A&D Automated Calibration Tool: ORION April 25, 2012 Overview: What is ORION ORION is a supervisory test cell control system ORION automates the characterization of engines ORION data is used to optimize engine control ORION supports a variety of DoE and Optimization tools – MBC toolbox from the Mathworks – Easy DoE from IAV – Excel spreadsheet Developed and maintained by A&D and IAV GmbH Overview: What is ORION? User imports or defines a set of parameters and a sequence of actions to complete the tests Test plan can be DoE from several tools Takes control of ECU calibration system and test bench to run tests using action sequence with setpoints from experiments During test data is collected to be used to characterize the engine Data is then used to optimize the engine in the model based calibration process for optimization Overview: The Problem Many Parameters to Vary Intake Cam Timing Environmental Conditions Shifts Start of Injection Spark Timing A/F ratio Exhaust Cam Timing EGR Drive by Wire Fuel Efficiency Noise and Vibration Driveability Emissions Performance Requirements: New Processes and Tools Overview: The Solution Model Based Calibration Time Conventional Model Based Complexity Response Overview: Aim of DoE Design Full factorial map (18 points) Input Response DOE map ( 7 points) Input Overview: ORION Calibration Process ORION test automation : ‒ Flexible test automation by user-defined test sequence ‒ Expandable function library ‒ Supports of a wide variety of DoE - and calibration tools ‒ Open workflow: advanced tools for experts or simplified GUI for standard tasks experiment design measurement modeling optimization mapping ORION MBC Toolbox MBC Toolbox MBC Toolbox DoE/calibration expert DoE/calibration expert MBC Toolbox ステータス コントロールパネル DoE expert 計測定義ファイル読込 コメント AND3k WD SparkSweep.tdf 設定確認 運転開始 50 MPI² (or ATLAS) モデル作成用計測 Online Optimize OK 一時停止 運転終了 RPT WD OK AND3k Log Logging AND3k Log Logging トルク VVT % 5 10 20 5 10 20 EGR % * * 0 5 10 15 Spark 20 25 計測・制御値 50 スロットル開度 40 * * * 30 20 0 DoE expert 20 10 10 20 30 40 10 20 Operating Point 10 … or other tools Throttle % 10 20 40 10 20 40 High Limit calibration engineer Boost kPa NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN Low Limit or Simplified GUI (e.g. MBC-Commandline) 計測点を指定する SPEED rpm 1000 1000 1000 2000 2000 2000 * * 30 計測点読込 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 * * 40 運転パターン表示 * * * * * * 1000 2000 3000 回転数 HC 120 ppm Knock 35 mbar ExGasTemp 480 ℃ CataTemp 650 ℃ Spark 4000 5000 6000 30 or Simplified GUI or Simplified GUI or Simplified GUI (e.g. MBC-Command line) (e.g. MBC-Commandline) (e.g. MBC-Commandline) calibration engineer calibration engineer calibration engineer 25 deg 0 20 40 60 計測値・制御値 80 100 … or other tools … or other tools … or other tools コメント表示 MBT : Spark 19 [deg] -à Torque 40.5 [Nm] Optimize 終了 user for tool calibration engineer user for tool user for tool workflow company A user for tool workflow company B Overview: ORION in the Test Cell ORION Communication ORION (Supervisory Control) iTEST Communication iTEST (Real-Time Control) – any DAC system possible with driver ORION DoE Tool MathWorks Test Plan 1. Global 2. Local Spark Sweep 3. Local AFR Sweep CONSTRAINTS (Data) 1. Exhaust Temp 2. Knock iTEST (or any DAC) PROCEDURES 1. Start 2. ORION Command 3. Stop ASAP 3 TEST BED iCONNECT LIMITS (engine) 1. Temp 2. RPM 3. Pressure PIDs ECU Development Tool (INCA/Vision) ASAP3 INCA CAS ANDROMEDA (ADX Dyno/Throttle Controller) CAS System Overview: Build Configuration Sequence Parameter Test Plan Excel MBC-Toolbox Parameter Setup: • Test bench system • ECU • Define Execution Order of Actions • Set Action Options (choose parameter to set and limit parameter) Automated Engine Test Run • Define Parameter Properties (e.g. limits, step width, channel names, …) Overview: ORION Programs MDA – Measurement Definition Application: The Configuration GUI • MA – Measurement Application: The Test Execution GUI Overview: File Input Interfaces ORION Configuration ECU parameter and map names *.a2l file ORION Configuration Excel Test plan *.csv file (Excel, MBC-Toolbox, …) MBC-Toolbox match columns with parameter names Detail: Connection in Test Cell (1) ORION ORION High Speed Interface ORION High Speed