
A Wearable RFID System for Real-time
Activity Recognition using Radio Patterns
Liang Wang1, Tao Gu2, Hongwei Xie1, Xianping Tao1, Jian Lu1,
and Yu Huang1
State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Nanjing University, P. R. China.
School of Computer Science and Information Technology, RMIT University, Australia.
• Introduction
• System Design
• Evaluation
• Conclusion & Future Work
State Key Laboratory for Novel Software
Technology, Nanjing University
Introduction - Applications
• Recognizing people’s activities continuously in real-time
enables a wide range of applications, e.g.,
Health Monitoring
Emergency Response
State Key Laboratory for Novel Software
Technology, Nanjing University
Assisted Living
Introduction - Motivation
• Traditionally, a body sensor network (BSN) is used to
capture activity data
A BSN-based activity
recognition system
State Key Laboratory for Novel Software
Technology, Nanjing University
Wearable sensors
Wireless communication
Processing unit
Introduction – Motivation
• Limitations of BSNs
• Human body affects the wireless link
• Sensing, computing, storage,
communication devices
Packet loss
• Battery powered
State Key Laboratory for Novel Software
Technology, Nanjing University
Introduction – Related Work
• Passive RFID systems for localization [1] and gesture recognition [2]
• RSS patterns for localization and gesture recognition
• Advantages: cost-efficient, reliable, battery-free
• Limitations: fixed-reader & simple activities only
• Recent work on wearabe 2.4G network for human activity
recognition [3]
• Radio patterns for activity recognition
• Advantages: energy-efficient, amiable to packet loss
• Limitations: traditional BSN nodes
[1] S. Wagner, M. Handte, M. Zuniga, and P. J. Marron, “Enhancing the Performance of Indoor localization
Using Multiple Steady Tags,” Pervasive and Mobile Computing, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 392–405, 2013.
[2] P. Asadzadeh, L. Kulik, and E. Tanin, “Gesture Recognition Using RFID Technology,” Personal and Ubiquitous
Computing, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 225–234, 2012.
[3] X. Qi, G. Zhou, Y. Li, and G. Peng, “Radiosense: Exploiting Wireless Communication Patterns for Body Sensor
Network Activity Recognition,” in Proc. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), pp. 95–104, 2012.
State Key Laboratory for Novel Software
Technology, Nanjing University
Introduction – Our Approach
• Two observations
• There exists heavy attenuation of the human body to radio
communication band in which the UHF RFID operates
• RFID radio communication is highly affected by the tag-antenna
distance and orientation
• Intuition
Blockage of line-of-sight
Tag-antenna distance & orientation
Tag 1: RSS …
Radio Patterns
Tag N: RSS …
Passive tag
UHF RFID reader
State Key Laboratory for Novel Software
Technology, Nanjing University
Introduction – Our Approach
• Research Issues
• How to discriminate different activities from the RFID
radio patterns?
• How to perform real-time activity recognition?
• Challenges
• False negative readings - a tag is in the antenna’s reading
range, but not detected; our current RFID reader can
activate one antenna at a time.
• Behavior difference - readings from different
combinations of tags and antennas may be different
even with the same condition.
State Key Laboratory for Novel Software
Technology, Nanjing University
System Design
• Antenna / Tag Placement
• 36 tags
• 9 body parts: both wrists, arms, legs, ankles, and the body
• 4 tags for each body part: reliable reading
• 4 antennas
• Detecting hand/arm movements: chest, back
• Detecting lower body movements: left feet, right feet
• Reading the tags
• 2 seconds for each antenna
• 8 seconds to complete a reading cycle
State Key Laboratory for Novel Software
Technology, Nanjing University
Preliminary Experiment
• Potential for activity recognition
Recognition accuracy over 95%
State Key Laboratory for Novel Software
Technology, Nanjing University
System Design
• Data segmentation
• Fixed sliding-window of L seconds
• L is the application specific recognition delay bound
• Data completion – False negative readings
Temporal locality – tags recently detected are likely to be detected
again with similar RSS values
Last Window
Current Window
Current Data
Completed Data
Ant 0:
Ant 1:
Ant 2:
Ant 3:
State Key Laboratory for Novel Software
Technology, Nanjing University
System Design
• Feature extraction – Behavior difference
• Temporal features
• mean, variance, max, min, mean crossing rate, frequency domain energy, and
entropy of the RSS values for each pair of tag and antenna separately
• Spatial features
• the correlation coefficients of RSS series for different tags read by different
• Real-time recognition algorithm
• Online: recognition based on existing data
• Continuous: processing time < data collection time, i.e., L
• Solution: fixed sliding-window + SVM
State Key Laboratory for Novel Software
Technology, Nanjing University
Empirical Studies
• Data collection
• 4 volunteers - 8 activities - over 2 weeks
State Key Laboratory for Novel Software
Technology, Nanjing University
Empirical Studies
• Sliding-window size vs.
Recognition accuracy
• Real-time performance
State Key Laboratory for Novel Software
Technology, Nanjing University
Empirical Studies
• Antenna and tag placement
State Key Laboratory for Novel Software
Technology, Nanjing University
Empirical Studies
• Transmission power level vs. Recognition accuracy
State Key Laboratory for Novel Software
Technology, Nanjing University
• We present in this paper
• Wearable UHF RFID-based recognition system
• Real-time recognition algorithm
• Future work
• Better sensing device
• Mobile phone integrated RFID reader
• More sensitive reader
• Better deployment strategy
• The minimal number of antennas and tags needed
• More empirical studies
• More activities
• More users
State Key Laboratory for Novel Software
Technology, Nanjing University
Thank you!