Kindergarten Orientation Powerpoint

Come on in and make yourself
comfortable! Please find your child’s
name and have a seat.
The paperwork inside the folder needs
to be filled out and returned on your
child’s phase-in day. Thanks!!
Daily Communication
Agendas need to come to school every day in a
tote bag. Please CHECK DAILY for important
notes and memos. The agenda will need to be
initialed each day as well! The agenda is a
textbook and you will need to purchase a new one
if the one issued is lost. Your child will also need
a take home folder that will hold reading
homework and cards.
The folder will also be used to send home
student work, newsletters, notes to/from me,
lunch money etc.
Classroom rules and consequences
are posted. Please be aware of the
school-wide code system in your
child’s agenda to interpret the
inappropriate behavior
Behavior Tracking
Kindergarten students will be learning
about Buchanan’s Behavior Tracking
system the 1st 2 weeks of school.
Beginning September 10th students will
begin receiving conduct marks in their
agenda for inappropriate behaviors.
More information is in the student
handbook (pages 1,4,5,14), which is in
the front portion of the agenda.
DA- disrespect to authority (such as eye-rolling, disruptive noises, refusal
to answer, etc)
DP- disrespect to peers (arguing, bickering, gossiping, etc.)
DT- disrespect to things (not taking care of school property, hands/feet on
walls, etc.)
OT- off task (not completing assigned tasks, not following directions when
given, etc.)
T- talking (in line, during class, at appropriate times, etc.)
R- responsibility (not being prepared for class, leaving tote bags, reading
books at home, etc.)
H- homework (not completing AND returning homework assignments)
C- cheating
D- dishonesty
S- stealing (taking ANYTHING that does not belong to you)
P- profanity and/or vulgar gestures
V- violence- which may include: pushing, shoving, fighting, bullying, zerotolerance offenses, arguing with, cussing at, or back talking an adult,
explosive anger, etc.)
* The teacher has the authority to determine any behavior that
warrants an immediate office referral.
Newsletters will be sent home monthly.
Daily communication will be added to
Parent-Teacher Conferences are
scheduled for Oct. 9 and March 12.
Report Cards will be sent home once
every nine weeks. A progress report will
come home mid-nine-weeks.
Report Card Grading Rubric
4 – Exceeding the grade level standard.
Students receive a 4 when they have mastered
the kindergarten curriculum and are working at or
above a 1st grade level.
3 – Meeting the grade level standard.
Students receive a 3 when they are successfully
completing and performing at the
kindergarten level.
2 – Progressing toward the standard.
Students will receive a 2 when they have not yet
mastered the skill without teacher assistance.
1 – Beginning to develop the standard.
Students are not able to produce required grade
level work.
Absences - Refer to student handbook in
agenda. Please send in a note after every
absence. This note must include a valid reason
for absence to be excused. The note cannot be
written in agenda.
If a child is picked up before 11:16, the child
will be counted absent for the day unless they
return to school.
On your child’s report card “tardy” includes
being late to school and early pickups.
Breakfast - $1.25/day. Served 7:00-7:30.
No charges!
Lunch - Student daily: $2.00 Weekly:
$10.00. You are encouraged to pay in
advance. No more than 3 charges will be
allowed. Our lunch will be from 10:45 –
*Parents/Visitors are welcome to eat with us
after Labor Day. Give us a few weeks to
establish our routines and get used to
being away from parents. The cost is
$3.00. Please wait for us in the cafeteria.
Snacks –We ask that you send only healthy
snacks with your child. If you are sending
lunch with your child, please make sure that
snack and lunch are NOT in the same bag.
Birthdays – We will celebrate during lunch
time. Sweets/cupcakes are fine for birthdays!
Envelopes/Baggies - Send ALL money in a
labeled, sealed envelope or zip-lock bag with
your child’s name & what the $ is for.
NO ONE is allowed to come to the
classrooms before 7:25 a.m. If your
child is dropped off before this time
they will need to wait in the Gym.
School doors will be unlocked at 7:00
a.m. Students arriving after 7:40
must get a tardy slip in the front
office. Please come in with your child
to get the tardy slip.
If you wish to walk your kindergartner to
his/her classroom, you must enter and
in the front office. This is not the
time for a teacher talk because the
teacher must focus on the students during
arrival times. You are encouraged to allow
your child to begin walking by him/herself
after August 31st. Your cooperation with
this will be greatly appreciated!
All car riders are required to have an
official “pick-up” tag displayed in the front
windshield area of their vehicle. Children
will not be dismissed to anyone who does
not have this tag displayed. If you did not
receive a car tag and need one, please let
your teacher know. She will have the tags
ready for you when you pick your child up
on his/her Phase-In day. Dismissal begins
at 2:40 and all students should be picked
up by 3:00.
For your child’s safety, we ask
that you remain in your car and
drive through the pick-up line.
Please do not walk up to get
your child. Parents will be asked
to go back to their vehicles if
they try to walk up to the doors
at dismissal.Car rider line will
not move until buses leave.
Parents may not pick a child up
from the office after 2:25.
You will need to complete the
transportation information sheet before
you leave tonight.
It is very important that we know how
your child will be getting home each
day.Let your teacher know by writing in
the agenda any changes in transportation.
Your child will need to wear a
transportation tag on his/her tote bag
daily. Please do not remove this tag or let
your student remove the tag. This helps
the Buchanan staff to assist all children
with dismissal.
Bus Information
YMCA Fun Company
*ask for Debbie or Whitney
Boys & Girls Club
We are planning on the following trips
this year:
Lucky Ladd Pumpkin Patch – Oct. 10
Cannon County Playhouse – 2-5
Nashville Zoo - May
Information & permission slips will be
sent home prior to each trip.
An order form for our class t-shirt
is inside your file folder.
Kindergarten students can purchase
a shirt to be worn on all field
trips/special events. This helps us
& parent volunteers to keep up with
the students and to easily identify
which school group they belong in.
This needs to be returned by
August 31st!
Scholastic book orders will be sent
home in your child’s binder periodically.
For confidentiality purposes, we ask that you
not take photographs of the class or other
children and post to any internet social media
sites, such as Facebook. Please be mindful of
this when taking pictures at class parties and
on field trips.
Don’t Forget...
Everyone must sign-in in the office when you
enter the building & obtain a visitors tag.
Fun Friday
Students earn points for good
behavior as a class. They earn the
privilege of going to the Fun Friday
store and purchasing “treats or
Fun Friday Money is used to
pay for…
1st and 3rd grade shirts
5th grade writing trip
Pencils (birthday, pledge, level 0 heroes)
Officer Scott’s Top Stars Pizza Party
and many other incentives and awards
for students.
We have a wonderful Parent Teacher
Organization here at Buchanan!
Membership forms for the PTO are in
your file folder. Please consider being a
part of it! You may fill these out & give
them to a member of our PTO tonight
on your way out. PTO purchases a lot of
technology for us!
The Buchanan Student Handbook
contains a lot of very important
information about our school. Please
read it to learn more about our dress
code, attendance, before & after
school care, dates report cards will be
issued, conduct codes, & lunch prices.
If your child will need to take
medication at school, you will need to
get and complete 3 forms for Jami
Walker, our school nurse. Do not
send medication in with your child.
You will need to bring it to the office
and sign it in. Teachers are not
allowed to administer medicine.
If your child has a fever of 100 degrees or
more please do not send him/her to school.
Even if you give him/her Tylenol, they still do
not need to come. Children need to be fever
free for 24 hours before returning to school.
We must have your child’s immunization
record at school before he/she may start!
We have to have the original form and can
not take a copy or fax. If you have any
questions, you may contact our school nurse,
Jami Walker, 893-3651 (ext. 25310).
Please send in any items still
needed to complete your child’s
record. Children will not be
permitted to start without a
current proof of residency or the
immunization record.
Your child will come for one half-day
phase-in. Please sit with your child in
the cafeteria until 7:35 on this day.
We will come to the cafeteria to pick
up the students. Please pick your child
up at 11:00 in the car rider line. We
will load the students in the cars.
Please send lunch money in an envelope
or zip lock bag. You may send in any
Phase-In Days by Alphabet
*A-F, come to Phase-In Group 1
(Friday -Aug. 17).
*G-L, come to Phase-In Group 2
(Monday -Aug. 20).
*M-R, will come to Phase-In Group 3
(Tuesday -Aug. 21).
*S-Z, will come to Phase-In Group 4
(Wednesday - Aug. 22).
Meet the people who will be
involved in your child’s
Buchanan education!
Art: Ms. Birkholtz
Music: Mrs. Shaw
P.E.: Mr. Kimbro
Librarian: Mrs. Adkins
Guidance: Mrs. Baltimore
Cafeteria Staff
Office Staff
Mrs. Merritt
Mrs. Calvert
Officer Scott Reed
SRO Officer
Officer Scott’s Top Star
Kindergarten Educational
Tammy Lowe
Mrs. Hamby
Mrs. Stanley
Reading Coach
Special Education
Mrs. Baker
Mrs. Britton
Mrs. Jones
Fred and Rose
BES Knot-ty Kid’s Club
Wish List
In Parent Packet
Dates to Remember:
August 30 – Open House (This does
not include Kindergarten.)
Sept. 20 - Pictures
Supply List
•Plastic school box
•Composition book
•Zipper pouch
•Nap mat
•Big eraser
•Plastic folders
Thank you for your time and attention.
Please feel free to ask any questions
that you may have. We are looking
forward to being your partner in