JIHT RAS Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Strongly-Coupled Degenerate ElectronIon Plasma by First-Principle Approaches Levashov P.R. Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Moscow, Russia Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, Russia *pasha@ihed.ras.ru In collaboration with: Minakov D.V. Knyazev D.V. Chentsov A.V. Khishchenko K.V. JIHT RAS Outline • • • • • • • • Strongly coupled degenerate plasma Ab-initio calculations Quantum-statistical models Density functional theory Quantum molecular dynamics Path-Integral Monte Carlo Wigner dynamics Conclusions JIHT RAS Ab-initio calculations • Thermodynamic, transport and optical properties • Use the following information: – fundamental physical constants – charge and mass of nuclei – thermodynamic state JIHT RAS Extreme States of Matter • Kirzhnits D.A., Phys. Usp., 1971 • Atomic system of units: – me = ħ = a0 = 1 • Extreme States of Matter (Kalitkin N.N.) – P = e2 a04 = 294.2 Mbar – E = e2 a0 = 27.2 eV – V = a03 = 0.1482 A • Hypervelocity impact, laser, electronic, ionic beams, powerful electric current pulse etc. JIHT RAS Coupling and Degeneracy in Plasma • Coupling parameter: G= U pot Ekin e2 = k BT r 1 - Strong coupling G (for electronic subsystem) • Degeneracy parameter 2 2 p nele3 , le2 = me kBT nele3 G nele3 1 1 1 - - Strong degeneracy Strongly coupled degenerate non-relativistic plasma (warm dense matter) JIHT RAS EOS: Traditional Form Adiabatic (Born-Oppenheimer) approximation (me << mi) ( { }) + F (V,T,{R }) ( ) F V,T = Fe V,T, R 0 t Free energy of electrons in the field of fixed ions n Free energy of ions interacting with potential depending on V and T Traditional form of semiempirical EOS. Free energy ( ) ( ) 0 t ( ) ( ) F V,T = Fc V + Fi V,T + Fe V,T Cold curve Thermal contribution Thermal contribution of electrons of atoms and ions Semiempirical expressions DFT, mean atom models Mean atom models or DFT calculations might help to decrease the number of fitting parameters JIHT RAS Electronic Contribution to Thermodynamic Functions: Hierarchy of Models • Exact solution of the 3D multi-particle Schrödinger equation • Atom in a spherical cell • Hartree-Fock method (1-electron wave functions) • Hartree-Fock-Slater method • Hartree method (no exchange) • Thomas-Fermi method • Ideal Fermi-gas r0 Z 4 3 1 p r0 = 3 n Finite-Temperature Thomas-Fermi Model The simplest mean atom model The simplest (and fully-determined) DFT model Correct asymptotic behavior at low T and V (ideal Fermi-gas) and at high T and V (ideal Boltzmann gas) r0 Z Poisson equation Δ V 4 π Z δ r 0 r rV r r 0 Z r0 2 π 2 θ V r0 0 3 2 V r μ I1 2 θ dV r dr r r0 0 Thomas-Fermi model is realistic but crude at relatively low temperatures and pressures. Thermal contributions to thermodynamic functions is a good approximation. Feynman R., Metropolis N., Teller E. // Phys. Rev. 1949. V.75. P.1561. HARTREE-FOCK-SLATER MODEL AT T>0 Nikiforov A.F., Novikov V.G., Uvarov V.B. Quantum-statistical models of hightemperature plasma. M.: Fizmatlit, 2000. Atom with mean populations N nl l exp nl εnl – energy levels in V(r) Potential: From the radial