Interface Ethernet link ASAP3 on TCP/IP + UDP for high speed data transfer ORION-Interface ASAP3 Client ORION-Interface ASAP3 Server Standardized protocol: ASAP3, ASAM-MCD3 ETAS INCA ECU Calibration System PC ASAP3 ASAP3 Client A&D iTest/ADAPT Test Cell System PC Detail: Connection in Test Cell (2) ORION ORION High Speed Interface ORION High Speed Interface Ethernet link ASAP3 on TCP/IP + UDP for high speed data transfer ORION-Interface ASAP3 Client ORION-Interface ASAP3 Server Standardized protocol: ASAP3, ASAM-MCD3 Vector CANape ECU Calibration System PC COM ASAP3 Client AVL PumaOpen Test Cell System PC Using: Easy Interface for Operator Level of Usage: Easy to use test run interface handled by test cell operator Running of predefined sequences for standard tests Required Skills: Experience of work at the test cell Work with standard PC program Load Configuration Start Pause Step Stop Using: Configuration by Engineer Level of Usage: Easy to use configuration GUI handled by calibration engineer and experienced test cell operator Parameter Definition Modification of parameter properties (limits, step width) Changing test sequence by choosing functions from the Action Library Sequence Definition Test Plan Required Skills: Engine calibration experience Using: Customization by Expert Building Test Sequence Action Library Level of Usage: Open programming interface with templates to create user defined strategies Add new functions to the Action Library Support for different programming languages (Simulink, m-Files, C#, …) Outputs Inputs User-defined Function Model-Based Calibration Example ECU-torque model Definition of Factors and Responses Zündwinkelschleifen Spark sweep n = 1000 min Example ECU Structure: -1 130 KFMIRL (calculation set value air mass) 110 Experimental Design WOT KFMDS (friction torque) ORION ETADZW (spark dependence) 70 ETALAM (lambda dependence) 50 120 rl=20% 30 100 ETADZW / % Test Bench Measurements Drehmoment / Nm 90 10 80 60 40 20 -10 0 6 0 10 5 20 30 40 50 Zündwinkel-Spätverstellung / °KW 4 3 -30 -15 -5 5 15 25 35 DZWOLA ModelBuilding 2 1 0 -1 Zündwinkel / °KWvOT -2 -3 -4 Optimization Evaluation Filling ECU Maps -5 0.65 0.75 0.85 0.95 1.05 Lambda 102 / - Offline ECU model calibration DoE-Model output => ECU model output ETALAM / % 101 100 99 98 97 96 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Lambda / - 1 1.1 Model-Based Calibration Example DoE-Instruction for Measurement (collect 2 data points per spark sweep) Torque Limit of: HC COV Catalyst Temperature 0% 45 °CA Limit of: HC COV Knocking Limit 10 °CA 100 % torquemax 1. 2. Find MBT Set Spark Timing Offset relative to MBT (value given by test plan) Ignition Angle Model-Based Calibration Example Spark Sweep Sequence Parameter Definition Limit Definition Store Values For Reset all Maps, Parameters Start Parallel Control 1 + 2 Cntr1: CA50, Cntrl2: AFR Set Operating Point Speed, Relative Load Set Direct Swirl Flap Set Stepwise Camshaft Position COV, HC Set Indirect EGR-Rate using EGR-Valve COV, HC Stop Parallel Control Control 1: CA50, Control 2: AFR Optimize Torque by SparkTiming Knock, Exh.Temp.,COV, HC Stabilize Exhaust Temperature Knock, Exh.Temp.,COV, HC Measure Time Knock, Exh.Temp.,COV HC Set Stepwise SparkTiming Offset Knock, Exh.Temp.,COV HC Stabilize Exhaust Temperature Knock, Exh.Temp.,COV HC Measure Time Knock, Exh.Temp.,COV HC Reset ECU all Maps, Parameters Cntrl1: Knock, Cntrl2: Exh.Temp. Specifications: Included Components • • • • • • Included Test Bench Integration Interfaces – iTest, ADAPT, PUMA, FEV TCM and others Included ECU Calibration Tool Interfaces – ETAS INCA, ATI Vision, Vector CANape Included Actions Configuration file – ORION XML configuration file Input files – *.csv DoE file, *.a2l file ECU parameters Output files – *.csv measurement file Summary • Using this process of combining ORION in the test cell for measurement with DoE and modeling tools has been used to turn test cycles of months into weeks – Accuracy of the calibration in all cases has been better or the same – Repeatability is always enhanced. • ORION uses ASAM MCD interfaces where possible in the test cell environment to automate the difficult task of measurement – ORION adapts to existing test cell architectures as necessary.