9th October - Ilchester Parish Council

Minutes of Ilchester Parish Council held on Thursday October 9th 2014
at the Town Hall, Ilchester, at 7.30pm.
Present: Brigadier N. Knudsen, Chairman, Mrs. H. Panter, Mrs. P. Morley, Miss J. Stapleton, Mr. S. Marsh,
Mr. S. Stewart, Mr. C. Williams, Mr. J. Bailey, County Councillor, Mr. A. Capozzoli, District Councillor,
Miss R. Stephens, Youth Parish Councils and Mr. P. Horsington, Clerk.
Five members of the public were present.
113. Apologies
Apologies were received from Mr. J. Edmondson & Mr. A. MacGregor & Rev. Bruce Faulkner.
114. The Minutes of the previous meeting, having been circulated, were signed as correct.
115. Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations of Interest.
116. Open Session
Mr. Clayton, resident, stated that there was no defibulator, freely available in Ilchester and cited examples
of other Parishes where these were available. Mr. Bailey, County Councillor stated that the approximate cost of
these was £1,000. It was agreed to discuss this item under Mr. Bailey's report.
Mr. Clayton stated that there is an issue of litter at the Limington road car park area. It was pointed out
that the car park is in the ownership & responsibility of South Somerset District Council. This was noted.
The Clerk, in answer to a query by Mrs. Cox of West Street, informed the meeting that an Email had been
received from the Tree Warden, Mr. Jeremy Hall, which apologised for not having responded prior to the last
meeting, but confirmed that he had visited the site and he advised that permission had been granted for the
application 14 /03275/TCA for Kim Banks at The Coach House, West Street for tree works to Leylandii hedge
within a Conservation area and stated that it would be unwise for the Council to become involved in any
neighbourly dispute. Mrs. Cox reported that English Heritage is now involved. This was noted.
Mrs. Cox stated that she was raising an issue on behalf of Mr. Grainger, Almshouse Lane that he was
concerned that the Telephone kiosk on the Market Place is to be removed. The Clerk was informed to write to Mr.
Grainger to state that there is no intention by British Telecom to remove it. There would be in any case, public
Mr. Elford informed the meeting that he has discovered Tube spiders in his window box.
Miss R. Stephens asked to give her report on behalf of the Youth Parish Council at this point, This was
agreed by the Council.
Miss Stephens stated that the Youth Parish Councils have been very busy since the Summer holidays and
were waiting for painted panels to be put into the Bus shelter at Northover. Her report included the following The Youth Parish Council are holding a recruitment evening at the Town Hall and intend to involve an
outside activity - laser tag.
It is intended to visit 'Ready to Climb' at the end of October.
The Youth Parish Council will be holding the annual 'Village in Lights' competitions for the businesses and
also for individual houses within Ilchester, and finally the Youth Parish Council members are getting new 'Hoodies'
and T shirts with some of the funding received from Somerset County Council. The Chairman thanked Miss
Stephens for her report.
117. County & District Councillors’ reports
Mr. Capozzoli, District Councillor, gave his report stating SSDC Area East Committee had been held on
the previous day and gave an update on the Hainbury Bridge situation.
Mr. Capozzoli stated that SSDC Area East Committee had visited Ilchester on their tour of Area East
visiting Hainbury Mill and Maria's Flower shop in Church Street
Mr. Capozzoli reported that he and Mr. Bailey, with Mrs. Panter, had attended the meeting held on
September 26th at SSDC Offices, Brympton Way, Yeovil to consider potential Cycle routes. It was noted that
next meeting is to be held on November 28th. The meeting had been positive and a feasibility study is being
carried out, although there is no set timescale. The aim is to encourage cycling, both as a means of transport and
also a leisure and fitness exercise.
Mr. Capozzoli highlighted the Gold Star awards event to be held on October 28th. It was noted that this
event had been circulated to all members.
Mr. Bailey, County Councillor, highlighted issues from his report, which had been circulated to all
members. Miss Stapleton reported that the launch of the Buggy walk, on September 10th had been cancelled and
Mr. Bailey informed the meeting that the Tall Trees Community Centre was now not supporting this venture.
It is intended to hold a meeting with the Deputy Head of the Infants' School to discuss this further.
There was comment made on the lack of communication between the Tall Trees Community Centre and the rest of
the Parish. The Chairman stated that Miss Stapleton is the link with Tall Trees Community Centre and the Parish
Council, but it was agreed that he and Mrs. Panter will attend the next meeting with the Centre, to be held on
November 3rd, in order to see if an improvement can be made.
Mr. Bailey informed the Council that there is to be a Health Check event in the Town Hall on October
22nd from 9.20am to 11.40am.
The Council discussed and agreed that the provision of a Defibulator would be an asset to the Parish, and
the Chairman stated that he will work on a business case for one and report back.
118. Youth Parish Councils
The Council noted the report Miss Stephens had made earlier.
Miss Stapleton stated that the painted panels needed to be put into the Bus shelter, and it was agreed that as
the rubber inserts were with Mr. MacGregor, Miss Stapleton will make contact with him.
119. Police & Community issues
In the absence of PCSO T. Mead, it was noted that she had been on holiday, and copies of the minutes and
agenda had been sent to PC. K. Maun.
Miss Stapleton reported that Traffic Wardens had visited Ilchester twice.
120. Planning matters
The Council noted that the SSDC Local Plan consultation ends on October 10th and an Email from Mr.
Edmondson stated that the Inspector was likely to support the latest main modification proposals.
The Council noted that application 14/03091/FUL for Mr. Kevin O'Donnell at 29, Manor Gardens for the
erection of a two storey side extension and single storey rear extension to dwelling house had been granted.
