学术论文写作与 研究方法应用 中国海洋大学 苏志伟 现职、学经历 现职:中国海洋大学特聘教授 新世纪优秀人才计画 学历:厦门大学应用经济学博士后 逢甲大学商学研究所博士 经历:淡江大学国际企业系 静宜大学财务金融系 2 专长与研究方向 专长:国际金融、应用计量时间数列分析 研究方向:国际金融、应用计量时间数列 分析、普惠金融、风险管理、资本市场 研究成果 共发表90多篇文章,其中65篇SSCI, 3篇 SCI,4篇FLI,12篇ECONLIT,1篇,2篇 CSSCI In Fact, It is not Difficult to Publish Your Papers in Econ-Lit, SSCI and SCI Journals Getting Ideas? Read Journals Academic journals Journals in your field (e.g., Finance) Journals in related fields (e.g., finance) Wall Street Journal Read newspapers other than Wall Street Journal? Go to conferences Go to seminars Evaluating Your Ideas Major Contribution to the Literatures - New Results - New Approach (Methods) - New Data Major Contribution to the Society Do a Good Research 7 Put into Writing Just do it Follow the format of a good article (including the structure of the sentences) Write every word carefully 8 General guidelines of Writing “One central and novel contribution of your paper” Example: Fama and French start their abstract with: “Two easily measured variable, size and … The purpose of your paper should be one page 1. 9 General guidelines of Writing “No reader will ever read the whole from start to finish” But you need to use all different evidence to show your main results 10 Format of Your Paper Abstract Introduction Literature Review Research Questions and Hypotheses Format of Your Paper Data and Methodology Analyses and Results Discussion and Conclusion Appendices Abstract Less than 200 words Main function: one central and novel contribution “Say what you find not what you look for” 13 Introduction Tell the reader why topic is important Cite literature only relevant to your work Point out the drawbacks of the literature State the purpose of your paper State the sample of your paper Summarize your results Point out your contribution Three-page limit 14 Literature Review Do you need a separate section? Only relevant literature Synthesize the literature 15 Research Question and Hypothesis Research questions are broad Hypotheses are specific and testable 16 Hypothesis Development From the literature (theoretical ) From your own theoretical results of your model From your own theoretical arguments Make sure you provide the arguments when you cite literature Hypothesis Development From the literature (empirical studies) Writing of the hypothesis development It is possible that you have positive or negative association Make sure one paragraph for positive and another paragraph for negative For each direction: state the theoretical literature and its argument and the empirical results. Hypothesis Development Writing of the hypothesis development (cont.) For empirical results, please mention the differences between the results of the literature and your possible contribution Recently, reviewers want one directional hypotheses. One possible solution is stick to a theory and make the prediction Data Hand collecting data is the best Be careful about the accuracy of your data Summary statistics usually give you some indication 20 Methodology Use appropriate methodology to examine your research questions Simple is better 21 Analyses and Results Be prepare to conduct analyses again and again Start with summary statistics Next is univariate analyses Finally, multivariate analyses with control variables 22 Discussions and Conclusions Briefly summarize your results Any policy implication? Why the world is better off with your paper Should be short and sweet Acknowledge limitations 23 Appendices Examples: General version of the model Robustness Summarize all the things you did in the paper and put details in the appendices The Top Three Secrets of Writing a Good Paper Rewrite Rewrite Rewrite 25 The Top Three Secrets of Writing a Good Paper Rewrite (editing) Rewrite (more empirical work) Rewrite (comments) -Ask your friends and professors to read it -Present your paper in conferences -Co-author 26 Writing Keep it short No more than 40 pages Short sentence No fancy sentence structure General points First describe what you do, then explain it, compare it to alternatives Writing Footnote Do you want the average reader to stop and read this? Then it should be in the text Do you want the average reader NOT to stop? Then delete The typical reader genuinely can skip, but a few reader might want to have attached to the current point, the footnote Tables Self-contained