Gut Health & Probiotics: Diet for Immunity

Health and Immunity Through What You Eat
By Jill Nussinow, MS, RD, The Veggie Queen
I am convinced that probiotic use in
most people can enhance their
immunity, promote regularity, lessen
gas and bloating, and yes, even
enhance their sex life!
JoAnn Hatner, MPH, RD, author of Gut Insight
Probiotics are big business which is why you
see so many TV commercials and
advertisements for them – people have
tummy troubles regularly.
25% of people say that they do.
What are probiotics? Do they work?
Think of your gut as your immune system's
command center — responsible for the
regulation of your responses, particularly of
70 % of immune function takes place in your gut
It makes sense as this is where the body
encounters the majority of pathogens.
Inflammation serves a protective role responding
to tissue injury or infection so that you can heal.
We have 10 times the amount of microbial
cells than total other cells, with 500 types of
microorganisms which mostly reside in our
They perform digestive and defensive roles
against chronic inflammation and decreasing
reactions to allergens plus B Vitamin
Inhibit the growth of disease causing bacteria
A 2001 report by the Food and Agricultural
Organization of the United Nations and the
World Health Organization in 2001. The
report defined probiotics as “live
microorganisms which, when consumed in
adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on
the host.”
YOU are the host
A probiotic:
 is a microbial organism which is not harmful
 remains viable (alive) during processing and
shelf life of the food
 must survive digestion and remain viable in
the gut
 is able to bring about a response in the gut
 is associated with health benefits.
As with most things in science the criteria are
continuing to develop.
Nondigestible food ingredients that
selectively stimulate the growth and/or the
activity of beneficial bacteria in the colon and
improve health.
They’ve been around in various forms for
thousands of years. Currently popular ones
yogurt, kefir and cheeses, and other foods
such as sourdough bread, dill pickles,
sauerkraut, kim chi, chocolate, tea, beer, and
New products made with added cultures
include soy products, cereal, energy bars,
specialty drinks and infant formula.
Prebiotic Stars and Prebiotic
apple, banana*, berries, raisins,
onion*, garlic*, leeks*, Jerusalem
artichoke*, globe artichoke*, asparagus*,
chicory root*, burdock*, yacon*, jicama,
tomato, greens, spinach, collard greens,
chard, kale, mustard greens, dandelion
greens*, salsify*
lentils, dry beans, chickpeas and peas
Whole Grains
whole wheat*, barley*, rye*, oats, brown
rice, whole grain corn, buckwheat
flaxseed, almonds
•These foods have been documented in the scientific literature as sources of inulin and oligosaccharides
(nondigestible fermentable carbohydrates).
Takes place in lower bowel, produces acids and
gases and results in benefits.
Decreases pH level –more acid, less disease
bacteria-friendly environment
Short chain fatty acid production enhances
beneficial bacteria –might have effect on colon
Enhanced mineral absorption – increased calcium
and magnesium
Might help lower cholesterol
Might help stabilize blood glucose levels
Enhances immunity and positive immune response
Usually helps with bowel function and elimination
Daily as prebiotics in your diet, cultured vegetables, foods with
probiotics added such as
Good Belly is the only vegan and soy-free probiotics – good belly shots
contain L plantarum 299 w
Drinkable soy yogurt
Other Soy Yogurts – Nancy’s
Probiotic soy milk – contains chicory fiber
Probiotic soyogurt – contains S. Thermophilus, L Bulgaricus, L.
acidophilus, L Casei, L
Rhamnosus, B Bifidum, L Lactis
Probiotic hummus – L acidophilus, Bifidobacterium spp, L
Attune Dark Chocolate Probiotic Bar – all other Attune Products contain
dairy, *6.1 billion Probiotic cultures (Bifidobacterium lactis HN019,
Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM, Lactobacillus casei LC-11).
What is the best way to get your prebiotics
and probiotics?
 Vegan Probiotics from around the world: Most
known here are:
Miso and Natto from Japan
Kimchi from Korea
Kombucha from Russia
Sauerkraut from Germany
Curtido from El Salvador
You can make your own water kefirs and
fermented vegetables
Take under medical or nutrition supervision
All of Natren’s Dairy-Free POWDERS are Vegan;
i.e. Mega Dophilus Dairy-Free and Bifido Factor
Dairy-Free powders and Natren’s unique green
formula, Mega Vegi-Dophilus, powder are all
VEGAN. Take 1 tsp. a day of each, up to three
times a day for rapid results.
Note: Digesta-Lac Dairy-Free is only available in
Veggie-caps, not in powder form.
For Research Updates:
International Association for Probiotics and
US Probiotics
Gut Instinct by JoAnn Hattner,
Jill Nussinow, MS, RD, The Veggie Queen
You can find the recipe for making sauerkraut
on my website at
And how to make pickles at: