Ayahs 113 – 121 Lesson #17 Ayah 113 The Jews say "The Christians have nothing [true] to stand on," and the Christians say, "The Jews have nothing to stand on," although they [both] recite the Scripture. Thus the polytheists speak the same as their words. But Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection concerning that over which they used to differ. Context • A group of Christians came from Najran to meet with the Prophet SAW and started having an argument with the Jews • Both groups went to extremes; both were knowledgeable and read their books but had divided the deen • We’re right and everyone else is wrong; this is also the same thing that people with no knowledge say Ayah 113 - Roots • Haa Kaaf Meem – a judgment through which oppression and injustice are stopped; the one who makes the decision and implements it too – The truth will become clear on the Day of Judgment – Khaaw Laam Faa – one person does something and the other refutes him Humans defend themselves even if they are wrong Humans claim their belief is better than others Some disputes will remain till the Day of Judgement Allah will judge between them on the Day of Judgement. More Lessons… • But the greatness of a human being lies in him/her accepting his/her mistake • What’s ironic is that they were reading the same Book, its not a different book • They’re obsessed with someone else, not themselves • A mohsin should be worried about themselves and ask am I righteous enough? We should be concerned about bettering ourselves Lessons • Allah SWT tells us not to point fingers at nonMuslims • We don’t know the fate of any person individually; we can judge ideas, beliefs but NOT people • Don’t think that there’s one single argument that will own the other side because such disputes no matter how clear the signs are or how strong the proof is, will stay until the day of judgment What happens when people do not stop disputing? It results in sectarianism! Lessons • If you learn the truth from anywhere, accept it • Don’t create biases when doing dawah • Believe in ALL the books and messengers • People with knowledge don’t argue • Jews and Christians had enmity before; because of their hatred against Muslims they united • Problem of unity: We don’t focus on the Book Day to Day Disputes? And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allāh and the Messenger, [al-Nisaa: 59] Until Next Week… • • • • Review translation of ayahs 107-113 Reflect Share Implement Ayah 114 And who are more unjust than those who prevent the name of Allah from being mentioned in His mosques and strive toward their destruction. It is not for them to enter them except in fear. For them in this world is disgrace, and they will have in the Hereafter a great punishment. Ayah 114 - Roots • Mann – Question for interrogation • Dhaaw laam meem – superlative degree; one who is more unjust • Meem noon aain – to stop; to prevent; can be done by tongue, action, gesture • Seen jeem daal – a place where sajdah is done; referred to as Masaajid of Allah to honor the masaajid Ayah 114 - Roots • Dhaal kaaf raaw – to mention; he stops the mention • Seen aain yaa – to do something fast; walk fast; figuratively, used to put in a lot of effort • Khaaw raw baa – crop/field that lays waste; abandoned place/building/garden; when something is ruined, lying empty, unpopulated Ayah 114 – More Roots • Khaaw Waaw Faa – 1. such people have no right to enter the masjid; 2. such people should not have entered the masjid with arrogance • Aain Dhaaw Meem – a great punishment in this world and the hereafter Zikr Salah Learning Deen Tilawah Tongue ََّمنَ َع Hand Gesture Dirty Tangible Distractions َو َس َعى ِفَ خ ََراِبِ َا Allah is hardly mentioned Intangible Sect Labelled Personal Benefits In Dunya Humiliation In Akhirah Great Punishment Double Punishment The masjid should not be made a source of attaining some personal benefit, they should be exclusively for the dhikr of Allah. How do we stop people? LESSONS • 1. There are different degrees of doing wrong (ad-lamu) • 2. Doing anything to cause people to go away from the masjid is forbidden • 3. Any sin that is against Allah SWT and the people, has double punishment too Ayah 115 And to Allah belongs the east and the west. So wherever you [might] turn, there is the Face of Allah . Indeed, Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing. Ayah 115 - Roots • Sheen Raaw Qaaf – rising of the sun/stars • Ghaain Raaw Baa – setting of the sun/stars • Thamma – used to point to a particular place or direction • Waaw seen aain – capacity; one that is very vast 1. Vast in His control and 2. Vast in His attributes (i.e. His Mercy encompasses everything) Focus is on Obedience of Allah Context • Once there was a group of companions who were travelling; they had to pray, and it was night, but in the morning they realized that they had prayed in the wrong direction • But Allah SWT still accepted their prayers, because Allah’s knowledge is everywhere • Qiblah changed from Jerusalem to Makkah; Allah is not restricted to only one place LESSONS • We have limited worship to only the mosques • Everything belongs to Allah, so wherever you are, you have to worship Allah • Allah SWT has made the entire earth a place of sajdah for us • According to the best of your ability, find the qiblah and pray (Qiblah apps) • You are worshipping Allah so you don’t need to be in a Muslim land to pray Obedience to Allah Ayah 116 They say, " Allah has taken a son." Exalted is He! Rather, to Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth. All are devoutly obedient to Him Yahood Uzair (a.s) Nasaraa Essa (a.s) Mushrikeen Angels A creation can’t be a son of a Creator Roots • Seen baa haa – free from and above any associations; free from having any undivine attribute • SubhanAllah – removing Allah SWT far from any imperfections – Everything in the Heavens and Earth belong to