Carolina Biological Kit #21-1162 Presented by Bryan Smith Background In the field of biology, what is transformation? What is a plasmid? Why are plasmids used in biotechnology? What properties should the plasmid have? Background for this week’s lab n1.html Purpose of this week’s lab 1. Splice genes for ampicillin and kanamycin resistance into a recombinant plasmid 2. Transform E. coli bacteria with the recombinant plasmid 3. Isolate the transformed bacteria by growing them on plates with ampicillin and kanamycin Day #1 Procedure A – Set up Ligation reaction Materials needed pAMP digested by BamH1 & HindIII into two fragments: 3755bp w/ampicillin resistance gene & 784bp pKAN digested by BamH1 & HindIII into two fragments: 1875bp w/kanamycin resistance gene & 2332bp Tube of Ligation buffer/Ligase/ATP: the enzyme that will re-bond BamH1 sticky ends and HindlII sticky ends 20uL micropipettes Understanding Sticky Ends Ligation possibilities BamH1 sticky ends can only be ligated to other BamH1 sticky ends and the same is true for HindIII sticky ends. WHY? What are the possible ligation outcomes of procedure A? Day #2 Procedure B –Transform cells with ligated DNA Work in groups of 3 Each group will prepare 2 tubes of cells One w/pAMP/KAN (labeled +pAMP/KAN) One w/o pAMP/KAN (labeled –pAMP/KAN) Each tube Kept ice cold Heat shocked Returned to ice cold Incubated for hour in Luria Broth(LB) Procedure C-Plate cells in growth media Each group will label w/group name & date One LB plate Two LB/AMP/KAN plates Half the groups will plate 100uL -pAMP/KAN cells on LB & LB/AMP/KAN plate 100uL +pAMP/KAN cells on LB/AMP/KAN plate Other half will plate 100uL -pAMP/KAN cells on LB/AMP/KAN plate 100uL +pAMP/KAN cells on LB & LB/AMP/KAN plate Spread cells with sterile inoculation loop Incubate overnight at 37oC Controls What is the positive control & what will it tell us? What is the negative control & what will it tell us? The teacher will prepare two ligation controls Cells transformed with pAMP/ligase Cells transformed with pKAN/ligase What will these controls tell us? Day #3 Examine plates How do know if transformation took place? Go over RESULTS & DISCUSSION questions in hand out