
Welcome to
Central Facilities for Research and Development
Central Facilities for Research and Development
About University
About University
Osmania University established in 1918.
It is the SEVENTH oldest in the Country.
THIRD oldest in South India.
FIRST in the princely state of Hyderabad.
The establishment of Osmania University symbolizes a
renaissance in the Indian Educational System.
Shown a remarkable resilience throughout its existence.
The University is instrumental in propagation of Higher
Education to cater to the needs of community in the region over
nine decades and has grown into one of the major Universities
of India.
Central Facilities for Research and Development
The University is surrounded by nine National Laboratories,
which are recognized by Osmania University as Centers for
Advanced Research in the fields of Science and Technology in
addition to Arts and Social Science Research Centers.
Osmania University has been encouraging Staff, Scholars and
Students in achieving world class research.
Osmania University receives research funds from UGC-SAP, DSTFIST, ICMR, ICAR,CSIR, NBMP, DBT, DAE, AICTE etc.
The funds received from the agencies to procure equipment
may be self sufficient but to maintain the procured equipments
beyond the project period is becoming very difficult.
Further, there is duplication in procuring equipment as the
projects are being sanctioned to individual departments and to
individual researchers.
Central Facilities for Research and Development
About Central Facilities for Research and Development
About Central Facilities for Research and Development
In order to streamline the hardships faced by the Departments
of University would like to make amendments and desires to
conduct interdisciplinary research in all the departments.
The University is also interested in extending its services to
outside Research community, Industries and Academic bodies.
Taking into consideration the above facts the University, in
pursuit of academic excellence, has established “CENTRAL
FACILITIES for RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT“ to cater to needs of
the students, research scholars and faculty .
Constructed with state of art technology.
Providing corporate infrastructure.
Laboratories equipped with expensive scientific equipments.
Central Facilities for Research and Development
Help Desk e-class room, Scholars computation Lab and
Facilities thrown open for the benefit of the students, research
scholars and faculty.
Central Facilities building has become the nerve centre and
more attractive to the eager learners and research community.
Entry into the Central Facilities is restricted to only registered
users through biometric access system installed at the entrance
After completion of registration the end-user will be issued a CF
User ID and Biometric image of the end-user is captured to
enter into the building to use the services of Central Facilities.
CCTV cameras are installed at designated sensitive places to
provide round the clock surveillance .
Central Facilities for Research and Development
Help Desk
Established to facilitate easy access to
the Staff, Research scholars, Students
and visitors of the Centre.
New users registration.
Sample receiving and handing over the
test result analysis.
Receipt generation for Central Facilities
services charges.
Enquiring management system.
Biometric Monitoring Management
Central Facilities Telephone Exchange
Central Facilities for Research and Development
UGC and DBT Scientific Instrumentation Labs
UGC Central Instrumentation Lab.
UGC Radiation Lab .
DBT Central Instrumentation Lab.
DBT Microbiology Modular Lab.
DBT Bio Chemistry Modular Lab .
DBT Botany Modular Lab.
DBT Genetics Modular Lab
DBT Zoology Modular Lab
Central Facilities for Research and Development
Scientific Equipment
(Procured under UGC XI Plan grants)
NMR 400 MHZ Spectrometer
Confocal Microscope
FTIR Spectrophotometer
UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
HPLC System
AKTA Purifier
Liquid Scintillation Counter
Ultra Centrifuge Beckmaw
LCMS ( courtesy of Department of Bio-chemistry)
Central Facilities for Research and Development
Scientific Equipment
(Procured under UGC XI Plan grants)
NMR – 400 MZ
Model: Avance-III 400 MHz
Fourier Transform Digital
liquid NMR Spectrometer
Operator console :
All the operations relevant to data acquisition are controlled by
second computing system called IPSO (intelligent pulse
sequence Organizer) housed within the console itself.
Magnet : The magnet generates the magnetic field required to
induce NMR transitions.
Emitted signal from sample nuclei relatively weak amplified by
HPPR Setup (high performance Preamplifier)
Detected signals received by console with negligible loss
NMR – 400 MZ Applications
It is a powerful tool in structure verification of Organic molecules.
It is a powerful technique for characterization of a wide range of
natural products, raw materials, intermediates and manufactured
items especially used in conjunction with other spectrometric
It has ability to identify major molecular structural features is useful in
synthetic routes to help establish the nature of competitive products
such as polymers, paints, organic chemicals, and Pharmaceuticals.