caption so that a reader can understand the fact Regression equation is fine Checklist before Submitting Your Paper Spelling and grammatical error check References Page number -No page # for abstract or first page Font size should be the same Paragraph too long? Checklist before Submitting Your Paper (cont.) Consistent style Term: e.g., company vs. firm Same term through out the paper: References Do not use abbreviation: e.g., F&F Do not use Su et al. at least for the first time If the reference is in the text, then it should be in References section Checklist before Submitting Your Paper (cont.) Use present tense for reference Reference should be in chronological order Use different way to report your results -The coefficient of A is positive and significant … -We find A is positive and significant … -Table A shows that Same style for your references You need to have your reference conform to the format of the journal How to Deal with Reviewers Reviewer is always correct? Point by point response Do as much analysis as you can Try to respond in 2 – 3 months. A. Outline of a Research PaperResearch Topics (Team Work) Introduction Review of Literature Data Methodology Empirical Results and Implications Conclusions References Tables and Figures 34 B. How to Get A Research Topic:Read, Read, Read, and Read C. English-Editing for Your Paper before Your Submissions Find a good English Editor to Edit Your Paper English-Editor: American Journal Experts (English Editor) http://www.journalexperts.com/index.php 35 D. How to Submit to Journal (Overseas or Domestic) Find Some Journals in Your Interested Fields. Get to Know this Journal’s Requirements and Styles Consult your friends who have experience in submitting the paper Journals: AJBM, JWE, EM, QREF, IRFA, IREF, AFE, APE, AEL, IJE, IEJ, EaEuE, EE, IJABF, IRABF, IRJFE, SAJE, IJEF, CZEF, IJBE, JEmpF IJFE,TEEL,TIJOF, ESWAs, EL, EcSs, MCISs, PEPs, Physica A, RPBFMP, RJEF, QaQ-IJM, JDE, JED, JBF, JIMF,….., and so on. 36 E. Econometrics Software EVIEW 5.or 6 or above. RATS 6.or 7 or above. GAUSS 7.0 , 8.0 or 9.0 or above. PC-GIFT 10.0. OX Microfit 4.0 or above EASYREG-2006 MATLAB 7.0 or above 37 Idea Unit Root Test: Converge (Income, GDP, GAP…), Unemployment Rate, Stock Market Efficiency, PPP, IRP, GDP and so on. Cointegration Granger Causality 38 F. Econometrics Methodology Unit Root Test – Univariate Test: DF. ADF, PP, KPSS, KSS, LNV, AESTAR Modified ESTAR, MS-ADF, Fourier Unit Root Test Fourier Stationary Test. Testing Unit Root and Stationarity Test using Covariates (Hansen, 1995 and Jansson, 2001) , Quantile Unit Root Test, Testing Unit Root and Stationay Test with Covariates and Fourier Function (Chang, 2011), KSS test with a Fourier Function (Chang, 2011) First Generation (Panel Unit Root Test): L-L-Chu (2002), IPS (2003), MW (1999), MADF (1998), Hadri (2001), Panel SURADF (BMW, 2001) Panel SURKSS (Wu and Lee, 2009) Panel Unit Root Test with structural Break – Junsoo Lee (2004, 2005), Joseph (2005) Panel KSS test with a Fourier Function (Chang, 2011) 39 F. Econometrics Methodology (cont.) Second Generation (Panel Unit Root Test): Choi (2002), Chang (IV, 2002), Pesaran (2003), Bai and NG (2004), Moon and Perron (2004), Sequential Panel Selection Method (C&K, JBF, 2009) Panel SURADF with a Fourier Function (Chang, 2011) Panel SURKSS with a Fourier Function (Chang, 2011) SPSM using the Panel KSS with a Fourier Function (Chang, 2011) Cointegration – E-G., Haris-Inder, J-J, Nonparametric (Briens), ARDL-Bounds Test, TAR, M-TAR, Bai-Perron ADL Test for Threshold Cointegration (Li and Lee, 2010) Panel Cointegration, Rank Test (Brietung, 2001) 40 F. Econometrics Methodology (cont.) ECM – VDC, IRF, GIRF,VECM, Panel VECM Nonlinear Model – TAR, M-TAR, Model with a Fourier Function Smooth Transition (Auto)Regression Model (Logistic STR, Exponential STR). STECM (Smooth Transition ECM), Threshold ECM, Regime-Switching Model ARCH Families – ARCH, GARCH, EGARCH, GJR-GARCH, Multivariate GARCH , STAR-GARCH F. Econometrics Methodology (cont.) Panel Threshold Model (Hansen, 1999) Panel Smooth Transition Model (Gonzale et al.,2005) Markov Switching Model (Hamilton) Panel Quantile Regression Model 42 Congratulations! We have decided to publish your paper……. 43 Final Suggestion: Enjoy Your Research and Work As a Team Thanks a lot for Your Attention Q and A 44