Chapter 18 Classification

Finding Order In Diversity – 18.1
 How do we order species?
 Has this order changed over time?
 Will this order continue to change?
Assigning Scientific Names
 First step: describe and give a universally accepted
name to each species
 One of the easiest ways to classify is using a
dichotomous key – following a set of steps /
questions to arrive at a conclusion
Let’s Practice
 Copy the table below and choose 4 ways to categorize
the fruits with members at your table
Assigning Scientific Names
 Linnaeus invented a system of binomial
nomenclature – scientific name consisting of Genus
Assigning Scientific Names
 The goal of
systematics is to
organize living
things into groups
that have biological
meaning – higher
than Genus species
The Linnaean Classification System
 Linnaeus went from developing a system with 4
groups to one with seven hierarchical taxa:
The Linnaean Classification System
 As you down the ladder of classification, you get
more specific. We go from classifying according to
general similarities, to specifics and interbreeding
 Kingdom looks at generalities (are you multicellular?) while species looks at specifics (what’s
special about you?)
The Linnaean Classification System
 However, how do we decide which similarities and
differences are most important?
 Linnaeus used only similarities and differences with
other living organisms. Today, we also look at where
in the evolutionary tree does the organism belong
and its DNA.
Modern Evolutionary Classification – 18.2
 Linnaean classification had some faults under
Darwin’s theory of evolution… the “tree of life” did
not fit under it
How do we re-organize our classification to fit molecular
Evolutionary Classification
 The goal of phylogenetic systematics (evolutionary
classification) is to group species into larger
categories that reflect the lines of evolutionary
descent, rather than similarities or differences
Evolutionary Classification
 Common ancestors – as we go into higher taxa, we
get closer to our common ancestor
 Clades – include a common ancestor and all of its
Known as monophyletic – ‘mono’ meaning one ancestor
 A cladogram links groups of organisms by showing
how evolutionary lines, or lineages, branched off
from common ancestors
 When one species splits off into two (think the
finches), we call that a node in a cladogram. That
point represents the last point at which two lineages
shared a common ancestor
 The bottom, or “root” of the cladogram represents
the common ancestor
 Each branching pattern gives the degree of
relatedness between the organisms
 Cladograms depend on derived characteristics (a
trait that arose in a recent common ancestor in a
particular lineage) while Linnaean only grouped on
Sometimes traits are lost in the process of evolution, but it still
links them together!
Interpreting Cladograms
 The lowest node represents the last common
 Each derived character listed along the main trunk of
the cladogram defines a clade
Ex: retractable claws are only shared by Felidae (cats)
Interpreting Cladograms
 So where do Linnaeus and cladograms meet?
 Remember cladograms include the common ancestor and ALL
its descendants
 For example, birds do not fit into the traditional Linnaean
taxonomy, but they are reptiles! (come from the same common
DNA in Classification
 When organisms don’t have similar physical
characteristics, we turn to DNA to help us classify
In general, the more derived genetic characters two species
share, the more recently they shared a common ancestor and
the more closely they are related in evolutionary terms.
DNA in Classification
 Example: the Red Panda is more closely related to
raccoons than it is to Giant Pandas and Bears
Completely different genus! All this information from DNA.
18.2 – Let’s Practice
 Study Workbook A Pgs. 205-206
 Work with a buddy (one sheet of paper). Write the
question AND the answer
 No key concepts
 Due at the end of class!
18.3 Building The Tree Of Life
 Kingdoms in the 1700’s consisted only of Plantae and
Animalia. Today, we have 6 Kingdoms:
18.3 Changing Ideas About Kingdoms
 As research became more readily available, the
kingdoms went expanding according to different
characteristics each of the cells exhibited
Pg. 524, Figure 18-14 should be copied in your notes!
18.3 Changing Ideas About Kingdoms
 Kingdoms were not the only ones to change –
Domains changed too!
Went from Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes to Eubacteria,
Archaebacteria and Eukarya
18.3 The Tree Of Life
 The tree of life shows current hypotheses regarding
evolutionary relationships among the taxa within the
three domains of life
It is not fact or permanent, it’s constantly changing as we
discover new things!
18.3 The Tree Of Life
 Domain Bacteria:
 Unicellular
 Prokaryotic
 Thick cell walls with
 Can use photosynthesis
or oxygen (or not)
 Kingdom Eubacteria
18.3 The Tree Of Life
 Domain Archaea:
 Unicellular
 Prokaryotic
 Extremophiles
 Anaerobic (no oxygen)
 Cell walls with no
 Kingdom Archaebacteria
18.3 The Tree Of Life
 Domain Eukarya:
 Have nucleus
 Kingdom Protista
Kingdom Fungi
Heterotrophs who feed on decaying matter and have chitin in their
cell walls
Kingdom Plantae
Many different characteristics (uni / multicellular,
anaerobic/aerobic) and paraphyletic (not a true clade)
Autotrophs that have cellulose in their cell walls and do
Kingdom Animalia
Multicellular and heterotrophic with no cell walls
Let’s Practice!
 Study Workbook A Pgs. 207-209
 One sheet of paper for both of you, QUESTION &
 No key concepts
 Due at the end of class!