ALIVELIHOOD ENTREPINOY INC. Branch Office: 30 Loro St., Martin Building, Unit 5 Brgy., Commonwealth, Quezon City WEBSITE : Email : FACEBOOK : Alivelihood Entrepinoy THE COMPANY ALIVELIHOOD ENTREPINOY INC. is a 100% Filipino owned Corporation registered with SEC last December, 2010. ALIVELIHOOD ENTREPINOY INC. and initially test and open its livelihood program last March 27, 2011 in the provinces, and officially started the Access Livelihood Loan – Incentive Network (ALL- IN) this July 12, 2011 establish by a group of Network Marketing Specialist with years of experience in livelihood opportunities and trainings, advertising, wholesaling and retailing of livelihood consumer products and backed up by leaders and various importers and manufacturers which gives our Distributors and Executives the many choices of livelihood raw materials and products consequently bringing a significant increase benefits on their purchasing power! ALIVELIHOOD ENTREPINOY promotes primarily an environment that offers livelihood, personal and financial freedom - an environment where your time generates growth opportunities, develops talent, sharpen skills and are best resources to achieve both your personal, social and business livelihood goals. We combined the powerful business models of Livelihood, Franchising method, Direct Selling, the Solid foundation of Traditional and the super power of Network Marketing and Super Retailing in One Solid Livelihood Opportunity Package that defines the newest and unique higher level of opportunity in the market. Every time you work to address poverty, you are strengthening the family while working for financial achievement and offering a better deal to consumers. ALIVELIHOOD ENTREPINOY is managed by experienced professionals in their own fields with a combined experience of over 10 years in Livelihood Trainings, 10 years in Traditional Business, 10 solid years in Direct Selling and Network Marketing. The ALIVELIHOOD ENTREPINOY team will work hand in hand with you towards your dream! We are partnered with our Distributors and Executives to generate a larger profit for them and to secure more stability of our Livelihood Super One Team Profit Sharing program. Lets work together to shape the successful destiny of our future! MISSION Our mission is to help other people help themselves fight poverty by empowering them through livelihood and to build a united structure of livelihood entrepinoys with common goals to achieve an extra ordinary result. VISION To be a livelihood opportunity leader, dedicated to develop livelihood innovations, ideas and concepts that will give benefits to all livelihood entrepreneurs and consumers. Company Owners: 1. ONOFRE E. MARTIN - Director - Businessman, Gold Buyer and Owner of Gold Refinery in Bulacan for more than 40 years, Involve in Lending and Pawnshop Business, Grocery Business Owner , Buildings Owner. 2. RONALD S. GRANADA – Director/Corporate Treasurer -Marketing Plan Author , Consultant, Network Marketing Strategist, Network Marketing Researcher & Analyst. Concept & Ideas Innovator 3. BENJIE I. LOPEZ - Director/Corporate Secretary Consultant, Network Leader & Builder 4. ENGR. JESS NISAY- Director/Vice President for Expansion & Development 5. CHEERYSMITH M. RAMENTO - Director Nurse, Businesswoman 6. ANABELLE LAZO - Director/Businesswoman 7. MARTHA M. TAGTAGON – Stockholder/Businesswoman SEC REG.NO. 201020968 Dec. 22, 2010 SEMINARS : EVERYDAY Open 10am-9pm QUALIFY IN “ALL-IN” AND ENJOY NO INTEREST! NO COLLATERAL! NO C.I.!NO CO-MAKER! Start to Qualify Loan from 5,000.00 up to 500,000.00!!! PLUS YOU WILL LEARN FREE LIVELIHOOD TRAININGS! ALIVELIHOOD ENTREPINOY INC. Contact Name: Contact Number: You will receive products, benefits, privileges and advantages OPTION 1 1. 