Admissions and Student Registration Policy Gaelscoil Dara, in recognising the ever-changing education and training needs of the community it serves, has an Admissions Policy, which fosters a spirit of cooperation and inclusiveness so as to facilitate pathways of progression for lifelong learning. Learning opportunities take place in a range of settings in a spirit of equality and fairness to all. With the aim of being inclusive, each centre of learning has a specific Admissions Policy in compliance with guidelines laid down by the Department of Education and skills. Under our Policy for Equality Gaelscoil Dara welcomes applications from children with Special Needs. Children are accepted in Gaelscoil Dara in the normal primary school age range i.e. 4 years to 12/13 years of age. Children must be 4 years of age before they can be accepted into Naíonáin Bheaga. The Board of Management may set a higher age limit from year to year (4 years of age before June 2012 for the school year 2012/2013). Applications for places will have a cut off date. There will be no obligation on Gaelscoil Dara to accept a child after the cut off date for applications in any given year even if some or all other criteria fulfilled. Cut off for applications for 2012/2013 school year is 21/02/2012. All admissions to Gaelscoil Dara are dependent on the availability of space and staff. Admissions This policy relates to: New students, their parents, management and staff of Gaelscoil Dara. Rationale To ensure effective planning and administration in order to provide for each student’s requirements. Also, to promote and to foster Gaelscoil Dara’s Irish language ethos. Aims To implement a fair and transparent system. To adhere to the requirements of the Department of Education and Science. To ensure equal opportunities for students with disabilities and/or special needs. Content Place offers are made to children in Naíonáin Bheaga based on the following order of priority: A: Brothers and sisters of children already attending or have attended Gaelscoil Dara. B: Children of current Gaelscoil Dara School Staff. C: Children attending Naíonra Dara, the pre-school attached to the school. D: Children of past pupils. E: Children with an Irish language home background and children who have attended a Naíonra Lán-Ghaelach other than Naíonra Dara. After places have been allocated to children from A, B, C, D, E above, places will be filled in order of date of receipt of official application form. Following offer of place: Each student and parent/guardian must indicate acceptance of place offer by signing and returning same before the stated deadline and payment of non-refundable deposit. Each student and parent/guardian must indicate acceptance of the Code of Conduct. Each student and parent/guardian must indicate acceptance of all of the school’s policies. No guarantee of a place can be assumed without an official letter from the school, even if some or all criteria fulfilled. Students transferring to Gaelscoil Dara from other schools Students transferring from other schools will be accepted based on the following criteria and conditions: Provision of a filled official application form. Provision of extra information about the child’s progression (i.e. School Reports, standard testing, psychologist’s reports (if available)) An acceptable standard of Irish, appropriate to class group, as determined by the Board of Management. Each student and parent/guardian must indicate acceptance of place offer by signing same. Each student and parent/guardian must indicate acceptance of the Code of Conduct. Each student and parent/guardian must indicate acceptance of all of the school policies. When an applicant fails to fulfil all the above requirements, the application may be referred to the Board of Management for consideration. Implementation and Evaluation: The school management and administrative staff will implement the policy on an ongoing basis. This policy will be reviewed on a yearly basis. In the case of any discrepancy between the English and Irish versions of this policy the Irish version will take precedence.