CBEDS is always the first Wednesday in October

El Dorado Union High School District
A few years ago, Aeries created the “End of Year Status” field (STU.EOY) on the Student
Data 3 screen. The field was added as a CSIS identifier for a student who is leaving the
current school or district at the end of the school year and it is known they will not be
returning but was active on the last day of school.
Currently, this field is used by the CALPADS extracts to indicate an exit/withdrawal
reason for the last day of school.
It is important to note that students exited via the STU.EOY WILL roll over unless the
NxtGrd field (STU.NG) is populated with13.
1) Student Program or STU.SP “B”, “H”, “I”, “K”, “Q” or “Z” – ALL STUDENTS MUST
EXIT THEIR PROGRAM OR STU.SP using the End of Year Status or STU.EOY
ON THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL unless the student is a graduate.
a. Populate the End of Year Status or STU.EOY with the correct Reason Code
on the last day of school.
b. Populate the End of Year Nxt Schl or STU.ENS if applicable.
c. Populate the Nxt Schl or STU.NS with the student’s next school.
d. Do not populate the Student Leave Date or STU.LD. Aeries will
automatically send an exit date of the last day of school to CALPADS.
e. Optional: Populate the Student Next Grade or STU.NG with grade 13 IF
you do not want the student to roll over into the next school year.
f. After the roll over into the new school year, determine if the student’s
Program Code will remain the same. Delete the Program Code on the first
day of school if the student is no longer in the Program. (The STU.EOY in
the previous year will serve as the exit for the student from the Program in
CALPADS and in Aeries.) Do nothing if you want the student to remain in
the Program.
g. Changes in the student’s Program after the first day of school will need to
be exited and re-entered using the Update Attendance function.
h. No need to change the School Enter Date or STU.ED.
For more details, please see the Concurrent Procedure, the Basic and End of Year
Home Hospital Procedure, the County Class Enrollment Procedure, etc.
2) To Correct Prior Year: The STU.EOY can also be used to correct a student’s exit
in the prior year. For example, a student who did not roll over, for whatever
reason, but we need to show their exit at a particular school to CALPADS.
3) Exit a Foreign Exchange student: A Foreign Exchange student who is not
returning or did not graduate or pass the CAHSEE should exit via the STU.EOY
field with an exit code of 240 (Moved – Foreign Country) and a next grade of 13 in
the STU.NG.
Created 5/7/10, Revised 8/30/2010, 11/10/11, 4/21/14