depart. These
areas are clearly marked.
* Students riding bikes to school must walk their bikes on school property. Also, these
same students should have a lock to secure their bike to the bike stand. This prevents
any theft issues.
During the course of the summer, we have also had changes in our faculty. We
welcome Ms. Chelsea McLandsborough and Mrs. Jacklyn Proctor to Central
Elementary School. Ms. McLandsborough will be joining Mrs. Limbacher and
Mrs. Stroup as part of our second grade teaching team. Mrs. Proctor will be
working with Mrs. Pipes as a fifth grade teacher. Mrs. Proctor will be providing
instruction in the content areas of reading/language arts and social studies. Mrs.
Rhodes is now our Title I mathematics teacher. I am confident these teachers will
provide high quality instruction for our students and continue the traditions of
achievement, commitment, and excellence.
I am pleased to report that Central Elementary School performed well on the Ohio
Achievement Assessments during the past school year; attaining many of the highest
scores in the district. Additionally, our school demonstrated positive growth in
other areas of the new state report card.
In closing, we look forward to a great school year. I thank you for placing your
trust in us as we care for your most precious possession, your child! Please know
that I welcome your thoughts, ideas, concerns, and compliments - my door is always
open to our parents, students, and staff. By working together, we can accomplish
amazing things. I look forward to seeing all of you soon. Best wishes for a great
school year!
John R. Zucal
John R. Zucal
Mission Statement
The New Philadelphia City Schools will provide all students the opportunity to achieve their highest
potential to become educated, self-sufficient, and responsible citizens. We are committed to providing
every student a diverse quality education within a safe and secure environment through a dedicated,
innovative, and highly qualified staff in partnership with parents and the community-at-large.
Core Values
Respect Commitment
Achievement Excellence
Vision Statement
Continuing the Tradition of Achievement, Commitment, and Excellence!