12th December

Minutes of Ilchester Parish Council held on Thursday December 12th 2013
at the Town Hall, Ilchester, at 7.30pm.
Present: Brigadier N. Knudsen, Chairman, Mrs. H. Panter Mrs. P. Morley, Miss J. Stapleton Miss E. Meecham,
Mr. S. Marsh, Mr. J. Edmondson, Mr. A. MacGregor, Mr. S. Stewart, Mr. J. Bailey, County Councillor,
Mr. A. Capozzoli, District Councillor, PCSO F. Wilson, and Mr. P. Horsington, Clerk.
No members of the public were present.
160. Apologies
There were no Apologies..
161. The Minutes of the previous meeting, having been circulated, were signed as correct.
162. Declarations of Interest
There were no Declarations of Interest
163. Open Session
As there were no public present, there were no issues raised.
As PCSO Wilson had work elsewhere, it was agreed to take her report at this point.
PCSO Wilson stated that there had been 50 calls made to the Police during the past month, with two stolen
vehicles. One person was being dealt with in respect of the broken windows at St. Andrew's Church, Northover.
The Chairman asked if it was possible to obtain data reference vehicle accidents and speeding for the previous six
months.. PCSO Wilson stated that this may be available from the Police Road Safety Unit. The Clerk was
instructed to enquire. Mr. Bailey, County Councillor asked about Email distribution of information from the
Police. This was noted. The Chairman thanked PCSO Wilson for her report and she left the meeting.
164. County & District Councillors’ reports
Mr. Bailey, County Councillor gave his report, which had been circulated to all members.
Mr. Bailey stated that he has asked for an update on the Cycle path project and is in contact with Mr.
Lewis, County Councillor, adjacent Division, with possible support from his Health & Wellbeing budget.
Mr. Bailey informed the Council that there are ongoing discussions with Ilchester Schools reference
possible new Sports facilities, with a request being made to the Armed Forces Covenant Grant..
Mr. Bailey stated that he has suggested that the Tall Trees Community give a presentation to the Parish
Council, as they wish to increase civilian use. There was nothing to report on this.
Mr. Bailey highlighted that SCC is considering whether to increase its support for people with Learning
Disabilities provided by organisations outside of the County Council. The consultation ended on December 9th.
Mr. Bailey stated that he had not received details for funding of new Town Walk leaflet and a Buggy walk
to School for him to consider for the Health & Well Being Fund. The Chairman & Miss Stapleton agreed to
complete the application form, once it has been received.
Mr. Bailey highlighted that SCC has identified £4 million of cuts, including funding to County Highways.
Mr. Bailey stated that he has argued that these cuts could be reduced by revenue generation, but so far to no avail.
Mr. Bailey gave a local example, Ash School, who now pay for support from Dorset CC and Somerset CC has cut
their staff from 80 down to 4, thereby losing great expertise and revenue opportunity.
The Bus consultation is continuing on the review of Subsidised Local Bus Services.
A discussion took place on Car sharing amongst the personnel at RNAS Yeovilton.
Mr. Bailey reported that a lead coffin had been found in Ilchester and is now at the Heritage Centre. Mr.
Capozzoli stated that he felt that artefacts found in Ilchester, should remain in Ilchester. This was noted.
Mr. Capozzoli, District Councillor stated that he appreciated the letter of thanks sent from the Parish
Council for the Notice board, he had made for the allotments.
Mr. Capozzoli stated that SSDC Area East Committee had approved planning application 13/04467/COU
for Mrs. Jordan at 1, Lyster Close for the use of existing summerhouse for use as a beauty salon. It was noted that
the Chairman of the Parish Council had attended and spoken to the application. It was noted that any existing
Covenants between the owners & tenants of the properties were not a planning issue.
The Council noted the SSDC annual meeting with Parishes to be held on January 28th 2014 at Wincanton
and SSDC Area East bulletin, with it being agreed that the Chairman and Mr. Edmondson are to attend.
Mr. Capozzoli informed the meeting that in the past, Parish Councillors used to hold a Dinner, which was
paid for, by the Councillors themselves. This was noted.
The Chairman thanked both Councillors for their reports.
165. Youth Parish Councils
In the absence of Mr. Midwinter, Miss Stapleton reported that the Youth Parish Councils, with the
Chairman's agreement, are to advise on what panelling should be incorporated in the Bus shelter at Northover, that
had been demolished on November 23rd.