Schrödinger equation V r Vc r Vex r Poisson equation solution: r Z r Vc r r ' r ' dr ' r ' r ' dr r r r Exchange potential: Vex r r r r r . Iterative procedure for determination of ρ(r), εnl and V(r) ' RADIAL ELECTRON DENSITY r2 (r) BY HARTREE-FOCK-SLATER MODEL 160 140 Hartree-Fock-Slater Au ρ = 10-3 g/cm3 120 2 4r (r) 100 Thomas-Fermi 80 60 40 4·105 K 20 0 0.00 4·102 K 0.05 0.10 (r/r0) 1/2 0.15 JIHT RAS Density Functional Theory • Thomas-Fermi theory is the density functional theory: kinetic energy ETF [ n ] = C1 ò d rn ( r ) 3 C2 ò d rn ( r ) 3 43 53 external potential + ò d 3rVext ( r) n ( r) + 1 3 3 n ( r) n ( r¢) + d rd r¢ 2 r - r¢ exchange energy • Is it a general property? Hartree energy JIHT RAS Density Functional Theory For systems with Hamiltonian 2 1 1 e Hˆ = - å Ñi2 + åVext ( ri ) + å 2 i 2 i¹ j ri - rj i the following theorems are valid: Theorem 1. For any system of interacting particles in an external potential Vext(r) the potential Vext(r) is determined uniquely, except for a constant, by the ground state particle density of electrons n0(r). Therefore, all properties are completely determined given only the ground state electronic density n0(r). Theorem 2. A universal functional for the energy E[n] in terms of the density n(r) can be defined, valid for any external potential Vext(r). For any particular Vext(r), the exact ground state energy of the system is the global minimum value of this functional, and the density n(r) that minimizes the functional is the exact ground state density n0(r). Hohenberg, Kohn, 1964 JIHT RAS Kohn-Sham Functional The system of interacting particles is replaced by the system of non-interacting particles: EKS [n] = Ts [n]+ ò drVext ( r) n ( r) + EHartree [ n] + EII + EXC [n] exchangeion-ion interaction correlation functional kinetic energy All many-body effects of exchange and correlation are included into EXC[n] EXC [n] = Tˆ - Ts [n]+ Vˆint - EHartree [n] true system The minimization of EKS leads to the system of Kohn-Sham equations non-interacting system Kohn, Sham, 1965 JIHT RAS Minimization in HFS and DFT • In Hartree-Fock(-Slater) method we find min WéëY i ( r)ùû Y i (r) • In DFT we find min Wéën ( r)ùû n(r) JIHT RAS Density Functional Theory: All-Electron and Pseudopotential Approaches Full-potential approach: all electrons are taken into account (FP-LMTO) (S. Yu. Savrasov, PRB 54 16470 (1996), G. V. Sin'ko, N. A. Smirnov, PRB 74 134113 (2006) At T > 0: occupancies are f ( , , T ) 1 / 1 ex p ( ( , T )) / T Pseudopotential approach: the core is replaced by a pseudopotential, the Kohn-Sham equations are solved only for valent electrons (VASP) G. Kresse and J. Hafner, Phys. Rev. B 47, 558 (1993); 49, 14251 (1994). G. Kresse and J. Furthmuller, Phys. Rev. B 54, 11169 (1996). EF Core electrons T=0 EF T>0 Calculations were made in the unit cell at fixed ions and heated electrons JIHT RAS Aluminum. Cold Curve Pressure (Mbar) Pressure (Mbar) 200 Al Al is more compressible in VASP calculations than in FP-LMTO FP-LMTO 150 VASP 100 50 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Compression /ratio 0 Levashov P.R. et al., JPCM 22 (2010) 505501 JIHT RAS Potassium. Cold Curve K Pressure (Mbar) 20 3s, 3p, 4s VASP 15 10 FP-LMTO 3p, 4s 5 0 0 5 10 K is less compressible in VASP calculations than in FP-LMTO Less number of valent electrons leads to bigger disagreement with FP-LMTO 15 /0 Levashov P.R. et al., JPCM 22 (2010) 505501 JIHT DFT-calculations of Fe(Te, V) RAS Why can we use DFT for thermodynamic properties of electrons? 