Aadel Chaudhuri Results Section for Experiment 1C--Results of Streaking from Experiment 1-B Hypothesis: Known strains should grow predictably on Kanr selection plates, and the appropriate indicators should be observed on Mac Ara and Lac Kan screening plates. These indicators should allow the inference of relevant genotypes. Results Growth was observed on plates that met the strains' phenotypic criteria. For example, only Kanamycin-resistant strains grew on Kanamycin-coated plates. All strains used were however Kanamycin-resistant, so as predicted, all grew. This notwithstanding, each plate contained different media designed to test for the presence of certain proteins, and thus notify of certain genotypes. The observed indicator phenotypes are shown in table 1. Based on the indicator phenotypes (i.e. color), the underlying metabolic phenotypes were inferred. This was done by noting the properties of MacConkey medium and X-gal. MacConkey medium causes acidic (Carbohydrate-metabolizing) cells to appear red, and basic (amino acid-metabolizing) cells to appear white. Thus, cells capable of processing Arabinose should appear red in MacConkey medium supplemented with Arabinose (Ara+ phenotype), while those unable to do so should appear white (Ara- phenotype). A similar condition holds for cells capable of Lactose metabolism plated on MacConkey plates supplemented with Lactose. X-gal, an analogous indicator, tests the ability of Beta-galactosidase, an enzyme produced by the cell's LacZ gene. If functioning, the enzyme cleaves X-gal, producing a blue color in X-gal-supplemented medium (LacZ+ phenotype). Otherwise, no color is produced (LacZ- phenotype). Table 1 -- Observed and Inferred Strain Phenotypes Strain Plate Medium Indicator Phenotype Inferred Phenotype BK1 Mac Ara Kan White Ara-, Kanr BK1 Mac Lac Kan White LacY-, Kanr BK1 LB Kan --BK1 LB Ara X-gal Kan Blue LacZ+, Kanr EJ1 Mac Ara Kan White Ara-, Kanr EJ1 Mac Lac Kan White LacY-, Kanr EJ1 LB Kan -Kanr EJ1 LB Ara X-gal Kan White LacZ-, Kanr H24 Mac Ara Kan White Ara-, Kanr H24 Mac Lac Kan White LacY-, Kanr H24 LB Kan -Kanr H24 LB Ara X-gal Kan Blue LacZ+, Kanr JET2 Mac Ara Kan Red Ara+, Kanr JET2 Mac Lac Kan White LacY-, Kanr JET2 LB Kan -Kanr JET2 LB Ara X-gal Kan White LacZ-, Kanr Observed and inferred phenotypes are shown based on each plating. Only cells that grew on Kanamycin were considered. Plates on which no indicator phenotype was displayed were not indicator plates.