The Council noted that application 14/03314/FUL for Mr. Raper & Mrs. Wilson at 1, Priory Close for the
erection of a single storey to dwellinghouse had been granted.
The Council considered and supported application 14/04365/FUL for Mrs. Cox at 6, Manor Gardens for
the erection of a conservatory to rear elevation of dwelling.
121. Financial matters
The account balances were reported at 30/09/14, as £100 in the C/A & £34,605.53p in the Business Reserve
Receipts - £7.70 Mrs. MCallister & £7.50 Ms. H. Blackmore
Payments made
L. Midwinter clearing Skate park
The Ilchester Arms - toilet provision
The Bull Inn - toilet provision
The Dolphin Inn - toilet provision
HMRC tax
P. Horsington salary & expenses
The above payments were authorised and the cheques signed.
The Council agreed to defer the budget & precept discussions until December, as the latest date for the
precept requirement to be received by SSDC, is January 31st 2015.
122. Website
Mr. Williams reported that all the minutes are now on the Website.
123. Highway matters
The Clerk reported that to date, there had been no enquiry reference the sponsorship on the roundabout.
The Council considered a quotation from WJ Roadmarkings (SW) Ltd for repainting the lines on the
Market Place car park, which totalled £495 plus VAT. After some discussion, as this appeared to be a minimum
charge - £210.55p being an excess to make the total- it was agreed to accept the quotation, subject to some other
works carried out to use up the excess.
The Councillors were each given definitive information received from County Highways reference the
regulations of overhanging trees on highways. Mrs. Panter reported that there are still issues with overhanging
trees in Priory road and the Clerk was instructed to contact the relevant authorities.
Mr. Stewart raised a query from the owners of the Old School House, West Street, which is now within the
Conservation area, asking if the lighting can be changed. It was noted that this is unlikely to happen.
The Chairman reported that the litter bin at the end of West Street has gone missing, after discussion, it
was agreed to leave the decision to replace it, until March.
The report on Cycle route meeting held September 26th, given earlier, was noted.
The Chairman reported that his contacts have been unable to provide an aerial view from the Town Bridge,
but he will pursue this with Mr. Masters, for the addition onto the designs of the artwork for the Interpretation
board on the Town Bridge produced by Mr. G. Masters.
124. Flooding issues
The Chairman reported that to date there had been no information or update from the representatives of the
Highways Agency or Environment Agency. It was noted that David Laws, MP office had acknowledged the
request for an update. The Chairman stated that he will contact Mr. Laws.
The Council noted correspondence received from Ms. Burrell reference the Penstock at the Mead and the
Flood Alleviation hut.
125. Allotments
In the absence of Mr. Edmondson, the Clerk reported that two new tenants have taken over allotments, and
two volunteers are to clear fire debris from plot 32, which is vacant.
126. Cemetery
Mr. Stewart reported that there had been an informal meeting of Councillors at the Cemetery, to agree a list
of works and a schedule of priorities. This list had been circulated and the Council discussed the list and approved
the suggested works. The Clerk was instructed to ask Greenacres for a quotation.
It was agreed to discuss type of planting at the Garden of Remembrance in February.
To date the roadside hedge has not been trimmed - last year's contractor is no longer available.
127. Mead Play area
Mrs. Panter reported that she is still waiting for advice from Adrian Moore, SSDC Play Officer on the
rough surfaces.
128. Skate Park
Mrs. Panter reported that a barrier pole has been removed from a piece of equipment, as a matter of safety
and will be reinstated when Paul Hart Welding carries out his other work.
Mrs. Panter reported that Liam Midwinter has now given up keeping the area tidy, and she was discussing
with the Youth Parish Council the way forward.
129. Rights of Way
Mr. Marsh confirmed that he has received a copy of the latest Email regarding the new bridge to be put in
over the river Yeo, at Hainbury Mill, which confirmed the contract has been awarded.
Mr. Marsh reported that the issues on Y12/1 and Y12/17 have been dealt with.
130. Tree Matters
There were no issues raised.
131. Remembrance Sunday & Armistice services
An Email received from Rev. Bruce Faulkner, which had been circulated to all members, giving details of
his proposals for both Services, was considered and fully supported. This stated that on Remembrance Sunday
November 9th, there will be the parade and the laying of wreathes at 11.00am, and on November 11th the Schools
will be present and place flowers at 11.00am. The Clerk was instructed to make the necessary contacts, writing to
Mr. Stephens, contacting RNAS & the Police. Miss Stapleton agreed to provide the refreshments in the Town
Hall, on Sunday November 9th after the Service.
132. Ilchester Town Trust, IDCA, IRINEC & St. Mary’s PCC reports
In the absence of Mr. MacGregor, Town Trust Trustee, the Council noted that that the Weighbridge had
been lifted and the space underneath filled on September 22nd.
Miss Stapleton, on behalf of IDCA, reported that the arrangements for the Christmas Fair on December
12th from 4.00 - 7.00pm are progressing.
There were no issues reported from IRINEC.
Mrs. Morley reported on behalf of St. Mary's PCC stating that the PCC are considering the use of St. Mary
Major for the interment of Ashes within the closed Churchyard. After some discussion, the Parish Council were
content with this proposal.
The Council noted that the War Memorial is to be listed.
133. Correspondence
The Council noted SSDC Area East Bulletin, which had been circulated.
134. Items for Report, or for the agenda of the next meeting
Miss Stapleton reported that the OFSTED report for the Schools was now available.
The date of the next meeting of the Council was confirmed for Thursday November 13th 2014 at 7.30pm.
There being no further business, the Chairman thanked all present, and declared the meeting closed
at 9.34 pm.