Miss Stapleton reported that PCSO Wilson had attended a meeting of the Youth Parish Council, and had
spoken on crime. The Youth Parish Councils had supported the Diners Christmas lunch by buying wine for the
Miss Stapleton informed the meeting that four members and one helper are to attend a Residential course
in March, and the 'Village in Lights' competition is being organised again this year for both businesses and private
houses, with the awards being handed out at the Carol Service on December 23rd.
166. Police & Community issues
The Council noted the issues discussed earlier with PCSO F. Wilson.
The Clerk reported that he had attended the meeting held on December 4th at Stoke sub Hamdon, at which
the Police Crime Commissioner, Sue Mountstevens had spoken. She outlined her role, which includes setting the
Police rate of tax, Crime prevention, as well as responsibility for Prisons & the Justice system.
Mrs. Mountstevens stated that her priorities are Anti Social Behaviour, Domestic & Victim Abuse,
Burglary & Road Safety. Questions were asked and answered, and it was agreed to have been a useful exchange,
as local issues were discussed.
The Council were informed that there was nothing to report from Royal Mail, reference the request for a
new Post box to be put in the Abbots Road/ Pillbridge Lane area.
167. Planning matters
The Council noted that application 13/0391/FUL for Mrs. F. Goodliffe at 9, Church Street for demolition
of existing conservatory and erection of single storey extension to rear of dwelling house had been granted.
The Council noted planning application 13/04467/COU for Mrs. Jordan at 1, Lyster Close for the use of
existing summerhouse for use as a beauty salon, had been considered and approved at the SSDC Area East
Committee, as reported earlier by Mr. Capozzoli.
The Council considered and supported application 13/04362/LBC for Ms. S. J. Petrie at Ivy Cottage,
Northover for the carrying out of minor internal & external alterations including the formation of new first floor
ensuite bathroom and ground floor WC, alterations to kitchen window, replacement of modern garage doors with
vertical timber cladding and removal of various vents both front & rear.
The Council considered and supported application 13/04434/FUL for Mr. Andrew Dobson at 8, Bishops
Walk for the erection of a front entrance porch.
Mr. Edmondson reported on the review of the Local plan, stating that the Urban extension has been
reduced to 1565 new dwellings, with 800 at Coker and a new extension of 725 at Up Mudford.
At Ilminster, the direction of Growth reverts to the south west (Canal Way).
Changes to New Employment Land - policy SS3 - mainly upwards. There was a long document of justification.
It was noted that 433 more jobs are required in Ilchester, indicating that one additional hectare of land is required,
this being reduced from the original proposal of two hectares. Mr. Edmondson pointed out that the number of 433
proposed for Ilchester, was greater than the total planned for Martock, Bower Hinton, Milborne Port, South
Petherton and Stoke sub Hamdon, all added together, and more than planned for Ilminster (419), Somerton (307),
Ansford / Castle Cary (273) and Langport / Huish Episcopi (284). Somerton require 5.07 hectares to accomodate
their number of 307. Mr. Edmondson stated that it was not clear, if RNAS Yeovilton was included, as part of
Ilchester. It was noted that all these proposals are on the SSDC website.
168. Financial matters
The account balances reported at 30/11/13, were £100 in the C/A & £32,087.52p in the Business Reserve
The Council considered and agreed the following donations £150 Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance,
£50 Citizens' Advice Bureau,
£100 St. Margaret's Hospice Yeovil,
£250 IDCA,
£300 St. Major PCC.
The Council considered a request from Girl Guiders, but as the letter indicated that the request was towards
refurbishment of their site in Yeovil, it was agreed not to donate to this cause, as it is not within Ilchester.
Receipts - none
Payments made
Trinity College allotment rent
P Horsington salary & expenses
P Horsington repairs to Mead fence
N Knudsen Christmas trees & travel
Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance - donation
Citizens Advice Bureau - donation
St. Margaret's Hospice Yeovil - donation
IDCA - donation towards newsletter
St. Mary Major PCC - donation
ITT room hire
The above payments were authorised and the cheques signed.
Mr. Edmondson stated that the donation of £250 agreed for IDCA, should be put towards the printing of
the Newsletter, and after discussion, it was agreed that a letter is sent to IDCA indicating that this is the wish of the
Parish Council.
