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World’s First
Vaporizing-type Food Disposer
Product Introduction
1. Outline
One of the hottest issues raised in environmental
problems is the disposal of food waste.
There are products from many companies but none
were satisfying consumers.
Thereupon, we developed an epochal food waste
disposer by solving the problems and weak points
of existing equipments through a long research
and development.
‘Vaporizer’, which does not produce residues and
processes in shorter time and generates no
environmental pollution will lead the market.
2. Background of developing vaporizer
 Food
wastes are organic matters composed of
C(carbon), H(hydrogen), N(nitrogen), O(oxygen),
S(sulfur), P(phosphorus), and so forth.
 Decomposing and extinguishing by
microorganisms like self-purification of nature is
known to be the most efficient and safest way but
it takes long time and 100% decomposition is not
 Thereupon, ‘vaporizer’ was born with the demand
for efficient food waste disposer with shorter
processing time and low maintenance cost.
3. Processing method of vaporizer
In the world of nature, when animals and plants die, they are
decomposed and go back to earth after a given time. This is
because animals and plants have dissolution enzymes of selfpurification and bacteria.
The special feature of this equipment is molecule
decomposition and vaporizing by breaking molecule rings
through interaction between self-purification catalyst and
food waste applying this principle of natural cycle.
Vaporizer generates hydrogen, the self-purification catalyst
artificially and that makes each element of food waste repeat
bonding and decomposition and this process generates
intense heat momentarily.
Through this momentary intense heat, elements of food
waste become water and carbon dioxide repeating bonding
and decomposition and be vaporized and scattered in the air.
4. Principle of self-purification catalyst
◈ When food waste contacts with self-purification catalyst, vibrating energy of water is voluntarily
converted into chemical energy and atomic hydrogen(H) is generated.
Generated atomic hydrogen(H) combines with oxygen molecules provided through hot wind.
H + O2 = HO2
Generated HO molecular formula is extremely unstable and reacts with hydrogen(H) molecules in the
water that are not reacted.
HO2 + H2 = H2O2 + H
HO2 + H2 = H2O + OH
Thus, hydrogen peroxide(H2O2) and hydrogen(H) are generated.
Also, water and separated hydroxyl group(OH) are generated and this hydroxyl group(OH) continuously
reacts with hydrogen(H2) that is not reacted (tens of thousands of times) and generates water and
hydrogen continuously.
OH + H2 = H2O + H
<Generation of atomic hydrogen(H) using water>
Water is compound of hydrogen(H) of mass number 1 and oxygen(O) of mass number 8 but the most pure
water itself is a huge mass of water molecules with 18 types of molecules, 15 ions, sulfurous acid gas,
carbonic acid gas, carbon dioxide, chlorine, and calcium.
Water discharges energy.
All water in the world contains 0.017% of heavy water(D2O) and discharges energy through exchange
reaction of same and different substances.
HO2 + D2O
Exchange equilibrium discharges HDO in accordance with the law of constancy of mass.
(H2O) (D2O)
Water absorbs radio wave and radiates it.
All animals and plants on the ground whose principal ingredient of which is water selectively absorb
rearing rays among sunrays and radiate them.
5. Principle of ultramodern science
Molecular decomposition
decomposition of food
in environment-friendly
waste that is the
Is that possible?
way using the principle
hottest issue in
of nature is a triumph of
modern society?
ultramodern science.
Input food waste inside the machine
Possible to decompose 100% (organism)
Vegetables,rice,meat,fish,fruit,small bones
After input , azitation with the heat
The scene after 30minutes later
Condition we can’t know after
Remained reaction powder only after
After 3hours/ dried ,vaporized perfectly
remained only reaction powder
※ organism perfectly decomposed
inorganic matters of small quantity
6. Operation process
Injection of food waste
Organic matters can be processed.
Vegetable, rice leftover, meat, fish, fruits, and spices
classified as food waste are randomly injected for test.
Agitating after food waste injection
40 minutes after the injection of food waste.
Quickly decomposed out of recognition with some fibroid
materials and water remaining.
1 hour and 20 minutes after injection
Only moisture generated from molecular decomposition
has remained and food waste has been totally
decomposed and vaporized.
7. Special features of vaporizer
◈ Food waste begins to be decomposed after injection and is totally decomposed in 2 – 3 hours.
◈ Installment is easy, equipment cost is moderate, and operation cost can be reduced.
◈ Catalyst is economic for its long life span(used for 6 months when using 2-3 times a day) and
waste catalyst can be discharged as general waste according to test results.
◈ Discharge, storage, shipment, and disposal facilities are not necessary. Secondary pollution
and residues are not produced.
by official
◈Environment pollution is not cause during or after operation of equipment.
◈Innovative alternative for its environment-friendly processing method that generates no
secondary pollution using decomposition of molecular rings, and reduces/extinguishes at the
generating source.
◈Environment-friendly as food waste is extinguished and processed at the generating
sources(homes, restaurants, and mass feeding facilities).
8. Extinguishing process of food waste(vaporizer)
30 minutes after injection
60 minutes after injection
Begins to be discharged as
(Reaction with catalyst begins)
(Extinguishing vaporization begins)
cooled water after vaporization
90 minutes after injection
120 minutes after injection
180 minutes after injection
(Extinguishing vaporization gets
(Extinguishing vaporization
(Extinguishing vaporization
9. Extinguishing process of food waste(vaporizer)
Reaction powder:food waste=1:2
50kg of food waste
Beginning operation
Mixed vaporization begins
after 30 minutes
Totally extinguished after 180
Extinguishment activated after 100
Feature, advantage, and weakness of each equipment
(comparison between food waste disposers)
moisture from
food waste using
heat energy only:
reduces more
than 80%
-Residues can be
recycled (Ex,
compost or feed)
-Long processing
time (17-19
-High electricity
-High salinity of
-Residues cannot
be recycled
-Processing cost
and process for
decomposes food
waste into water
and vapor in 3
hours using
-Can be used
several times a
day for its short
processing time
-Low electricity
-No residues
Decomposes food
waste using
and discharges as
injection possible
-Low electricity
-Intense bad odor
-Excessive water
-Periodic interior
cleaning required
-Excessive sludge
-High waterprocessing cost
Ferments food
waste in agitating
container using
-Residues can be
-Big size
recycled (compost) -Inappropriate for
compost for high
salinity of
-Bad odor
☞ export nation:
11. Vaporizer(Vaporizing-type food disposer)
FOUT(means to ‘food
problems out’)
Product line:
Products of larger
volumes can be