Allah SWT; He is the Creator and Owner of everything, but no biological connection َقَا ِنت Obedient Humble Continuous Obedience • 2 Types: • 1. General – humility and submissiveness of everything in the heavens and earth; Allah SWT has fixed the laws of nature and all of creation is abiding by it (i.e. mountains, wind, trees) • 2. Specific – ibaadah (worship); Ayah 117 Originator of the heavens and the earth. When He decrees a matter, He only says to it, "Be," and it is. Roots • Baa daal aain – to create something without an existing specimen; to create something unique; never existed before – Note: the word Biddaah is from the same root; nothing like this existed before in the time of the Prophet SAW –Qaaf daawd yaa – a final decision •It is possible for Allah to create a child (Isa A.S.) without a father; Adam A.S. was created without any parents LESSONS • Allah has power over everything • Everything is obeying Allah SWT • It has been completely negated in this ayah that Allah SWT has children • Allah SWT is above all weaknesses and does not need children to support Him Ayah 118 Those who do not know say, "Why does Allah not speak to us or there come to us a sign?" Thus spoke those before them like their words. Their hearts resemble each other. We have shown clearly the signs to a people who are certain [in faith]. Roots • Law Laa – how come; how come Allah SWT doesn’t talk to us directly and tell us that you are a messenger • Hamza taa yaa – their own miracles that they demanded; previous nations used to say the same thing – People of Makkah would come to the Prophet SAW and demand miracles Roots • Sheen baa haa – their hearts are similar in their rejection/stubbornness; if the thinking is similar, then actions will be alike too – Even with miracles, people wouldn’t believe; the Qu’ran was the biggest miracle; when the moon was split, they called it magic • Yaa qaaf noon – whoever has yaqeen (belief with certainty), will believe in the clear signs – A person who has made up their mind not to believe will not believe LESSONS • The messengers were not magicians • The truth should be recognized by the truth itself • Sometimes people don’t accept the truth because its coming from an “ordinary” person • Whatever is in our hearts, comes out in our speech Ayah 119 Indeed, We have sent you, [O Muhammad], with the truth as a bringer of good tidings and a warner, and you will not be asked about the companions of Hellfire. Roots • Raaw seen laam – sending someone with a message; what you have brought to the people is the truth (Quran and sunnah) • Baa sheen raaw – giver of good news • Noon dhaa raaw – to warn; it’s a warning that’s given ahead of time • Seen hamza laam – Prophet SAW will not be asked about the people who enter hell-fire; job is to convey only Roots • Jeem haa meem – a lion’s stare at its prey; Jahannam is intensely waiting for people to enter it; also a person who is red-eyed (they’re hot tempered); so it’s a place of heat and burning Lessons • Everything that the prophet SAW taught us is true • In the Qu’ran there is good news and warning • When doing dawah, you can’t force the deen upon people • A believer is one whose good news makes him happy, and whose bad news makes him sad REFLECTION: What is our reaction when we read about Jannah vs. Jahannam HOMEWORK? Creating a Forgive and Forget Card Ayah 120 And never will the Jews or the Christians approve of you until you follow their religion. Say, "Indeed, the guidance of Allah is the [only] guidance." If you were to follow their desires after what has come to you of knowledge, you would have against Allah no protector or helper. CONTEXT • The prophet SAW is being addressed here, and then all the believers • Prophet SAW wanted guidance for everyone; but here, he’s being told that not everyone will accept ROOTS • Taa baa aain – to completely follow their ways • Meem laam laam – religion; followers of a particular religion; religious community • Ah waa ahum – lit. to fall; their religion is not based on truth, rather desires Context • The guidance that is offered by Allah in the Qu’ran is the only guidance • Guidance is not about being in a particular group; its attained by following the guidance • If you follow their desires (assimilate) then you will have no protecting friend nor someone who will take you out of trouble َن َِص ري ََو ِ ر ِل After Trouble Before Trouble Takes you out from the trouble Protect from getting in trouble LESSONS • Warning against complete ASSIMILATION • If we leave what Allah SWT wants us to follow, then we will lose Allah’s help • We shouldn’t compromise deen to get praise of people in this world • If you leave knowledge, its not ignorance, its following your desires EXAMPLES OF ASSIMILATION Ayah 121 Those to whom We have given the Book recite it with its true recital. They [are the ones who] believe in it. And whoever disbelieves in it - it is they who are the losers. Roots • Taa laam waaw – follow; reciting; only used for the reading of revealed scripture; recitation which is followed by understanding/action Tilawah Tilawah Lafziyyah Recitation of the Words of the Book Tilawah Ma’nawiyya h Understand the text of the Book Tilawah Amaliyyah Implement the Commands of the Book Follow the Commands Stay away from Prohibited Acts LESSONS • If a person truly believes in the book, then he/she must follow all 3 aspects • This ayah was revealed primarily for the Bani Israel who believed in the Prophet SAW; they recited the Torah and understood it, and implemented it by believing in the Prophet SAW • To recite and understood the Book is a great honor More Lessons • Simply having the Book is not enough • Iman becomes visible through Aml; one of the signs of imaan (faith) is giving the rights of the Book Until next class… • Review translation of ayahs 114-121 • Next week inshAllah: Lesson 18 (ayahs 122129) • Reflect, implement, share