Mrs. Morley reported from the meeting held on November 27th to discuss the Finances to consider the
budget for 2014/15. It was agreed that the figures will be discussed and agreed at the next meeting. The precept
will not be set until SSDC have resolved their contribution to the Local Benefit tax, as it will impact on the Parish
Council's decision.
Mrs. Morley gave all members a copy of the Budget, which is to be discussed at the next meeting.
169. Website
Miss Meecham agreed that she will continue to be responsible for the Website, with another Councillor
updating the Minutes on to the Website. Mrs. Morley stated that she has resolved the problems with putting
information on the Website, via Vision ITC.
The Chairman stated that he has put the outstanding minutes on to the Website.
170. Highway matters
The Council noted that the works to the footbridge over the A.37 to the Mead are completed.
The Council noted works being carried on the A.303 from Podimore to Sparkford roundabouts.
Mr. Edmondson stated that he has now met with English Heritage, reference the ransom strip along Priory
Road, and reported that there is a need to justify that there is a need for extra affordable housing, there are no other
alternative sites and the Local Authority is supportive. The archaeological would have to be addressed, and English
Heritage have concerns, reference the Town's Burgage.
The Council agreed that a letter is sent to Mr. M. De Thame, Kingshams reference his asking for a mirror
at the junction of Free Street, stating that on advice, County Highways regarded these on County roads as being
The Council were informed of the incident that occurred on November 23, in which a motor vehicle had
demolished the Bus shelter, seat & litter bin at Northover. The Police, Fire Service & Air Ambulance had
attended. The Insurance Company, Came & Co. have been notified and relevant details, with photographs, sent to
them. An email has been received, stating that the claim has been accepted, and now asking for quotations of the
replacements. There will be an initial excess of £250 for the claim.
The Council noted that there had been a loss of power, with the fault being traced to the corner near the
St. Mary Pre School room. It was reported that the works will be carried out on December 30th.
Miss Stapleton asked who was responsible for cleaning the Bus shelters. It was agreed to ask SCC for this
171. Flooding issues
The Clerk reported that the Penstock at the Mead has received legal approval from the owner of the field,
and the Environment Agency intend to install it shortly.
172. Allotments
Mr. Edmondson stated that as yet, the Notice board has not been put up.
173. Cemetery
Mr. Stewart reported that the Cemetery looked fine.
174. Northover Triangle
The Council noted that there was nothing to report from Mr. Clive Richer of Norseland Ltd, reference the
provision of the two wooden seats.
175. Mead Play area
Mrs. Panter reported that the broken fence had been repaired by the Clerk, otherwise there were no issues
to report. Mr. Panter stated that some overhanging branches adjacent to 1, The Mead need trimming back.
176. Skate Park
Mrs. Panter reported that there were no issues to report from the SSDC inspection reports.
177. Rights of Way
Mr. Marsh reported an 'Acorn' sign had been removed, this will be replaced.
178. Tree Matters
Mr. MacGregor raised an issue reference the ownership of a willow at Northover, adjacent to the river
Yeo, as it has broken branches. It was agreed to contact County Highways.
179. Ilchester Town Trust, IDCA, IRINEC & St. Mary’s PCC reports
Mr. MacGregor reported from the Town Trust stating that a £30 deposit is now asked for, if the 'Diddie
Cars' are requested, otherwise their use is banned.
The Council noted that the Christmas trees at the Town Hall were put up on December 1st and it was
agreed to take them down on January 5th..
Miss Stapleton reported that the Christmas Fair had been fairly successful, but the holding it on a Sunday
had proved not as well supported as usual, with the number attending being much lower.
There were no matters reported from IRINEC.
Mrs. Morley reported on behalf of St. Mary Major PCC, stating that the work on the Chancel roof is now
going to start on January 6th 2014.
180. Correspondence
There was no other correspondence to report.
181. Items for Report, or for the agenda of the next meeting
Mr. Edmondson asked for Berrys' Coaches to be an agenda item at the next meeting.
It was agreed to thank Mrs Knudsen for her excellent mince pies.
The date of the next meeting of the Council was confirmed for Thursday January 9th 2014 at 7.30pm.
There being no further business, the Chairman thanked all present, wishing all a very Happy Christmas, and
declared the meeting closed at 9.28 pm.