20 ThomasFermi with corrections e 15 Cv e ¶F ( r ,Te ) e 2 T PT = -r - Pc ¶r T Heat capacity of W, V0 W e E Te ( , Te ) C T e V 10 e V 2 bcc 5 1 fcc 0 0 5 10 15 24x24x24 mesh of k-points Nbands = 94 Ecut = 1020 eV Te (eV) • Cold ions, hot electrons • Heat capacity is very close for fcc and bcc structures of W • It should be close to unordered phase at the same density JIHT Tungsten, Ti = 0, V = V0. Electron Heat Capacity RAS 0.8 Thomas-Fermi 8 0.4 VASP IFG, Z = 6 4 Number of electrons 12 Isochoric heat capacity Core electrons become excited at ~3 eV W, bcc IFG, Z = 1 0 2 4 6 8 0.0 10 Temperature, eV Levashov P.R. et al., JPCM 22 (2010) 505501 JIHT Tungsten, Ti = 0, V = V0. Thermal Pressure RAS 5 Thermal pressure, Mbar W, bcc • Pressure is determined by free electrons only • Interaction of electrons should be taken into account Thomas-Fermi 4 3 IFG, Z = 6 2 1 0 IFG, Z = 1 0 2 4 6 8 Temperature, eV 10 12 Levashov P.R. et al., JPCM 22 (2010) 505501 JIHT RAS Thermal contribution of ions Ab-initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) F V,T = Fc V + Fi V,T + Fe V,T FAIMD (V,T ) - Fe (V,T ) - Fc (V ) + Fions,kin (V,T ) From AIMD From AIMD From DFT Analytic expression But it’s better to use AIMD to calibrate the EOS by changing fitting parameters Desjarlais M., Mattson T.R., Bonev S.A., Galli G., Militzer B., Holst B., Redmer R., Renaudin P., Clerouin J. and many others use AIMD to compute EOS for many substances JIHT RAS Details of the AIMD simulations • We use VASP (Vienna Ab Initio Simulation Package) - package for performing ab-initio quantum-mechanical molecular dynamics (MD) using pseudopotentials and a plane wave basis set. • Generalized Gradient Approximation (GGA) for Exchange and Correlation functional • Ultrasoft Vanderbilt pseudopotentials (US-PP) • One point (Γ-point) in the Brillouin zone • The QMD simulations were performed for 108 atoms of Al • The dynamics of Al atoms was simulated within 1 ps with 2 fs time step • The electron temperature was equal to the temperature of ions through the Fermi–Dirac distribution • 0.1 < ρ / ρ0 < 3, T < 75000 K G. Kresse and J. Hafner, Phys. Rev. B 47, 558 (1993); 49, 14251 (1994). G. Kresse and J. Furthmuller, Phys. Rev. B 54, 11169 (1996). JIHT RAS Al, ionic configurations Full energy during the simulations Normal conditions, solid phase T=1550 K; ρ=2.23 g/cm3; liquid phase 108 atoms US pseudopotential; 1 k-point in the Brillouin zone; cut-off energy 100 eV; 1 step – 2 fs Configurations for electrical conductivity calculations are taken after equilibration Isotherm T = 293 K for Al 8 7 6 Pressure, Mbar Al - VASP - Wang et al. (2000) - Greene et al. (1994) - Akahama et al. (2006), fcc - Akahama et al. (2006), hcp 5 4 3 2 1 0 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 / 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 QMD results show good agreement with experiments and calculations for fcc. Shock Hugoniots of Al Pressure – compression ratio Shock Hugoniot of Al. Melting 8000 - VASP Hugoniot - MPTEOS Hugoniot - MPTEOS melting curve - Exp. melting Boehler & Ross 1997 7500 7000 Temperature, K 6500 6000 5500 5000 4500 4000 Al 3500 3000 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 Pressure, kbar Higher melting temperatures by QMD calculations might be caused by a small number of particles NB: we can trace phase transitions in 1-phase simulation Melting criterion for aluminum Equilibrium configurations of Al ions at 5950 and 6000 K Cumulative distribution functions C(q6) and C(w6) are extremely sensitive measure of the local orientation order This criterion may be applied to other structural phase transitions Rotational invariants of 2nd (q6) and 3rd (w6) orders Klumov B.A., Phys. Usp. 53, 1045 (2010) Steinhardt P.J. et al, PRL 47, 1297 (1981) Melting curve of aluminum Shock-wave Shaner et al., 1984 DAC QMD QMD, 108 particles, equilibrium configurations analysis Size effect should be checked Boehler R., Ross M. Earth Plan. Sci. Lett. 153, 223 (1997) JIHT Release Isentropes of Al RAS correspond to the experiments from M. V. Zhernokletov et al. // Teplofiz. Vys. Temp. 33(1), 40-43 (1995) [in Russian] - Zhernokletov et al. (1995) - VASP - MPTEOS Al 1000 Pressure, kbar 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0 1 2 3 4 5 Mass velocity, km/s 6 7 8 JIHT Release Isentropes of Al RAS correspond to the experiments from Knudson M.D., Asay J.R., Deeney C. // J. Appl. Phys. V. 97. P. 073514. (2005) 10000 Al - Knudson et al. (2005) - VASP - MPTEOS Pressure, kbar 1000 100 10 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Mass velocity, km/s 20 22 24 26 JIHT RAS Sound Velocity in Shocked Al 13 12 Sound velocity, km/s Al - Al'tshuler et al. (1960) - McQueen et al. (1984) - Neal et al. (1975) - MPTEOS - VASP 11 10 9 8 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mass velocity, km/s Oscillations are caused by errors of interpolation 7 Compression Isentrope of Deuterium Deuterium T0 = 7.6 kK (AIMD) T0 = 3.1 kK (EOS) T0 = 2.1 kK (SAHA-D) T0 = 1 kK (ReMC) JIHT Ab initio complex electrical conductivity RAS Complex electrical conductivity: current density ( ) jw = s 1 (w ) + is 2 (w ) Ew electrical field strength The real part of conductivity is responsible for energy absorption by electrons and is calculated by Kubo-Greenwood formula: 2p e 2 2 N N 3 é s 1 (w ) = 2 åååë f ei - f e j ùû Y j Ña Y i 3m wW i=1 j=1 a =1 ( ) ( ) occupancies for the energy level ε 2 d (e j - ei - w ) broadening is required Kubo-Greenwood formula includes matrix elements of the velocity operator, energy levels and occupancies calculated by DFT The imaginary part of conductivity is calculated by the Kramers-Kronig relation: s 1 (n )w s 2 (w ) = - P ò 2 dn 2 p 0 (n - w ) 2 ¥ L.L. Moseley, T. Lukes, Am.J.Phys, 46, 676 (1978) JIHT Transport properties: Onsager coefficients RAS Definition of Onsager coefficients Lmn: current density heat flow density electric