PORT EDWARD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Newsletter #9 January 17,2011 STUDENT COUNCIL THEME DAY: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19TH ROLL OUT OF BED DAY Dear Parents/Guardians: HOME READING COME TO SCHOOL IN YOUR PJ’S AND MESSY BED HAIR!! The Home Reading Program takes place every Monday morning beginning at 8:45am. An important part of this program is having the students read aloud to an adult once a week during library time. If you can spare some time on Monday mornings please come to the school at 8:45am. We really need 2 volunteers for each classroom. Thank you to Julie Moore for volunteering on January 10th and Nicole Phillips for helping on January 17th. P.O.P.S.- Parents of Primary Students Our first POPS (Parents Of Primary Students) session will be on Tuesday, January 25th from 1:002:30pm. POPS is a partnership program between home and school. The developers of this program believe that when families and schools work together, children do better. We welcome Parents/Guardians of students in Grades 1, 2 and 3 to come to our POPS session focusing on Reading. DPAC: District Parent Advisory Committee All parents/guardians are invited to the next DPAC meeting – January 27th at 7pm, at Charles Hays Secondary in the Library. Childcare is available upon request only. Please contact Kim Nicholls at kimberley@citytel.net. Modified from our usual format, our agenda contains the following: 1. Technology presentation by Tim Dressel, District Director of IT. 2. Discussion around PAC business during 2010/11 to 2011/12 transitions. 3. New Business. SUBWAY LUNCH The Parent Advisory Committee, Subway Lunch fundraiser, will be on Thursday, January 27th. If your child would like to purchase a lunch for this day, please ensure the order form with payment is returned to the school by Wednesday, January 19th. Extra forms are available at the school office. FAMILY LITERACY GAMES NIGHT We will be holding a Family Literacy Games Night on Friday, January 28th from 7:00pm-8:30pm. Each classroom will host a fun activity, which could include a board game, card game, word game or BINGO to promote reading and numeracy skills. Children coming to Family Literacy Games Night must be accompanied by an adult. POPCORN DAY We will be holding our next Popcorn sale at recess on Friday, January 28th to raise money for our 6 Bee Store!! We are looking for volunteers to help in the morning to pop and bag the popcorn so that we are ready by recess time. Contact the school or come by at 9:00 am on Friday, January 28th. .50 for a bag of Popcorn! SWIMMING LESSONS Swimming lessons continue every Friday afternoon for Mrs. Cox-Roger's class. Please ensure your child has their swim wear and towels. Remaining scheduled dates are: January 21 January 28 February 4 February 18 February 25 March 4 March 11 March 18 The bus will leave the school at approximately 12:30 p.m. and return to school by 2:30 p.m. Thank you to the Port Edward Parent Advisory Committee and the Lions Club for continuing to support this program. Port Edward Elementary School Newsletter #9 Page 2 of 2 KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Kindergarten registration for 2011/2012 will take place at all elementary schools from: Tuesday, February 1, 2011 to Monday, February 14, 2011 If your child is 5 years old by December 31, 2011, s/he is eligible to start school this coming September. If parents/guardians wish their children to attend a different school, they must register at their catchment school and then complete a cross boundary form, which is then submitted to the School Board Office. Cross Boundary Applications The new Student Registration and Elementary Catchment Policy no longer requires parents/guardians to apply each year for students who do not attend their catchment area school. The Policy now requires applications in two circumstances: 1) If parents/guardians want their children to change to a different elementary school for the next school year; or 2) If parents/guardians are registering their children for the first time, and they wish to register for a school other than their catchment area school. Application forms must be received at the Board Office between February 1st until February 28, 2011, and will be considered on a first-come, first-serve basis. FOUNDATION SKILLS ASSESSMENT FSA Information for Parents of Grade 4 Students (or Grade 7 students) The Foundation Skills Assessment (FSA) is an annual province-wide assessment of British Columbia students' academic skills, and provides a snapshot of how well BC students are learning foundation skills in reading comprehension, writing, and numeracy. The assessment is administered each year to Grade 4 and 7 students in public and provincially funded independent schools. (Please see attachment to this newsletter for further information) Thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter. Sincerely, Sandy Pond, Principal DATES TO REMEMBER: Jan.17th-Feb.25th……………….…….. Grade 4 and 7 Students will be writing Foundation Skills Assessments during this time period January 19th…………………………………..STUDENT COUNCIL THEME DAY: ROLL OUT OF BED DAY January 21st.………………………………….SWIMMING LESSONS (Mrs. Cox-Roger’s Class Gr.5/6/7 DIV1) January 24th……………………………………BONHOMME VISITS January 25th…………………………………..P.O.P.S. (Parents of Primary Students) - Grades 1/2/3 1:00-2:30pm January 26th ………………………………….PROVINCE WIDE EARTHQUAKE DRILL January 27th…………………………………..FAMILY LITERACY DAY January 27th ………………………………….SUBWAY LUNCH January 28th……………………….………….SWIMMING LESSONS (Mrs. Cox-Roger’s Class Gr.5/6/7 DIV1) January 28th ………………………………….FAMILY LITERACY GAMES NIGHT 7pm-8:30pm January 28th ………………………………….POPCORN DAY (.50 for a bag of popcorn) Feb.1st-Feb.14th ………………………….KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION FOR 2011/2012 SCHOOL YEAR Feb.1st –Feb.28th ………………………..CROSS BOUNDARY APPLICATIONS February 4th…………………………………..SWIMMING LESSONS (Mrs. Cox-Roger’s Class Gr.5/6/7 DIV1) February 11th ………………………………. NO SCHOOL – Non-Instructional Day February 18th…………………….………….SWIMMING LESSONS (Mrs. Cox-Roger’s Class Gr.5/6/7 DIV1) February 25th ……………………………… SWIMMING LESSONS (Mrs. Cox-Roger’s Class Gr.5/6/7 DIV1)