Project Criterion Which Enactus team most effectively used entrepreneurial action to empower people to improve their livelihoods in an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable way? Key Point Knowledge and Skills Implementation + Empowerment Project Method Sustainability Assessment Impact Measurement & Project Evaluation Implementation of Project Initial Livelihoods Analysis Project Scope Project Method Sustainability Assessment Impact Measurement & Project Evaluation Initial Livelihoods Analysis PROJECT CHARTER Implementation of Project Project Scope Sustainability Assessment ECONOMIC FACTORS SOCIAL INFLUENCES ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS Project Criterion What are livelihoods? What are Livelihoods? A livelihood comprises of assets and activities required to sustain a person’s life. Livelihood Livelihood Assets A livelihood is fueled by assets which often interrelate. By increasing, protecting, or improving access to one asset, your action could have multiple areas of impact. Livelihood Strategies Livelihood strategies are the methods and processes used to transform livelihood assets into livelihood outcomes. Livelihood Outcomes Sustainable Livelihoods A livelihood is sustainable when it can cope with and recover from stresses and shocks and maintain or enhance its capabilities and assets both now and in the future… Asset Categories FINANCIAL Employment Income Stocks, savings, etc. Access to financial services NATURAL SOCIAL HUMAN PHYSICAL Asset Categories SOCIAL FINANCIAL NATURAL Natural resources – air, water, etc. Waste management Biodiversity HUMAN PHYSICAL Asset Categories FINANCIAL HUMAN NATURAL SOCIAL Community Networking Relationships Trust PHYSICAL Asset Categories FINANCIAL NATURAL PHYSICAL SOCIAL HUMAN Skills Knowledge Ability Education Asset Categories FINANCIAL NATURAL SOCIAL HUMAN PHYSICAL Infrastructure Shelter Transportation Access to consumer goods Clean energy Project Life-Cycle See Opportunity - Conducted in partnership - Considers sustainability context in relation to livelihood assets - Identifies desired Livelihood Outcomes Vulnerability Context Livelihood Assets Transforming Structures and Processes Desired Livelihood Outcomes Take Action - Designed to protect, obtain or improve upon livelihood assets and strategies - May focus on one or more livelihood asset categories Project Scope Data/Metrics of Inputs and Outputs Enable Progress - Determines the effectiveness of the project - Makes the connection between project outputs and livelihood outcomes Final Impact Report Why does the data matter? Resilience of Livelihoods Project Measurement Inputs Outputs Outcomes Output/Outcome Measurement FINANCIAL New job Ability and means to save money Becoming an entrepreneur Income increase NATURAL SOCIAL HUMAN PHYSICAL Output/Outcome Measurement SOCIAL FINANCIAL NATURAL Improved waste management Increased biodiversity Use of natural resources HUMAN PHYSICAL Output/Outcome Measurement FINANCIAL HUMAN NATURAL SOCIAL Increased trust from community members Expansion of networks Relationship building PHYSICAL Output/Outcome Measurement FINANCIAL NATURAL PHYSICAL SOCIAL HUMAN Learning a new skill Acquiring education Professional development Output/Outcome Measurement FINANCIAL NATURAL SOCIAL HUMAN PHYSICAL Improved infrastructure Access to shelter or transportation New energy source Resources Resources ENACTUS HANDBOOK USA COMPANION GUIDE