Important Attributes Of Quality Health Care: Consumer Perspectives. • The purpose of the study was to survey the consumers perspective of high-quality health care. • Participants of the study indicate the importance of nurses being up-to-date and well informed; communication with patients on illnesses, medications, treatments and how to stay healthy live longer, time to review patients needs. • The study concludes all patients with any level of income should be taught about health issues that pertain to them (Oermann & Templin, 2000). There was research done to measure the quality of care Consumers perspective on quality of care Several survey’s were conducted Patient education Patients were able to gain information about health care Google Images, (2011). Consumers in Health Care. Retrieved from +care&hl=EN&sa=G&biw=1366&bih=642&gbv=2&tbm=isc h&tbnid=BlsvrMuhKGnLPM:&imgrefurl=http://www.divi sX0NMqusAKNrInFBA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=217&vpy= 346&dur=387&hovh=148&hovw=180&tx=62&ty=59&page= 3&tbnh=148&tbnw=180&start=36&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:0, s:36 Google Images, (2011). Planned care model. Retrieved from, The impact of the research showed consumers want: More time with nurses, Better communication on health related issues, Education of treatment, Healthier choices and lifestyle advice, and Not feeling rushed while visiting their health care provider. Quality Health Care Questionnaire (QHCQ), and the SF-36 Health Survey. SF-36 is a 36 item survey for measuring health status on eight general areas Oermann & Templin, 2000, p, 1 Oermann & Templin 2000, p. 1 SF-36 Health Survey Quality Health Care Questionnaire descriptive statistics inferential statistics or both. Google Images, (2011). Statistical results search. Retrieved form, &hl=EN&biw=1366&bih=642&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=FEfW1x0VLuInM:&imgrefurl= ting/market-research/what-is-quantitative-research&docid=WTFcoUFEtJZxM&w=249&h=167&ei=47FrTsPTGqq1sQKo1vTmBA&zoom =1&chk=sbg Differentiate between the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the data described in the article in terms of Who? Various people were surveyed Why was the research conducted? To gather data on how people felt about their health care. Google Images, (2011). Descriptive statistics search. Retrieved from, iw=1366&bih=642&tbm=isch&tbnid=QhlopoepIbiNrM:&imgrefurl=http://w /contents.htm&docid=ZgrI4Z5_abtYLM&w=295&h=407&ei=N7BrTp2ZGYPo sQLdq8G7BA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=713&vpy=164&dur=429&hovh=264&h ovw=191&tx=122&ty=156&page=7&tbnh=153&tbnw=111&start=108&ndsp=1 8&ved=1t:429,r:9,s:108 Provides description of the feature of its data. measurements of data that is presently occurring within all subjects. Inferential statistics refers to (i) assessing the likelihood of something happening at some point in the future, in other words the probability, or (ii) testing a sample of the population in order to generate to the entire Google Images, (201)1Inferential Statistics search. Retrieved from, =642&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=gns4l9qQcoAT_M:&imgrefurl= A&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=503&vpy=257&dur=2907&hovh=193&hovw=261&tx=14 3&ty=126&page=6&tbnh=152&tbnw=205&start=94&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:94 Descriptive statistics refer to the The study was effective and concluded: Nurses should always teach consumers about health care. All classes of patients need to be taught. Future trends in health care research. The use of information technology. Standardizing collection of data. Future trends in health care consumerism. Health care will become more patient-focused. Increased participation of patients in the management of their health Integration of those trends Future trend of combining healthcare research with consumerism. The use of research to determine the affects of daily patient care due to drug shortages. The use of surveys to highlight increase and decrease in healthcare consumerism. Article review The study’s purpose: Determining the consumer’s opinion of health care quality. Determine the relationship of patient’s opinion of health status and selected demographic variables. Methods of the study included the use of questionnaires and telephone interviews. Findings of the study included patients place high importance on knowledgeable staff. Health care education received from nursing staff is a high priority with educationally and economically challenged individuals. Oermann, M. H., & Templin, T. (2000). Important attributes of quality health care: Consumer perspectives. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 32(2), 167-167-72. Retrieved from =35812 American Hospital Association. (n. d.) . Research and Trends. Retrieved from