Bare metal backup

Infrascale Partnership:
Your Online Cloud Storage Business
Infrascale™ © 2013 | Phone: +1.877.896.3611 | Web:
Who Is Infrascale?
• A Global Pioneer in Cloud Storage
Infrascale Platform Overview
The Infrascale Platform
File-Sharing And Collaboration
Cloud Backup Application Suite
Complete Server Backup & Recovery
Centralized Management Dashboard
Partner Rebranding
InfraConnect RMM & PSA Integrations
Infrascale Partnership: Your Online Cloud Storage Business
Complete Security And Compliance
• Data Centers
• Compliance
Going To Market With Infrascale Backup
For Resellers And Distributors
Hosting Yourself?
Partner Pro Support
Partner Success Program
Who Is Infrascale?
A Global Pioneer in Cloud Storage
Infrascale is a Platform-as-a-Service company that
has developed a secure global storage platform
purpose-built for high volume cloud storage.
The Infrascale PaaS is unique: it includes both
Infrascale’s proprietary cloud storage engine, as
well as the front-end infrastructure software apps
that companies need to effectively use the Cloud.
Infrascale powers over 1,000 independent cloud
brands, and protects billions of objects and millions
of PCs, servers, tablets and mobile devices.
Infrascale Partnership: Your Online Cloud Storage Business
Who Is Infrascale?
Infrascale builds secure cloud storage software.
Problem: The amount of data to be stored is growing geometrically but the cost to store a GB on enterprise
storage is relatively stable. Companies face spiraling costs. The cloud holds promise but it must be secure, userfriendly and inexpensive. That’s what we do.
Approach: Infrascale’s technology converts traditional hardware objects like disk-based backup arrays into virtual
cloud-backed software objects available anywhere. It’s what we call Software Defined Infrastructure.
Solution: The Infrascale cloud storage platform is unique: it includes both Infrascale’s back-end storage software,
as well as the task-specific ‘data mover’ apps for backup and file sharing that companies need to effectively and
securely use the cloud.
Flexible: Our solution runs anywhere – public cloud, private cloud or hybrid cloud. We operate our own
infrastructure for customers who want a turn-key service.
Proven: Infrascale currently powers more than 1,000 cloud service brands, who support hundreds of thousands of
businesses using our technology, millions of endpoints, and billions of data objects.
Infrascale Partnership: Your Online Cloud Storage Business
Who Is Infrascale?
Infrascale Partnership: Your Online Cloud Storage Business
Infrascale Platform
Infrascale™ © 2013 | Phone: +1.877.896.3611 | Web:
Infrascale Platform Overview
The Infrascale Platform
Software Defined Infrastructure™
Enterprise today is redefining the data center to meet business needs. Cloud services enable
businesses to manage the massive volumes of information generated, deliver new opportunities,
and more rapidly meet the needs of its technologically sophisticated customers. This operational
and application transformation improves efficiencies and drives greater business value. By
shifting to a software-centric IT operations model and virtualizing the majority of hardware,
Infrascale’s Software Defined Infrastructure™ brings huge economic gains to business.
Infrascale’s platform replaces traditional hardware storage with cloud-backed virtual software
objects. Infrascale’s modular and flexible platform offers solutions in the Software (SaaS),
Platform (PaaS), and Infrastructure (IaaS) level with the most complete flexibility to work with our
infrastructure- or your existing software and infrastructure. By offering solutions throughout the
multi-cloud layers, we make cloud storage easy, secure and inexpensive for our customers.
Infrascale Partnership: Your Online Cloud Storage Business
Infrascale Platform Overview
The Infrascale Platform
Software Defined Infrastructure™
Infrascale Partnership: Your Online Cloud Storage Business
Infrascale Platform Overview
The Infrascale Platform
Software Defined Infrastructure™
Secure: Security is core to Infrascale’s solution. Our software encrypts data end-to-end, including
while at rest. This ‘double-blind’ encryption means that we cannot access the data users put into
our system unlike others, such as Google or Dropbox.