1 Set of Raw Mats of Perfume (200ml output) - You can sell it @ P2,400.00 2. Get Insurance Benefits (WORKER PROTECT) from Insurance of the Phillipine Islands Co., Inc. 3. Get Application Forms, Marketing Brochure, Manual, Procedures on Livelihood 4. Access AliveLihood Free Livelihood Trainings 5. Free Basic Marketing & Leadership Trainings 6. Enjoy 25% basic discount on repeat purchases and privileges discount on products. OPTION 2 1. 1 bottle of Organic Coco Honey (500ml) 2. Get Insurance Benefits (WORKER PROTECT) from Insurance of the Phillipine Islands Co., Inc. 3. Get Application Forms, Marketing Brochure, Manual, Procedures on Livelihood 4. Access AliveLihood Free Livelihood Trainings 5. Free Basic Marketing & Leadership Trainings 6. Enjoy 25% basic discount on repeat purchases and privileges discount on products. • All product items and prices on the above package are subject to change without prior notice. No Limit of Directs means No Limit of Loan Privilege! FORCED MATRIX 5X4 All Loans 7 to 10days process QUALIFY IN “ALL-IN” AND ENJOY NO INTEREST! NO COLLATERAL! NO C.I.! NO CO-MAKER! AUTO COMMISSION DEDUCTION SYSTEM! HASSLE FREE! LEVEL 1 1 2 3 4 5 1,999 P3,001 Loan Amount!!! AUTO DEDUCT AS ADVANCE PAYMENT 2 5 5 5 5 5 3 25 25 25 25 25 – YOU CAN QUALIFY IF YOU 4 125 125 125 125 125 – YOU CAN QUALIFY IF YOU HAVE PAID PREVIOUS LOAN PLUS FREE SUPER ONE TEAM PROFIT SHARING ACCOUNT w/ 1,000 PSV HAVE PAID PREVIOUS LOAN PLUS YOU WILL LEARN FREE LIVELIHOOD TRAININGS! Level Members Profit 1st 5 x 20 = Php 100 2nd 25 x 20 = 500 3rd 125 x 20 = 2,500 4th 625 x 20 = 12,500 5th 3125 x 20 = 62,500 6th 15625 x 20 = 312,500 7th 78125 x 20 = 1,562,500 8th 390625 x 20 = 7,812,500 Cash total = Income Php 9,765,500 1 EARN TO YOUR UPLINE EARN TO YOUR DOWNLINE EARN TO YOUR CROSSLINE EARN COMPANY TOTAL SALES SUPER ONE TEAM PROFIT SHARING ELITE EXECUTIVE DIAMOND EXECUTIVE ELITE DIAMOND EXECUTIVE TROIKA DIAMOND EXECUTIVE ROYAL DIAMOND EXECUTIVE BLACK DIAMOND EXECUTIVE CROWN DIAMOND EXECUTIVE CROWN DIAMOND AMBASSADOR PRISEDENTIAL DIAMOND AMBASSADOR SUPER CROWN DIAMOND AMBASSADOR 5% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 2% 2% 10,000 1 share 25,000 1 share 50,000 1 share 75,000 1 share 100,000 1 share 150,000 1 share 250,000 1 share 500,000 1 share 750,000 1 share 1,000,000 1 share 15,000 2 shares 35,000 2 shares 60,000 2 shares 85,000 2 shares 120,000 2 shares 200,000 2 shares 350,000 2 shares 600,000 2 shares 850,000 2 shares 1,500,000 2 shares 20,000 3 shares 45,000 3 shares 70,000 3 shares 95,000 3 shares 140,000 3 shares 240,000 3 shares 450,000 3 shares 700,000 3 shares 950,000 3 shares 2,000,000 3 shares 800 PSV 800 PSV 800 PSV 800 PSV 1500 PSV 1500 PSV 1500 PSV 2000 PSV 2000 PSV 2000 PSV 2 SUPER SPONSORING BONUS (weekly) 10% of the total Nationwide Entry Sales Volume Weekly is set aside per share among qualifier. 3 NATIONWIDE REPEAT PURCHASE (monthly) 10% of total Nationwide Repeat Purchase Sales Volume monthly is set aside per share among qualifier. DIRECT ENROLLED MARKETING EXECUTIVE EQUIVALENT SHARE DIRECT ENROLLED MARKETING EXECUTIVE EQUIVALENT SHARE 1 1 share 2 1 share 3 5 shares 5 5 shares 5 20 shares 10 20 shares (No Maintenance Required) 4 CAR / HOUSE PLAN 3% of the Company’s total Entry Sales Volume and Repeat Purchases sales volume monthly is set aside for CAR Plan / HOUSE Incentive Fund and divided among Crown Diamond Ambassador 1 Share Presidential Diamond Ambassador 3 Shares Super Crown Diamond Ambassador 5 Shares Barangay Satellite Center Benefits & Advantages P50,000.00 = 25 Executive Entry Package A Perfume Raw Material Set 25 Sets X 20 (10ml) 500 Pieces (10ml) X 120.00 Suggested Selling Price P 60,000.00 Dishwashing Liquid Raw Material Set 25 Sets X 36 (250ml) 900 Pieces (250ml) X 30.00 Suggested Selling Price P 27,000.00 25 Bottles Kefir Juice x 500 P 12,500.00 Gross Sales = P99,500.00 P99,500.00 Gross sales - 50,000.00 Stockiest Fee 13,300.00 Bottle Cost Cost of Bottles P 7,000.00 = Perfume P 6,300.00 = DWL Net Income: P36,200.00 DIAMOND EXECUTIVE BARANGAY SATELLITE CENTER 1. EARN 3% per Entry Product Package Sold 2. EARN 4% on Repeat Purchases of Executive Members 3. EARN Livelihood Retail Selling to non-members 4. Elite Executive (5%) = 3 shares monthly for lifetime 5. Diamond Executive (3%) = 1 share monthly for lifetime 6. Exclusive Territory (Barangay Level) 7. Earn from the Network of your Profit Centers 8. You can Maximize & Fast Track your Potential Earnings using the livelihood Marketing Plan (optional) Company Free Training Support & Upline Support! ALIVELIHOOD ENTREPINOY INC. # 30 Loro St., Martin Building Purok 12, Unit 5, COMMONWEALTH, QUEZON CITY, PHILIPPINES WEBSITE : E Mail: FACEBOOK : Alivelihood Entrepinoy Telephone : 02 4275760 Cell Inquiry : 09207296319/ 0927609069/ 09057634226 The fragrance and personal care market is one of the fastest growing markets in the Philippines today. With the last four years seeing an over all positive growth, the market has become a thriving industry that represents a multi – billion industry and one that holds much profit and promise for fragrance and personal care products. A One Set consisting of 15% ALIVELIHOOD Fragrance Oil with semi - liquid FIXATIVE, Triple Deodorize Alcohol with Distilled Water plus Moisturizer is set for package that produces 200 ml of premium grade Eau De Perfume. Procedure to make Eau de Perfume using ALIVELIHOOD 200ml Formula STEPS TO FOLLOW: 1. BLENDING /MIXING A. Prepare an empty mixing bottle that can hold 200ml solution (at least 300ml capacity) B. Put the 15% Fragrance with Fixative - a substance which prevents too rapid volatilization of the components of a perfume, and tends to equalize their rates of volatilization and increases the odor life of a perfume and keep the the odor unchanged. C. Add the Propylene Glycol - helps keep the water or moisture of the skin epidermis due to harsh effect of substances chemicals applied on the skin as well as caused by outside conditions. D. Add the Triple Deodorized Alcohol with Distilled Water in the Mixing bottle. E. Stir gently all the raw materials approximately 30 minutes with agitator or stirring rod to ensure a proper dilution of fragrance in alcohol. 2. MACERATION or AGING • Once mixed, let it stand and macerate @ RT (20C) so that all ingredients can interact and reach the right balance both in odor and color. 3. COOLING & FILTRATION A. When maceration is over, cool the solution down to 0 Celsius during 3 – 4 hours ( this operation is called “icing” of the alcoholic solution) Note: “Icing” must be increased by up to 24 hours for oriental fragrances. B. Filter carefully the solution thru filter paper while cold. Hassle - Free Simple Quick & Easy To Mix Non Warranty: The formulation above has been subjected to limited stability tests and has shown to perform very well. However, Formulators and Livelihood Entrepreneurs adopting this approach should ensure to their own satisfaction, long term stability and functionality. It is good practice to conduct safety tests on all final formulations prior to do actual selling/marketing of finish products. Suggested uses should not be taken as inducement to infringe any existing patents.