Curriculum Policy - Discover the joys of the Irish language in Mourne

Gaelscoil na mBeann
Curriculum Policy
Date of Policy: December 2013
Date of Review: December 2014
The particular duties of the Board of Governors in relation to the curriculum are contained in
Article 12 of the 2006 order which makes clear that they must have in place and regularly review
and update a written statement of its curriculum policy. The curriculum at Gaelscoil na mBeann
includes all planned activities that staff organise to promote learning and personal development. It
covers all formal requirements of the Northern Ireland Curriculum. The staff of Gaelscoil na
mBeann aim to develop extra-curricular activities to enrich the education experience of our pupils
as our school develops. We at Gaelscoil na mBeann strive to provide our children with a broad and
balanced curriculum through the medium of Irish.
Curriculum Areas
Language and Literacy –Irish and English ( introduced formally in Rang 3)
Mathematics and Numeracy
The World Around Us
PDMU- Person Development and Mutual Understanding
The Arts –Music Art and Drama
PE-Physical Education
Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities
ICT- Information and Communication Technology
We aim to provide practical learning methods and first hand experience throughout these key
curriculum areas.
Pupils in the foundation stage are provided with opportunities for structured play daily which
incorporates the acquisition of key skills and independence as well as learning opportunities across
the curriculum.
Irish Language
Irish language is an integral part of the curriculum at Gaelscoil na mBeann. All curriculum areas
will be delivered though the medium of Irish with the aim of giving each child the gift of
bilingualism. Whenever possible any external learning opportunities and educational visits will
incorporate the Irish language.
We aim to motivate and encourage our children to speak the language by using continual praise
during school hours when they are seen to be making an effort to speak Irish. We use a reward
system solely for Irish language purposes to inspire children. This is used as the basis for weekly
“Gaeilgeoir na Seachtaine” certificate which are presented at assemblies.
We recognise that not all parents/guardians of our pupils speak Irish therefore full support will be
given to facilitate parental support with homework.
Through the implementation of our curriculum policy we aim to:
Provide our pupils with key learning experiences through the medium of Irish.
Provide a stimulating language rich learning environment.
Promote high standards in Literacy and Numeracy.
Enable pupils to acquire knowledge, skills and understanding about the World Around Us
Develop the personal and social skills of each child.
Promote physical and mental development and an awareness of the importance of a healthy
Enable pupils to participate in the arts and a wide range of cultural activities.
Promote thinking skills, independent and collaborative learning.
Provide equality and the opportunity for each pupil to fulfil their potential
Create a learning environment which is stimulating and promotes positive behaviour
Liaise with parents to assist in the achievement of our aims.
Implementing our aims
The curriculum is planned effectively, providing continuity and progression. Teachers plan for and
provide rich and varied learning activities and teaching approaches. Pupils gain experience working
both independently and as part of a group. Teachers continually monitor and observe pupil progress
to assist in their development.
Teachers should:
 Ensure children are provided with rich and varied learning experiences
 Ensure all areas of the curriculum are covered.
 Observe pupils and mark their work
 Maintain records of observations of pupil progress
 Evaluate planning and lessons
 Analyse assessments
 Identify pupils for extension and additional support
Teaching and Learning
We aim to deliver the curriculum using a wide range of teaching methods. We believe that children
learn best when they:
 Are happy
 Are interested and motivated
 Are challenged and stimulated
 Feel confident and secure
 Understand the tasks
 Achieve success
Teachers value all pupils irrespective of their ability, race, gender, age or ability.
Teachers will:
• Promote effective and positive interaction with pupils
• Promote high expectations
• Plan lessons which have clear learning outcomes which are communicated to
• Use a range of teaching styles
• Use a range of questioning
• Recognise and manage the support provided by other adults in the room
• Use well timed interventions to help the pupils make good progress
Ensure that assessment strategies are implemented and records are kept
Recognise the importance of health and safety
Acknowledge and make use of parents, the community and work carried out at
Incorporate structured play into daily routine in foundation stage to emphasise the fun
element of learning.
Use positive language and praise to motivate pupils
Employ reward systems to promote behaviour and spoken Irish through all curriculum
Through the use of a wide range of teaching strategies across the curriculum we aim to develop the
personal skills and capabilities of our pupils such as:
Observation and visual skills
Imaginative and creative skills
Organisational and study skills
Social skills
Physical and practical skills
Problem solving skills
Communication skills
Decision making skills
Mathematical skills
Irish language skills
Our planning operates on the basis of a monthly cycle literacy, numeracy and structured play
(foundation stage). As well as this we plan thematically for world around us and other curriculum
It is each teacher’s responsibility to plan his/her programme or scheme for each subject for each
When planning, each teacher concentrates not only on content, but on specific
learning intentions, teaching methods, classroom organisation, resources, assessment,
recording and evaluating.
Teachers will liaise regularly to discuss and develop plans and the planning process in order to
ensure children are meeting their full potential in all curriculum areas.
The curriculum in Gaelscoil na mBeann is designed to be accessed by all children attending the
school. If addition measures are required for individual children these will be implemented after
consultation with their parents/guardians.
If a child has special educational needs our school will strive to meet the needs of that child in
compliance with requirements set out in the SEN code of practice. This will be done with
consultation and cooperation from parents/guardians.
As well as additional support for children with specific learning difficulties we aim to develop each
child’s full potential by catering for the needs of children deemed to be gifted and talented.
Homework is a crucial element of the home school partnership. It gives parents an opportunity to
support their child’s learning. Parents will be given full support with the language used in
homework through guidance notes including a phonetic breakdown of how words our said and
regular homework meeting to inform them of target language that they will meet in homework
activities. Homework is used to re-enforce what the children have learned in school.
Partnership with Parents
We aim to develop a positive partnership between the home and school. We feel this is vital in
developing every child’s full potential. We encourage the support of parents by:
Showing respect and understanding for the parental role in a child’s education
Incorporating parental views on child’s development into classroom practice wherever
Make parents feel welcome
Inviting parents to open days and introductory meetings about rang 1
Meeting with parents to discuss pupils’ progress
Having a parents’ representative on the Board of Governors
Keeping parents informed and up-to-date about the curriculum
Providing phonetic support to parents who not speak the language for use with homework
Phrase of the week on the parental notice board to encourage parents to use Irish with
children outside of school
Providing training/ information for parents on curriculum and language to enable them to
support their child(ren)