Complete: In addition to our platform, we offer three application-level solutions that run on top
of the Infrascale platform: FileLocker, SOS and Enterprise Protect. FileLocker enables secure
enterprise sync and file-sharing with built-in BYOD management and can be deployed inside a
company’s network or in our cloud. It’s enterprise file-sharing that users love and IT controls. SOS
is our secure small business cloud backup solution.
Efficient: Infrascale’s software has been used in our own distributed cloud to achieve efficiencies
that translate into a price that is up to 90% less than on-premise converged storage. Traditional
enterprise storage from NetApp or EMC can cost as much as $4.00/GB per year. Infrascale’s costs
are a small fraction of this – well below even simple cloud storage vendors such as Amazon S3.
Infrascale Partnership: Your Online Cloud Storage Business
Infrascale Platform Overview
File Sharing and Collaboration
Preview, edit, share files/folders in the cloud.
Sharing files securely across departments
Infrascale’s FileLocker collaboration application is designed to solve growing enterprise security concerns over
the method of file sharing and the control over such file-sharing and collaboration. All business departments
must share files. Using Infrascale’s collaboration application improves employee productivity, rather than
relying on email or a simple SharePoint deployment.
Your enterprise users are using free file-sharing for a simple reason: it gives them a convenient way to share data.
Infrascale’s FileLocker gives business users the ease of use they desire, but with the security your customers require.
No more blacklisting. No more work-arounds. Use FileLocker inside and outside of any company securely.
Infrascale Partnership: Your Online Cloud Storage Business
Infrascale Platform Overview
File Sharing and Collaboration
Preview, edit, share files/folders in the cloud.
Solve the file sharing security dilemma
It’s simple to use and easy to adopt across an entire organization.
Collaboration Features
Desktop Sync
Search uploaded files
Sort your files by title, size, date modified
File viewer (Photoshop, CAD, images)
Automatic notifications
Edit documents in the cloud
Password protect permalinks
Comment edits on document
FileLocker web app
Infrascale Partnership: Your Online Cloud Storage Business
Infrascale Platform Overview
File Sharing and Collaboration
Preview, edit, share files/folders in the cloud.
Infrascale’s FileLocker offers mobile access for users on-the-go, anywhere in the world.
Mobile Apps
• Android
• iOS- iPhone/iPad
Comment in the cloud
Infrascale Partnership: Your Online Cloud Storage Business
Infrascale Platform Overview
File Sharing and Collaboration
Preview, edit, share files/folders in the cloud.
Infrascale’s FileLocker includes granular administrative controls for IT managers.
Administrative Controls
Audit trail reporting
LDAP Integration
Change storage quotas by account
Restrict/control external access
Set permissions/control who can view items
Create incoming folders
Set companywide file retention policies
Administrative dashboard
Outbound API call integration
Admin Dashboard
Infrascale Partnership: Your Online Cloud Storage Business
Infrascale Platform Overview
File Sharing and Collaboration
Preview, edit, share files/folders in the cloud.
Infrascale’s security features include the option for on-premise, private cloud deployment.
Security Features
Private cloud deployable
Encrypt locally prior to transit
Encrypt in transit
Encrypt in the data center
Private cloud deployment of FileLocker can help large businesses and enterprises maximize the power of their
existing data center.
Deploy in house and use existing equipment
Create your own virtual machines for deployment
Create your own physical machines for deployment
Maximize the investment in your internal data center
In addition, our unique three-tiered encryption system is that used by the U.S. military.
Infrascale Partnership: Your Online Cloud Storage Business
Infrascale Platform Overview
Cloud Backup Application Suite
Backup PCs, Macs, iOS, and Android.
We Built a Better Backup: Simple, Scalable, Secure
Infrascale’s SOS backup application is a simple and secure cloud-based data protection solution, and the
product line includes native server backup technologies as well as a centralized management Dashboard to
monitor accounts.
Accessible to business users, both
large scale and complicated
backups or seamless and intuitive.
All endpoints, including devices,
desktops, and laptops, backed up
with ease.
Move large amounts of data with
horizontal scalability. Unique
encryption and compression
techniques allow us to do so
Infrascale Partnership: Your Online Cloud Storage Business
The only online backup technology
that encrypts data locally, in transit
and at rest in the data center,
which assists in compliance
scenarios such as HIPAA, US EU Safe
Harbor, and PCI.
Infrascale Platform Overview
Cloud Backup Application Suite
Backup PCs, Macs, iOS, and Android.
The Infrascale’s SOS backup application
backs up workstations, laptops, and
mobile devices, ensuring that they will be
recoverable from any storage location.
You may also choose your own storage
location from one of our global data
centers. SOS makes desktop and laptop
backup available on an unlimited basis:
Don’t pay for licenses, just backup.
All Infrascale Partnership options include client access to our
Android and iPhone applications. These applications are
available in the Google Play and iTunes store for free download.
Backup contacts and photos for iPhone, or backup apps, photos,
videos, contacts, and more for Android.
The cloud backup application suite includes unlimited file
archiving and unlimited file versioning. Recover a file from any
point in time, while backing up multiple versions of a file.
• PC backup and recovery
• Mac and iPhone backup and recovery
• Android backup and recovery
Infrascale Partnership: Your Online Cloud Storage Business
Infrascale Platform Overview
Complete Server Backup And Recovery
Backup Windows-based servers and virtual machines to the cloud. Use Bare Metal
image backup or native SQL server, Exchange, and file server backup.
The Infrascale backup application interface includes file
and folder backup, file server backup, native Exchange
server backup, and native SQL server backup.
SQL Server 2008, 2008 R2, and 2012
Exchange Server 2010
Exchange Granular Recovery
Bare Metal backup for Windows-based machines
Exchange Granular Recovery allows you to perform
granular mailbox recovery on exchange backups and
recover lost or deleted files quickly. Integrated Ediscovery technology lets you search and preview – not
commonly seen in typical EGR solutions – but available
with Infrascale. Recover at the database, mailbox, or
message level with Exchange Granular Recovery.
Infrascale Partnership: Your Online Cloud Storage Business
Infrascale Platform Overview
Complete Server Backup And Recovery
Backup Windows-based servers and virtual machines to the cloud. Use bare metal image
backup or native SQL server, Exchange, and file server backup.
Bare metal backup is available for our partners via
ShadowProtect, and 5 licenses are automatically
included in all Infrascale Partner Programs. Bare metal
backups are the best way to protect all pieces of a
server, including its operating system. Bare metal
backup delivers a low RTO (Recovery Time Objective),
which gets your customers back up and running quickly
in the event of a disaster.
Infrascale Partnership: Your Online Cloud Storage Business
Bare metal backup available for:
• Exchange Server 2000, 2003, 2007, and 2010
• SQL Server 2005, 2008, 2008 R2, and 1012
• SharePoint Server 2007 and 2010
• Windows Server 2003, 2008 and 2012
• Recover to a virtual or physical machine
Infrascale Platform Overview
Centralized Management Dashboard
Remote management, monitoring, and deployment for all server and endpoint backups.
The Infrascale Partner Dashboard monitors and remotely controls your entire online backup business. Everything
from software downloads, activity reporting, account management, device management, and rebranding is
controlled in the Infrascale Partner Dashboard.
• Remote activity monitoring: Quickly see success, failure, or interruption of backups by account and by device.
• Remote account management: Provision storage, create accounts, and modify credentials for accounts.
• Centralized backup management: Create backup policies remotely to apply to any account. This will include
scheduling and file type preferences.
• Centralized deployment: Use our Microsoft Installer (MSI) to conduct a mass deployment across multiple
• Reporting: Download account and activity information or have reports delivered daily. Use our dashboard to
get a quick view of your entire environment on a single page.
• Rebranding: Update the look and logo of your online backup application and provide the same capability to
your downstream resellers.
Infrascale Partnership: Your Online Cloud Storage Business
Infrascale Platform Overview
Centralized Management Dashboard
Remote management, monitoring, and deployment for all server and endpoint backups.
Infrascale Partnership: Your Online Cloud Storage Business
Infrascale Platform Overview
RMM and PSA Integrations.
Infrascale was built with scalability and integration in mind. Our partners rely on us to integrate with their
businesses simply and efficiently, so we make our entire catalog of APIs open to our partners.
Sell Infrascale’s SOS backup application on your website with the help of our APIs. Hands-off account provisioning
can be a reality with this integration. Distribute free trials, upgrades, or provide accounts in a shopping cart.
Our engineering and support teams are able to help and to advise on integrations involving our APIs.
Infrascale Partnership: Your Online Cloud Storage Business
Infrascale Platform Overview
Partner Rebranding
Complete rebranding for the Online Backup and Recovery Manager software.
Rebrand the online backup and recovery manager and
stay top-of-mind with your customers. We don’t just
replace our logo with your own, Infrascale’s rebranding
capability includes much more.
Rebranding settings are located in the Infrascale Partner
Dashboard. Here you can modify:
The product name
Your company Logo
Desktop icon
Upper banner on application
Report sending email address
Web access URL
End-user reports for your customers
…and much more
Infrascale Partnership: Your Online Cloud Storage Business
Infrascale Platform Overview
UltraSafe™ Encryption.
Infrascale uses a unique three-tiered encryption process modeled on the system used by U.S. military.
Data is encrypted with the following process:
• Locally encrypted at 256 bit AES
• Encrypted in transit during upload
• Encrypted at rest in the data center
A further security option, Ultrasafe™ , provides an additional encryption key that can be viewed only by
the user and no one else. This feature is the ultimate in data security.
Infrascale Partnership: Your Online Cloud Storage Business
Infrascale Platform Overview
UltraSafe™ Encryption.
Infrascale Partnership: Your Online Cloud Storage Business
Infrascale Platform Overview
RMM and PSA Integrations.
Remote Management Module (RMM) and Professional Service Automation (PSA) integrations are available on
a project basis to Infrascale Partners. These integrations allow better control over your business, streamlining
functions such as ticketing and billing. Become more efficient, and able to spend more time generating
revenue for your business.
Integrate the Infrascale Partner Program into
your business with InfraConnect. In addition to
Level Platforms, our engineering team will also
customize integrations with other RMMs and
PSAs as needed, such as:
Infrascale Partnership: Your Online Cloud Storage Business
Complete Security And
Infrascale™ © 2013 | Phone: +1.877.896.3611 | Web:
Complete Security And Compliance
Data Centers
Infrascale is committed to the highest level of security available. Our primary facilities are tier
three and tier four data centers, which is U.S. military grade. The target reliability of each of these
data centers is 99.9 – 99.99% and these data centers are located around the world in the
following locations:
• Los Angeles, CA
• Houston, TX
• Dallas, TX
• Louisville, KY
• Toronto, ON
• London, UK
• Melbourne, Australia
• Johannesburg, South Africa
Infrascale Partnership: Your Online Cloud Storage Business
Complete Security And Compliance
Data Centers
Infrascale’s global points of presence include data centers with features such as:
• Physical Security: Onsite monitoring 24 hours/day, 7 days/week, 365 days/year. Physical
security, including biometric identification.
• Power Supply: Two or more power supplies from different power providers, as well as onsite
generators and reserve fuel supplies.
• Bandwidth: Redundant 1 Gbps (minimum) connections to the public internet supplied by tier
1 bandwidth vendors.
• Cooling: Redundant cooling (air conditioning) systems.
• Fire Suppression: Redundant automated fire suppression systems.
• Data Replication: Infrascale stores data redundantly within the center, and/or offsite
depending on deployment.
Infrascale Partnership: Your Online Cloud Storage Business
Complete Security And Compliance
Infrascale enables compliance with various government regulations, being that file versions are
kept, data is stored off-site, and encrypted with our unique three-tiered encryption system.
Industries that naturally lean toward a compliant solution are perfectly suited as customers with
Infrascale’s products. Compliance is enabled with regulations such as those below and more:
• EU US Safe Harbor
• SAS 70 TYPE II (Sarbanes-Oxley)
Infrascale Partnership: Your Online Cloud Storage Business
Going To Market With
Infrascale Backup
Infrascale™ © 2013 | Phone: +1.877.896.3611 | Web:
Going To Market With Infrascale Backup
For Resellers and Distributors
Take your rebranded cloud storage solutions to market in one of several ways. The choice
is yours for public or private cloud hosting:
For Reseller Partners
For Distributor Partners
Hosting options include public or private
cloud models. To get up and running quickly,
our standard offering is the Infrascale cloud.