It gives proton spectra which is useful to reveal facts in Organic
It is used to determine the F-19, P-31, N-15 and C-13 nuclei in given
compound with spectral reports.
NMR system analysis is helpful in Organic Chemistry, Pharma /
Biotech, and Biochemistry Research.
Make: Leica Microsystems, Germany
Model: Leica TCS SP5-II
•Live cell imaging with using fluorescence
emission of the sample technique.
•Provides high resolution image with new imaging techniques
•To study of Micro-organisms and their action on living tissues.
•Regular inspection of Growing cells i.e. Cell Culture Studies.
•Allows scientific Study in plant science to determine structure,
growth, metabolism and deceases of plants.
Central Facilities for Research and Development
FTIR Spectrophotometer
FT-IR Spectrometer with 0.4cm-1 Resolution
[Apodised], KBr Beamsplitter.
Permanently aligned cube corner Rock Solid
interferometer .
Mid-IR, Near- IR, and Far- IR capability.
Easy to exchange QuickLock sample compartment accessories.
Automatic H2O and CO2 compensation.
Advanced DigiTect Detector system .
OPUS Software including spectral search facility.
Central Facilities for Research and Development
FTIR Spectrophotometer - Applications
Infrared Spectroscopy gives information on the vibrational and rotational
modes of motion of a molecule.
The Infrared spectrum of an organic compound provides a unique fingerprint,
which is readily distinguished from the absorption patterns of all other
compounds; only optical isomers absorb in exactly the same way. Hence FTIR
is an important technique for identification and characterization of a
Used for the identification and quantification of organic species. Is capable of
ultra trace organic analysis, e.g. for contamination on surfaces.
Identification of functional group and structure elucidation. Identification of
drug substance and impurities in a drug sample.
Allows rapid analysis of micro-samples down to the nanogram level in some
cases. Study of polymers, study of hydrogen bonding, Ratio of Cis-trans
isomers in a mixture.
Allows Contamination detection, Raw material testing, Measurement of
layers by specular and diffuse reflection.
Central Facilities for Research and Development
Make : Thermo Fischer scientific
Model : SORVALL WX 100
it is provided with 3 rotors of which
one is zonal swinging bucket rotor and
the other 2 are vertical fixed angle rotors.
The ultracentrifuge can reach maximum
speed of 100,000 rpm.
The system has the temperature control in the range of 00C
to 400C.
Fixed Angle rotor T- 8100 with Maximum speed of 100,000
rpm and Max RCF is 802,006 x g with a capacity of 8 tubes of
6.5ml capacity each.
Central Facilities for Research and Development
Liquid Scintillation Counter
Make: Hydex, Finland.
Model: 300SL counter.
It detects radiation emitted by
a sample dissolved in a solvents
like Aqualight / Maxlight.
Scintillation Counter is used to
detect radiations such as α, β & γ
from radio active nucleas.
520mm (width), 680mm (height), 630mm (depth) flexible Counting
Vials are placed in sample tray with matrix format of 8 by 12 totals 96
7ml vials, alternatively 5x8 matrix totals 40 20ml vials also used.
Instrument connected to PC Mikrowin 2000 software, it has easy to
use interface with unlimited number of pre stored isotopes and
protocols with other analysis features.
Liquid Scintillation Counter - Applications
With TDCR technology which is a straight forward
method obtaining counting efficiency of samples
without any standard source of radioactivity.
Good counting efficiencies, for H-3 >65 %, for C-14
>95%, S-35, for P-32 nearly 100%, P-33, I-125 (betaemitters).
High Counting efficiency Alpha emitters (Po-210,U234/U-238,Am-241,Rn-222,Ra-226) > 95%
UV-VIS Spectro Photometer
Double Beam with Photo silicon
Diode Array System
oVariable Slit width 0.5 to 5 nm
oAutomatic 8-Cell Changer
oWavelength range includes 190 to 1100nm
oPhotometric mode includes Analysis of
Transmittance, Absorption, Energy and Concentration
UV-WIN Software Operational modes .
Central Facilities for Research and Development
UV-VIS Spectro Photometer - Applications
UV-Vis spectrophotometers have extensive applications in the
fields such as Chemicals, Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology,
Environmental, Clinical & Food, Beverages, etc.
UV/VIS Spectrophotometers are able to carry out Photometric
measurement, Spectrum scans, Kinetic measurements,
Qualitative determination and DNA/RNA analysis.
Measuring Absorbance/Transmittance/Concentration values in
spectrum form
Can plot the calibration curve with known standards.
Measuring time dependent absorption variance.
Can determine the absorbance spectrum of a sample solution
by choosing spectrum mode in the UV-WIN SOFTWARE
Central Facilities for Research and Development
HPLC – (High Pressure Liquid Chromatography)
Central Facilities for Research and Development
Model : Shimadzu’s Prominence HPLC system.
HPLC system has two pumping systems .
DEGASSER, to remove the gas bubbles.
Automatic sample injector called AUTOSAMPLER.
Non polar columns RP C8 and RP C18.
Column oven with Peltier cooling facility, Fibre optic
Detectors are RID detector, RF detector, and PDA
detector .
The software used LC SOLUTION.
Central Facilities for Research and Development
HPLC - Applications
Reversed phase chromatography has been applied to the
purification of biomolecules such as peptides, proteins and
Separation and Quantification of the unacetylated and
acetylated oligopeptides.
Lipid Analysis provides identification of various classes of lipids
like free fatty acids, fatty alcohols, phospholipids, mono-, di-,
and triacyl-glycerides, sterols and steroids, and fat soluble
Molecules that posses some degree of hydrophobic character,
such as Proteins, Peptides, Antibodies, and Nucleic Acids, can be
separated by reverse phase chromatography
Phosphopeptides structural characterization and analysis.
Central Facilities for Research and Development
AKTA – Purifier
•Is a preparative mode of
chromatography system based
on ion-exchange principle.
•This instrument is supplied by
the GE Health care
The ÄKTA purifier is a fully automated liquid chromatography
system designed for method development and research
The system offers automated purification and characterization of
peptides and nucleic acids.
It finds its wide range of application in vari ous fields of life
sciences like in biochemistry, microbiology, biotechnology,
botany, zoology etc.
Central Facilities for Research and Development
E – Class Room
Central Facilities for Research and Development
E – Class Room
Offer learning through technology
Provides more efficient, effective services in future for
complete learning experience.
E-class room provides WEBCASTING Technology
“Online-learning” and “Offline –learning” activities
“Active-learning" and “Passive-learning“ activities
E-Classroom bridges gap between campus locations and offcampus locations .
E-class room accommodates 55 learners with a provision to
connect Laptop/Desktop under LAN with live Internet
Central Facilities for Research and Development
Scholars Computation Lab
Computing laboratory with 40
computers is established with
Internet/Intranet connectivity.
Provides software like SPSS, MATLAB,
MATHEMETICA, Schrödinger and other
software required for research
Users can browse
on-line generals
University e-repositories
(Intranet access )
OsmaniaUniversity Digital
Library Collections
e-class room activities.
Central Facilities for Research and Development
Osmania University Digital Library
Osmania University has a rich collection of
manuscripts, old books which are digitized at the
general Library (more than 40,000 books ).
1000 video/multi media lectures produced at EMMRC
Reference collections of OU staff.
Dissertations, Ph.D thesis.
OU Digital Library website ( ) is
created and maintained at Central Facilities for the
benefit of Osmania
Students and Research
Central Facilities for Research and Development
Server Room
Server room is the heart of the central
facilities as it caters to all the electronic
requirements (Network connections,
Server, Webcasting Equipment and CCTV
network etc) of the building.
The server room is equipped with four
rack servers, one storage device
workstations, LAN Network Unit, CCTV
Network Unit
Software installed
Windows 2003 server
Red Hat Linux Server
Debian server
Storage Device of 3.6 TB
Administrative software
Central Facilities for Research and Development
Inhouse Software Developed
Help desk software
Enquiry Management System
Inward and Outward Management System
CFRD Messaging and Attendance Management System
Biometric Software
Osmania University Central Facilities Website (
under the link central facilities)
Osmania Digital Library Website (
Development of Online testing software is in progress for the
Competitive examination centre.
Any other Intranet/Internet Application Software can be
installed as and when required.
Central Facilities for Research and Development
Thank you
Central Facilities for Research and Development