field strength L12 ÑT ö 1æ j = ç L11E ÷ eè T ø L22ÑT ö 1æ jq = 2 ç eL21E ÷ T e è ø jq = -KÑT temperature gradient L11 – electrical conductivity Onsager coefficients are symmetric: j =0 at L12 = L21 Using the Onsager coefficients the thermal conductivity coefficient becomes: L12 L21 ö 1 æ K = 2 çç L22 ÷÷ L11 ø eTè Wiedemann-Frantz law: K (T ) (T ) T L 2 k 2 3 e 2 Lorentz number thermoelectric term Optical properties Imaginary part of electrical conductivity is calculated from the real one by the KramersKronig relation: 2 ( ) 2 P 1 ( ) ( ) 2 2 d Real and imaginary parts of complex dielectric function: 1 ( ) 1 2 ( ) 0 ; 2 ( ) 1 ( ) 0 ; Complex index of refraction: n ( ) 1 2 | ( ) | 1 ( ) ;k ( ) 1 2 | ( ) | 1 ( ) ; [1 n ( )] k ( ) 2 [1 n ( )] k ( ) 2 2 Reflectivity: r ( ) 2 Static electric conductivity is calculated by linear extrapolation (by 2 points) of dynamic electrical conductivity to zero frequency Al, T=1550 K, ρ=2.23 g/cm3 Real part of electrical conductivity Real part of dielectric function 256 atoms; US pseudopotential; 1 k-point in the Brillouine zone; cut-off energy 200 eV; δ-function broadening 0.1 eV; 15 configurations; 1500 steps; 1 step – 2 fs In liquid phase the dependence of electrical conductivity is Drude-like. The agreement with reference data is good Krishnan et al., Phys. Rev. B, 47, 11 780 (1993) Al, 1000 K – 10000 K, ρ = 2.35 g/cm3 Static electrical conductivity Thermal conductivity coefficient 108 particles 108 particles 256 particles 256 particles 256 atmos; US pseudopotential; 1 k-point in the Brillouin zone; energy cut-off 200 eV; δ-function broadening 0.07 eV - 0.1 eV ; 15 configurations; 1500 steps; 1 step – 2 fs Thermoelectric correction is not more than 2% at T < 10 kK Recoules and Crocombette, Phys. Rev. B, 72, 104202 (2005) Rhim and Ishikawa, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 69, 10, 3628-3633 (1998) JIHT RAS Al, 1000 K – 20000 K, 2.35-2.70 g/cm3 Dependence of Lorentz number on temperature Thermal conductivity and Onsager L22 coefficient, temperature dependence Thermoelectric Correction, ~10% Al ρ=2.35 г/см3 Al ρ=2.70 г/см3 256 atoms; US pseudopotential; 1 k-point in the Brillouin zone; energy cut-off 200 eV; δ-function broadening 0.07 eV - 0.1 eV; 15 configurations; 1500 steps; 1 step – 2 fs Distinction of Lorentz number from the ideal value is about 20%. Thermoelectric correction is substantial only at 20 kK (10%). Recoules and Crocombette, Phys. Rev. B, 72, 104202 (2005) Beyond DFT and Mean Atom: Path Integral Monte Carlo and Wigner Dynamics JIHT RAS PATH INTEGRAL MONTE-CARLO METHOD for degenerate hydrogen plasma (V. M. Zamalin, G. E. Norman, V. S. Filinov, 1973-1977) • Binary mixture of Ne quantum electrons, Ni classical protons • Partition function: Z N e , N i ,V , Q N e , N i , N e ! N i ! Q ( N e , Ni , b ) = å ò dq dr r ( q,r,s ; b ) s V • Density matrix: exp H exp H exp H n+1 1 kT n 1 JIHT RAS PATH INTEGRAL MONTE-CARLO METHOD electron eb r(n+1) = r σ’ = σ e 2 m e r(2) Pa 2 m e λΔ r(1) = r + λΔξ(1) λe r(n) proton qa r rb parity of permutation q , r , ; 1 3i N 3Ν i thermal wavelengths of electron and ion P e 1 P 1 dr n dr V q , r , r ; q , r 1 n , Pr n 1 permutation operator ; S P , spin matrix JIHT PATH INTEGRAL MONTE-CARLO METHOD RAS Path integral representation of density matrix: q , r , ; dR 1 dR n 1 R q i ,r i ˆ ' Pˆ n 1 1 S , P kP P V i n i R i 1 e H R i ˆ spin matrix permutation operator Hˆ Kˆ Uˆ c , Uˆ c Uˆ cp Uˆ ce Uˆ cep n U l N e l q ,r , ; e pp p 1 l 1 U U le U p l ep l Ne s n ,1 C N e det ab s 0 kinetic part of density matrix s exchange effects JIHT KELBG PSEUDOPOTENTIAL RAS First order perturbation theory solution of two-particle Bloch equation for density matrix in the limit of weak coupling d ab rab ,r , e a e b erf d ab 2 ab 1 0 1 ab ' ab d ' d ab rab 1 rab 1 ab m a 1 m b 1 Diagonal Kelbg potential: rab 0 eaeb ab ab rab , ab 2 2 ab eaeb ab x ab 1 e rab ab 2 x ab x ab 1 erf x ab x ab rab ab eaeb r ab Ebeling et al., Contr. Plasma Phys., 1967 JIHT ACCURACY OF DIRECT PIMC RAS ˆ e Hˆ 1 k BT ˆ e Hˆ e Hˆ e n+1 Hˆ Kˆ Uˆ e Kˆ e Uˆ Hˆ e 2 2 Error ~ (β / n)2 for every multiplier n 1 Kˆ ,Uˆ 1 at n -> ∞ Total error Δρ ~ β2 / n -> 0 at n->∞ free pot High-temperature pseudopotential JIHT RAS TREATMENT OF EXCHANGE EFFECTS Inside main cell – exchange matrix e Maine MC cell e Outside main cell – by perturbation theory Accuracy control – comparison with ideal degenerate gas n e ~ 300 3 e Filinov V.S. // J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 34, 1665 (2001) Filinov V.S. et al. // J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 36, 6069 (2003) HYDROGEN, PIMC-SIMULATION, n = 1021 cm-3 Ne = Ni = 56, n = 20 T = 50 kK ρ = 1.67x10-3 g/cm3 Γ = 0.54 nλ3 = 3.7 x10-2 T = 10 kK Γ = 2.7 nλ3 = 0.41 - proton - electron - electron HYDROGEN, PIMC-SIMULATION AND CHEMICAL PICTURE, ne = 1020, 1021 cm-3 Pressure Energy 1 .0 10 14 b) E , e rg / g P, GPa 0 .8 1 - 10 20 0 .6 -3 cm , D P IM C 21 - 1 0 , D P IM C 20 0 .4 - 10 , SC -3 cm , D P IM C 21 - 1 0 , D P IM C 0 .1 - 10 20 10 20 21 - 10 , SC 13 - 10 - 10 , SC 21 - 10 - 10 , SC 20 0 .2 21 T, K 0 .0 1 10 4 10 5 0 .0 10 6 10 4 10 5 T, K D. Saumon, G. Chabrier, H.M. Van Horn, Astrophys. J. Suppl.Ser. 1995. V.99. P.713 10 6 re la tive n u m b e r co n ce n tra tio n a) 10 DEUTERIUM SHOCK HUGONIOTS 2000 - NOVA - NOVA 1000 800 600 400 P, GPa Grishechkin et al. Pis’ma v ZhETF. 2004. V.80. P.452 (hemishpere) - gas gun - Z-pinch - Mochalov 200 - Mochalov - Trunin 100 80 60 40 - REMC - DPIMC 20 10 8 6 4 3 0.171 g/cm3 2720 bar 0.153 g/cm3 2000 bar , g/cm 3 g/cm3 0.1335 1550 bar 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 HYDROGEN, PIMC-SIMULATION, T = 10000 K Ne = Ni = 56, n = 20 n = 3x1022 cm-3 ρ = 0.05 g/cm3 Γ = 8. 4 nλ3 = 12.4 n = 1023 cm-3 ρ = 0.167 g/cm3 Γ = 12.5 nλ3 = 41 - proton - electron - electron PIMC SIMULATION - proton - electron Ne = Ni = 56, n = 20 protons ordering - electron 5 30r2gee 4 gii 3 gee 2 T = 10000 K, n = 3x1025 cm-3, ρ = 50.2 g/cm3 Γ = 84 nλ3 = 12400 1 gei 0 JETP Letters 72, 245 (2000) 0.1 0.2 r/aB 50 ELECTRON DENSITY DISTRIBUTION IN TWOCOMPONENT DEGENERATE SYSTEM IN COULOMB CRYSTAL mh= 800 me= 2.1 <r>/aB = 3 top view - hole ρ = 25 T / Eb = 0.002 - hole - electron side view - electron 51 QUANTUM DYNAMICS IN WIGNER REPRESENTATION