OPTIMIZED SYNTHESIS OF A SYNBIOTIC FROM ENZYME-TREATED PURPLE RICE BRAN FIBER AND LACTOBACILLUS PLANTARUM Daniel Bergeron Kristi Harrison Christina Juneau Jason Newton Laura DeLatin Advisor: Dr. Subramaniam Sathivel PROBLEM STATEMENT To produce a freeze-dried synbiotic supplement with optimal cell viability, consisting of Lactobacillus plantarum and enzyme-treated purple rice bran fiber, and evaluate its maintained viability during variant storage conditions. OVERVIEW Background Design Constraints Measureable Objectives Product Design Specification Concept Evaluation and Selection Testing Plans Design Tools Budget Summary PREBIOTICS Non-digestible oligosaccharides In Intestines: Stimulates the growth and activity of healthy bacterial flora Carbon and energy source for flora In vivo: protective fiber matrix increases stability and viability of probiotics when freeze-dried PROBIOTICS Live microorganisms found in Intestines Dairy products Provides beneficial digestive health Prevents the growth of harmful bacteria Maintains healthy balance for homeostasis DESIGN CONSTRAINTS Time Money Access to equipment Minimum effective dose of Synbiotic (CFU/g) IACUC (Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee) Process of Approval in progress: #13-100 MEASUREABLE OBJECTIVES Synbiotic Synthesis 74 % Dietary fiber in Enzyme-treated Rice Fiber Recover 8.78 +/- 0.10 log CFU L. plantarum per mL of synbiotic after growth Maintained viability of 106 CFU/g after 30 days of storage Model doubling time of probiotic during growth, and reduction rate during storage PRODUCT DESIGN SPECIFICATION (PDS) PDS CONTINUED PDS CONTINUED CONCEPT EVALUATION & SELECTION PREBIOTIC SOURCE: ENZYME-TREATED PURPLE RICE FIBER Blanca Isabel Purple Rice Bran is by-product of Rice Locally grown and milled High Antioxidant content Cryoprotectant Enzyme-Treatment Purifies Bran from 24% to 74% Dietary Fiber ENZYME-TREATMENT PROCESS ENZYME ADDITION • α-Amylase • Alcalase • Hemicellulase ENZYME ADDITION ENZYME ADDITION & DRYING CONCEPT EVALUATION & SELECTION PROBIOTIC SOURCE: L. PLANTARUM Nutrition Requirements and Growth Rate Tolerate pH of stomach GROWTH OF PROBIOTIC ON FIBER Better survives harsh condition of stomach Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) to confirm growth INOCULATION OF L. PLANTARUM ADHERENCE AND GROWTH RATE VIABILITY MEASURING CFU/ML Serial Dilutions Triplicate Plating Accept 30-300 cell plate Before/During/After Multiple Stages METHOD OF PRESERVATION FREEZE DRYING Decreases surrounding pressure until frozen water sublimates Fiber serves as cryoprotectant for probiotic Less cell damage and cell reduction Improves stability and viability during storage Prolongs shelf-life Air blast freezer can be used for a variety of irregular shapes Particularly small sizes FREEZE-DRYING PROCESS AIR-BLAST FREEZER TESTING PLANS Modeling Growth of Bacteria on Fiber Viability during Storage over One Month Storage To determine the optimal temperature necessary to keep our supplement viable Animal Study To test effectiveness of synbiotic in intestinal environment for future marketability Ulcerative Colitis Model Form of IBD Past studies of treating Colitis with probiotics MODELING Bacteria grown on Fiber Doubling Time Bacteria added to Fiber Exponential Increase Bacteria separate from Fiber 𝑋 = 𝑋0 𝑒 𝜇𝑡 X = cell concentration X0 = initial cell concentration μ = specific growth rate, units of time-1 t = time Concentration at t = td is 2X0 td = doubling time 2 = 𝑒 𝜇𝑡 𝑡𝑑 = ln 2 𝜇 STORAGE Storage Conditions At Room Temperature (25°C) vs. Refrigerator (4°C) Storage duration for one month Bi weekly viability count (CFU/mL) ANIMAL STUDY Foundational Study Feed supplemented diets Induce Colitis with