If you already have significant infrastructure,
partners may host on-premise with our
private cloud option.
Partners that qualify as distributors will have
resellers underneath them. Distributors will
receive the capability to create resellers in their
Dashboard, as well as the ability to create
companies to which they sell directly. In turn,
your resellers will then have access to their own
Dashboard, to manage their own customers.
• White-label your solution
• Host in public or private cloud
• Create Reseller Dashboards
• Sell directly to businesses
• Resellers can then rebrand, as would an
Infrascale Partner
• Resellers will receive their own storage
quotas, just as would an Infrascale Partner
Infrascale Partnership: Your Online Cloud Storage Business
Going To Market With Infrascale Backup
Hosting Yourself?
Call us for more details and pricing on private cloud hosting.
Regardless of the hosting option you choose, the product, software,
and support are equal. You will receive product updates, monitoring,
and management; the only difference is where the data is stored.
Infrascale Partnership: Your Online Cloud Storage Business
Going To Market With Infrascale Backup
Partner Pro Support
US based support, 7 days per week, and unlimited training and tech support.
Every partner receives support available through
phone, chat, or our online ticketing system. The
support team will assist with training and
technical support for any deployment or project
that requires assistance.
• US-based support, 7 days per week: Our
support team is available from 6 am to 6 pm
PST to assist with any technical questions.
• Knowledgebase: The knowledgebase at is a one-stop-shop for
documentation and recommended
procedures for our online backup products.
Infrascale Partnership: Your Online Cloud Storage Business
Going To Market With Infrascale Backup
Partner Pro Support
US based support, 7 days per week, and unlimited training and tech support.
Support is provided by our cloud experts in the Los Angeles headquarters. Our support team is
here to troubleshoot and fix any technical or administrative issues you or your customers may
encounter. We’re here to help with:
• Bare metal backup
• MST writing
• Exchange Granular Recovery
• Product roadmap
• Private cloud deployments
• Product updates
• Infrascale Partner Dashboard
• Integration
• Common deployment methods
• …and any other online backup inquiry you may have
Infrascale Partnership: Your Online Cloud Storage Business
Going To Market With Infrascale Backup
Partner Success Program
Marketing Center, dedicated account management, and sales training.
Infrascale partners receive tools necessary for success. A dedicated account manager, product
information, weekly webinars, customizable sales & marketing documentation, and more.
Partner Resource Center (PRC): The PRC
gives you access to sales materials,
presentations, and email templates
available for customization to your brand.
These tools help you answer essential
customer questions:
• How to get started & go to market?
• How to talk about your cloud storage, filesharing & collaboration and online backup
solutions with your customers?
• How to price your online backup solution?
Infrascale Partnership: Your Online Cloud Storage Business
Going To Market With Infrascale Backup
Partner Success Program
Marketing Center, dedicated account management, and sales training.
Training: Live technical trainings are available courtesy of our product experts twice per week.
• Learn how to get your customers started and ask questions during the Q&A.
• Watch recorded training videos if you’re unable to attend.
• Get custom sales and technical training, available based on business need.
Partner Advisory Community: Our product roadmap is crowdsourced by our partners. Vote, opine,
and tell us what you want to see in the Infrascale Partner Program.
• Features are suggested by partners, and presented for voting.
• Winning features are placed into the product roadmap.
• The completed product updates are visible to all partners.
Dedicated Account Manager: Your Account Manager will be with you throughout your partnership.
He or she will provide you sales guidance, training, marketing materials, and assist with any other
questions you may have.
• Get sales advice and training tips.
• Hear the inside scoop on competitors.
• Get help to run your backup business.
Infrascale Partnership: Your Online Cloud Storage Business
Have more questions?
Contact your partner specialist today.
Infrascale™ © 2013 | Phone: +1.877.896.3611 | Web: