September 2015

Bristol Elementary School Newsletter
Newsletter #1, September 10, 2015
Mission - “A Place to learn through friendship, fun and respect”
Vision – “To nurture thoughtful, responsible, independent 21st century learners”
Important Dates
Thursday, September 10th: Back to school Pizza
Party; Meet the teacher night/PSSC elections. 6
to 7:30pm
Monday September 14th: Hot Lunch and Breakfast
Tuesday September 15th: School Pictures in the
Thursday, September 17th: Safety Day for Grade
Fives, at Northern Carleton Civic Centre
(Florenceville Arena)
Friday, September 25th: Terry Fox Run 9AM
Trans Canada Walking Trail
Monday September 28th to Friday October 2nd:
Safety Week – Practice of safety procedures (fire
drill, alternate location etc.)
Thursday October 8th and Friday October 9th:
School Closed Professional Learning Days
Monday, October 12th: School closed for
Tuesday November 10th: School Remembrance
Day Service
Wednesday November 11th: School Closed
Remembrance Day
Thursday November 19th: Progress Reports go
home and Parent Teacher 3 -8pm
Friday November 20th: No School – Parent
Teacher Morning/Professional Learning Afternoon
Wednesday December 16th: Christmas Concert
Friday December 18th: Skating for students at the
Northern Carleton Civic Centre in the afternoon
Welcome to another exciting new year at Bristol
Elementary School. We are all looking forward to
working with you in the education of your children.
The biggest changes this year continues to be the
new afterschool bussing policy for ASD-W and new
report card. As you know, students can no longer
use the bus to travel to birthday parties, afterschool
activities or visits to a friend’s house. As well,
parents must designate a primary bus stop (one used
the majority of the time) and if necessary an
alternate stop (used less often, but the same day
each week). Just a reminder that we no longer
accept phone calls to change afterschool bus
arrangements, unless there is an emergency. As
well, parents are to notify us in writing 24 hours
before a bus change needs to be made. I certainly
understand that this policy continues to be new to
parents and that adjustments will need to be made
and that there is some confusion and inconvenience
for parents. Also, children if traveling home
afterschool will travel on the same bus they came to
school on in the morning. Again, I do appreciate
your patience as we work through these changes.
Last year the Department of Early Education and
Childhood Development began the process of
introducing a new report card for all students K to
8. This new report card will again be piloted this
year in our school district. After receiving feedback
from parents the department has made changes to
the pilot report card. This year there will be 3
reporting times and each report will be an
achievement report. If you have any concerns
please do not hesitate to contact the school. If I can
help you, I will, or direct you to those who can.
Our Staff for 2015-2016
Total Number of Students: 103
Kindergarten (11 students) Mrs. Joanne Curtis
Grade 1 (18 students) Mrs. Brenda Ciesielski
Grade 2 (12students) Ms. Sarah Cogswell
Grade 3(25 students) Mrs. Linda Ferguson/Mrs.
Petley (Art Friday afternoons)
Grade 4(17 students) Mrs. Angela Welch
Grade 5 (20 Students) Mrs. Vicki Thompson
R&M/Guidance Ms. Pam Green
Phys. Ed. : Linda Ferguson and Angela Welch
Principal, Grade 5 Math, Grade 3, 4 Mrs. Colleen
Librarian: Mrs. Valerie Ebbett
Teacher Assistants: Mrs. Duska Curtis
Custodian: Mr. Carey Cougal
Cook: Ms. Jennifer Bell
This year the district is continuing to use the student
information system called PowerSchool. Students
will have brought home forms on the first day of
school with information which will need to be
verified. If the information is correct please sign
and return the form; if you have any changes please
cross out the old information and record the new.
The first form has all of your home information
(parents, address, telephone numbers etc. and email
address). The second form dealt with busing
information and the final form asked for permission
Bristol Elementary School Newsletter
Newsletter #1, September 10, 2015
Mission - “A Place to learn through friendship, fun and respect”
Vision – “To nurture thoughtful, responsible, independent 21st century learners”
to have pictures and names shared with media etc. I
want to thank you for your cooperation in returning
all forms.
Student Fee
Just a reminder that our student fee is $45.00
payable as soon as possible. It covers all school
supplies for the coming school year as well as the
student agendas.
Hot Lunch
Hot lunch this year will be prepared by our new
cook Jennifer Bell. Our lunches are once again
$4.00 this year, or $40.00 for a lunch ticket good for
10 meals. This is still below the cost of other
school‘s lunch programs, and the quality is second
to none. Milk tickets are also available to students
for $4.50 (10 milk) or milk can be purchased each
day for 50 cents a carton (chocolate) or 45 cents
(white). Our hot lunch program will be starting
this year on Monday September 14th. As well, a
reminder that nut and peanut products are once
again welcome at Bristol Elementary.
ASD-W Terry Fox Run
As part of the 35th Anniversary of the Terry Fox Run
staff members from ASD-W will be running from
Edmunston to Oromocto in hopes of unifying our district
and raising money for the Terry Fox Foundation. The
district has set a goal of raising $1 for each student and
employee. Therefore we are asking each student to
bring a loonie to school before September 15th. On
September 15th staff will be running by Bristol
Elementary and we would like to be able to present them
with our donation.
Promoting Success in
(The following is the September Health Note from
Healthy Eating and Sleep Habits Help Students do
Well in School
Children’s eating and sleep patterns are linked to
higher success in school.
Children who eat breakfast are better able to learn,
pay attention, solve problems and are more creative.
Children who eat breakfast tend to be healthier than
those who skip their morning meal. Skipping
breakfast can lead to being overweight and can set
the stage for future health problems.
breakfast easy by including three of the four food
groups in Canada’s Food Guide. Any nutritious
food on the way to school (or work!) is better than
nothing at all. Try to include a source of healthy
carbohydrates, which provide energy, and a source
of protein, which are the building blocks of our
bodies. Some food choices could include:
Vegetables and fruit: apples, bananas, blueberries,
peaches, cucumber and kale
Grain products: whole grain breads, oatmeal, rice
and bran cereals
Milk and other sources of dairy: low fat milk,
yogurt, soy beverages and cheese
Meat and alternatives: eggs, tofu, chicken, fish,
seeds and peanut or other nut butters.
Lack of sleep can lead to problems with attention,
memory, and behavior and mood regulation. Sleep
is also thought to be a protective factor against
obesity or becoming over weight. To help children
get a good night’s sleep, it is important to establish
a bedtime and wake up time. While individual sleep
times vary, children aged 5-12 years need 10-11
hours/night and teens need 9-10 hours/night--- but
typically, they are averaging less. Creating a
bedtime routine is also important regardless of the
child’s age and should include 15-30 minutes of
calm soothing activities, which do not include
television, computer or telephone use.
Establishing healthy habits around sleeping and
eating breakfast early in the year will help pave the
road to a successful school year.