DSS Post-mortem evaluations Test groups based on respective supplemental diets Control (no supplement) Prebiotic supplement only (ERF) Probiotic supplement only (L. plantarum) Synbiotic supplement (ERF + L. plantarum) Process of Approval in progress ANIMAL STUDY Terminal Measurements after Dissection Weight and length of colon to analyze the effects of inflammation Cecal sample Microbiota characterization determined by RT-qPCR Short Chain Fatty Acid content Elisa kit for Cytokine analysis [IL-6 and TNF-α] H&E stain of colonic mucosal tissue to visually assess mucosal damage Measurable Objectives (Relative to the Control) Longer colon length Decreased cytokine levels Lower mucosal damage score Abundance of microbial strains DESIGN TOOLS GANTT CHART BUDGET Synbiotic Synthesis Budget Item: Quantity: Unit Price: Total Price: Purple rice bran Hemicellulase Alcolase Heat-Stable α-Amylase L. plantarum Storage bags 50 lbs 100 g 50 ml 10 ml 1 ml 200 pk $120.00 $41.00 $144.00 $47.00 $200.00 $10.00 $120.00 - Provided $41.00 - Provided $144.00 $47.00 - Provided $200.00 - Provided $10.00 Total: $154.00 Rodent Study Budget Item: Quantity: Unit Price: Total Price: Rodent RQ 18-6 Lab diet Sprague Dawley Rats 50 lb $0.94 / lb $46.95 38 $15.00 Each $570.00 Rodent Housing Dextran Sodium Sulfate: Microbial Classification (PCR Analysis) Short Chain Fatty Acid (SCFA) analysis GLP-1 Elisa kit PYY RIA Cytokine kit 21 days 50 g $0.95 / day / rat $2.96/gram $758.10 $148.00 50 samples $24.00 / sample $1200.00 100 samples $6.00 / sample $600.00 38 samples 100 samples $15.00 / sample $6.50 / sample $570.00 $650.00 Total: $4553.05 SUMMARY Prebiotics + Probiotics = Synbiotic Probiotic grown on prebiotic fiber Freeze-dried Altering storage conditions to increase viability after storage Planning and Testing Decision Matrices, Flowcharts, and PDS Tests and Modeling Animal Study ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Dr. Subramaniam Sathivel Arranee Chotiko Dr. Diana Coulon Dr. Daniel Hayes QUESTIONS? APPENDIX Rat’s Diet Food Protein Carbs DESIGN TOOLS Water Fats PHYSICAL DECOMPOSITION Supplement Probiotic L. plantarum Prebiotic PRF Enzymes hemicellulase amylase protease PICTURE REFERENCES Slide 2: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-t7sZZGyVIC4/T-KwDSNvrHI/AAAAAAAAAvI/GzSOXz-Hw-s/s1600/209569,xcitefun-black-rice2.jpg http://www.probiotics-summit.eu/images/plantarum2.jpg Slide 4: http://www.letstalkmagazine.com/home/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Whole-Grain-Group-Pic.jpg Slide 5: http://www.nutritionaloutlook.com/sites/nutritionaloutlook.com/files/imagecache/Image_Default/images/probiotics.jpg http://static.caloriecount.about.com/images/medium/roundys-probiotic-yogurt-nonfat-4511.jpg Slide 6: Slide 21: http://classes.midlandstech.com/carterp/Courses/bio225/chap06/06-15_PlateCounts_1.jpg Slide 27: http://www.sageresearchmodels.com/files/cox2_rat.jpg INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISORDER ULCERATIVE COLITIS Inflammation of the colon Overly aggressive immune response of nonpathogenic bacteria Causes dysentery, abnormal bowel movements, pain, cramping No current cure TIMELINE Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Laboratory acclimation feeding Specific supplemental diet introduced Induce Colitis with Dextran Sodium Sulfate Euthanasia, dissection, and analysis Raw Purple Rice Bran 300 g Lactobacillus plantarum Enzyme Treatment Refined PRF Suspend L. plantarum + PRF Plate and Incubate L. plantarum Centrifuge into Pellets EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN SYNBIOTIC SYNTHESIS Synbiotic Air Blast Freeze Pour Plate Method Key MATERIAL Determine CFU of Synbiotic PROCESS DESIGN TOOLS MORPHOLOGICAL CHART