Quasi-distribution function in phase space for the quantum case q , q Density matrix: Wigner function: W L q , p * q q Nd Evolution equation: t p W L m W t L p W m q L ,q i e i q q p , p e dp L q s , q Classical limit ħ -> 0: q q W q q , q W L C dsW Nd L ip t Hˆ , d W L R p s , q , t s , q ds sq ' U q q sin d q Characteristics (Hamilton equations): U W q p L q p m p U q SOLUTION OF WIGNER EQUATION W p, q ,t W p , q , t ; p , q , W p , q dp dq t d ' dp 'dq ' W p , q , t ; p ' , q ' , ' dsW p ' s , q ' , ' s , q ' Dynamical trajectories: dp dt dq dt F q t , q ' ' ; p ' , q ' , ' q ' q p p t m , p ' ' ; p ' , q ' , ' p ' Propagator: p ' , q ' , ' ( p , q , t ; p ' , q ' , ' ) p p t ( t ; p ' , q ' , ' ) ( q q t t ; p ' , q ' , ' W Quantum dynamics in Wigner representation Dynamic conductivity 100 4 W ( p ( ), q ( )) initial quantum distribution 5 10 Re{p} λ T = 2 10 rs = 43.2 Veysman et al.3 Tkachenko et 4al. Bornath et al 5 10 1 0,1 dq dt p (t ) 5000-20000 configurations random + momentum jumps m ~ FT p ( t ) p ( ) 35 50 QD 30 5 10 Re{p} dt F ( q ( t )) hν = Ry QD 0 dp T0 = 2·104 K K 1 rs = 43.22 25 100 ω/ω pp 4 T=2 T 10= K2·10 rs=5 K 4 0 h =1 Ry r = 5 s QD 20 15 Bornath et al. Ternovoi et al. 10 2 3 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 ω/ ωp Conclusions • Ab initio methods are useful for calculation of different properties of matter at high energy density • The main goal of ab initio methods is to replace experiment; in some cases it’s already possible • Growth of computational possibilities will allow to apply more general approaches for calculation of plasma properties (quantum filed theory) • Currently, however, semiempirical approaches are main workhorses; ab initio methods are used for calibration of such models Thermodynamic Functions of Thomas-Fermi Model Free energy: F (V ,T ) 2 2 aT 5 2 2 1 1 5 5 I 3 2 8 u I 3 2 d u 3 u I 1 2 ( )d u 0 0 T - dimensionless atomic potential, = / (u2T), a – cell volume, u = (r / r0)1/2 Expressions for 1st derivatives of F (P and S) are known. Second derivatives of free energy PV FV V ' '' PT FV T ' S ' T '' F '' TT 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 a T 2 3 2 ' I1 2 V T ' I 1 2 T T N ,T 1 5T 2 u 5 I 3 2 N ,V I 3 2 I1 2 3 T T T 5 3 u 3 T' T 2 2 T I1 2 u T T I 1 2 d u ' 0 Shemyakin O.P. et al., JPA 43, 335003 (2010) Second Derivatives of the Thomas-Fermi Model The number of particles and potential are the functions of the grand canonical ensemble variables, which are in turn depend on the variables of the canonical ensemble: N N N ,V ,T , N ,V ,T ,T N ,V ,T N ,V ,T , N ,V ,T ,T N ,V ,T From the expressions for (N’T)N,, (’T)N, и (N’)T,N one can obtain: N T , N ,T T V ,N We need 6 derivatives in the grand canonical ensemble N ,T N ,T V N ,T ' ,T T' , ' T , N T , T T N N , , ,T ,T NT' , N ' T , N' T , Shemyakin O.P. et al., JPA 43, 335003 (2010) TF Potential and its Derivatives on , and T Derivative of the Poisson equation on : Poisson equation W u ; ' W u 2 u V ; V ' 2 a u 3T 3 2 I 12 u W Z r0 ,W u 0 2 W u 2 2 T u Wu ; ' u 1 u 1 0. L ' ; ,T L' 2 u M ; u 3 3 2 4au T ' 12 I1 2 a u T I 1 2 L ; M u 3 ' L Lu u 1 0 . u 1 N ' Derivative on : 2 ' u ; ,T ' auT 1 2 u 2 I ; 1 2 u ' 12 2 u I 1 2 ; u auT ' u 1 Fu u 1 0 . ' N ,T ,T Derivative on T: Q T' ; , Q ' 2 u R ; u ' 3 12 3 I 1 2 I 1 2 a u T 1 2Q I 1 2 ; Ru au T ' Q u 1 Q u u 1 0 . N ' T , Adiabatic Sound Velocity by ThomasFermi Model Isotherms V Ideal Fermi-gas V, atomic units PROBLEMS OF TF MODEL • Thomas-Fermi method is quasiclassical; if one calculates energy levels in VTF(r) using the Shrödinger equation and then electron density quant(r), it will differ from the original TF electron density (r) • Mean ion charge is roughly determined • The solution is to make (r) self-consistent and use the corrected potential and electron density MEAN ION CHARGE (HFS) = const 12 Al = 10-3 g/cm3 <Z> 10 Thomas-Fermi 8 Chemical plasma model 6 4 Hartree-Fock-Slater 2 0 T, K 5 10 6 10 7 10 TYPICAL CONFIGURATION OF PARTICLES H + He mixture, T = 105 K, ne = 1023 cm-3 m He m He m H 0 . 988 40 α-particles, 2 protons, 82 electrons α-particle proton electron, He+ electron, He ENERGY IN H + He MIXTURE ON ISOTHERMS 2 .0 1 .5 m He E / NRy m H m He 200 kK 0 . 234 1 .0 Ideal, 100 kK 0 .5 100 kK 50 kK 0 .0 40 kK 10 20 10 22 n e , cm -3 10 24 D. Saumon, G. Chabrier, H.M. Van Horn, Astrophys. J. Suppl.Ser. 1995. V.99. P.713 ELECTRON-HOLE PLASMA. PIMC SNAPSHOT crystal, mh(eff) = 800, me(eff) = 1 <r>/aB = 0.63 T = 0.064Eb - hole - hole - electron - electron 64 ELECTRON-HOLE PLASMA. PIMC SNAPSHOT still crystal, mh(eff) = 100, me(eff) = 1 <r>/aB = 0.63 T = 0.064Eb - hole - hole - electron - electron 65 ELECTRON-HOLE PLASMA. PIMC SNAPSHOT liquid, mh(eff) = 25, me(eff) = 1 <r>/aB = 0.63 T = 0.064Eb - hole - hole - electron - electron 66 ELECTRON-HOLE PLASMA. PIMC SNAPSHOT unordered plasma, mh(eff) = 1, me(eff) = 1 <r>/aB = 0.63 T = 0.064Eb - hole - hole - electron - electron 67 PAIR DISTRIBUTION FUNCTIONS. QUANTUM MELTING <r>/aB = 0.63 e-e T = 0.064Eb e-e h-h h-h M = mh / me e-e e-e h-h h-h 68 PSEUDOPOTENTIALS IN DFT • Diminish the number of plane waves necessary for the good representation of inner electrons wave functions • Part of electrons are considered as a core, part as valent • Pseudopotential is constructed at T = 0 and doesn’t depend on pressure and temperature Pseudopotential approach Valent electrons (plane waves) Core electrons (pseudopotential) Full-potential approach muffin-tin orbitals for all electrons APPROXIMATIONS IN PSEUDOPOTENTIAL APPROACH Pseudopotential describes electrons with energies less than the Fermi energy – errors at relatively high temperatures EF EF T=0 T>0 Spatial distribution of core electrons in a pseudopotential is unchanged – errors at relatively high pressures P=0 P>0 HOLE-HOLE DISTANCE FLUCTUATIONS Lindemann criterion 71 JIHT Electron Heat Capacity for W at T = 11eV. Return of Free Electrons into 4f-state under Compression RAS W, bcc 8 12 eV (%) ion ion 8 4 W 6 98 4 96 0 N4f (0) - N4f () 12 100 CV / CV(ρ0) 2 Number of returned electrons (%) 0 1.0 1.2 94 1 eV 0 1.0 1.2 1.4 / 1.6 0 Compression ratio 1.8 v e capacity Electron heat Cv 16 ion N4f (of 0) f-electrons Fraction W W, bcc, T = 11 eV 1.4 1.6 /0 Compression ratio Electrons return to 4f state under compression 1.8 92