Yuma Wrestling Club Junior "PeeWee" Wrestling Tournament When: Registration: Weigh In: Check In: Coaches Meeting: Location: Entry Fee: Admission: Awards: Saturday, February 27, 2016 - 9:00 AM Pre-Registration Only Satellite Weigh In Only Must be submitted by Noon on February 26th (E-Mail to d.erickson@yumacolo.org / aagesen@plains.net) Saturday, February 27th 6:00 AM-8:00 AM Saturday, February 27th 8:30 AM Yuma High School - 1000 S. Albany St., Yuma, CO $15 per Wrestler (Includes lunch for wrestler) $25 per Wrestler (Double Bracket) $5 - Adults, $2 - Students, Under 6 - Free Trophies for 1st Place, Medals for 2nd, 3rd, & 4th The age for all wrestlers will be their age as of January 1, 2016. Proof of age and insurance required. WEIGHT CLASSES: Age 4 and under: Classes to be set day of tournament Ages 5 and 6: 30, 35, 39, 43, 47,52,55,59, HWT Ages 7 and 8: 47, 51, 55, 59, 63, 67, 71, 75, HWT Ages 9 and 10: 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 105, HWT Ages 11 and 12: 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 110, 120, HWT **** Some Weights may be adjusted to fill a bracket depending on the number or wrestlers**** *** When possible an 8 man Bracket will be used or a 3 man round robin*** DOUBLE BRACKETING ALLOWED IN THE NEXT HIGHEST AGE GROUP ONLY !!! Bracketing will be done at random; first round matches between kids from the same club will be avoided whenever possible. Bracketing will be completed on Friday by the bracketing team. Coaches please make sure you have a good contact number as you will be contacting concerning bracketing issues prior to Saturday morning. RULES: Collegiate rules will be followed with the following exceptions: 1. All age groups will wrestle three one-minute periods. 2. Ties will be broken with a one minute overtime period with wrestlers on their feet First take down wins. If the tie remains, a double overtime period will be wrestled. All wrestlers will wrestle a minimum of two matches. ALL PROCEEDS GO TO THE YUMA WRESTLING PROGRAM For additional information contact : Doug Erickson 970-768-0878 / 970-630-4253, or David Aagesen 970-848-3313 /970-630-0167 YUMA COLORADO YUMA WRESTLING CLUB JUNIOR "PEEWEE" WRESTLING TOURNAMENT The undersigned parent or guardian consent to the participation of the named wrestler in the Yuma Wrestling Club Junior Wrestling Tournament. The participant and his/her parent or guardian release from responsibility, any damages or injuries suffered directly or indirectly at the Tournament on February 27, 2016. (Age as of Jan. 1. 2016) Proof of age and insurance required. (PLEASE PRINT) WRESTLER'S NAME _____________________________________________________ AGE ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________ SCHOOL OR TOWN ______________________________________________________ AGE (As of Jan. 1, 2015) ________________ WEIGHT ____________________________ PARENT OR GUARDIAN SIGNATURE _______________________________________ INSURANCE DATE _____________ ADDRESS _________________________________________ WRESTLER'S SIGNATURE _________________________________________________ WRESTLER'S INSURANCE COMPANY _______________________________________ POLICY NO. _____________________________________________________________ PAID